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Case Reports
Journal Article
Severe anemia in an adolescent male with sickle cell trait: a case report.
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/oncology 2015 January
BACKGROUND: Sickle cell trait is generally considered a benign condition. However, it has been associated with uncommon comorbidities such as painless gross hematuria secondary to renal papillary necrosis and renal medullary carcinoma.
OBSERVATION: We present a 16-year-old African American boy with sickle cell trait and a recent history of prolonged gross hematuria due to renal papillary necrosis. The patient developed severe iron deficiency anemia and required transfusion support.
CONCLUSIONS: Although renal papillary necrosis is well-described, it is uncommon in pediatrics and only rarely results in the need for transfusion.
OBSERVATION: We present a 16-year-old African American boy with sickle cell trait and a recent history of prolonged gross hematuria due to renal papillary necrosis. The patient developed severe iron deficiency anemia and required transfusion support.
CONCLUSIONS: Although renal papillary necrosis is well-described, it is uncommon in pediatrics and only rarely results in the need for transfusion.
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