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Phonosurgery of vocal fold polyps, cysts and nodules is beneficial.
Danish Medical Journal 2013 Februrary
INTRODUCTION: This study reports our experience with microscopic phonosurgery (PS) of benign lesions of the vocal folds.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the five-year period from 2003 to 2007, a total of 97 patients had PS for vocal fold polyps (n = 63), vocal fold cysts (n = 17), vocal fold nodules (n = 12) or vocal fold oedema (n = 5). Their average age was 41 years; 62% were women and 69% were smokers. Post-operative voice therapy was given to 45 patients. Post-operative clinical evaluation was available for data analysis in 89 patients (92%). Voice quality was assessed using the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP), video-stroboscopy and self-reported assessment. The median follow-up time was 3.9 months.
RESULTS: Post-operative voice quality was reported as unaffected in 85%, improved but moderately affected in 13%, and severely affected in one patient with a cyst and vocal fold sulcus. Unaffected voice quality was obtained in 91% of patients not receiving voice therapy and in 77% of patients receiving voice therapy. All lesions except one polyp in the anterior commissure were completely removed. MDVP was performed both pre- and post-operatively in 22% of patients. The effect was a significant improvement of jitter (p = 0.013), shimmer (p = 0.001) and Soft Phonation Index (p = 0.013).
CONCLUSION: PS is a quick and effective treatment with uncommon and transient post-operative complications. Objective assessment of the voice pre- and post-operatively should be used consistently and applied in controlled studies evaluating the additional impact of pre- and post-operative voice therapy.
FUNDING: not relevant.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the five-year period from 2003 to 2007, a total of 97 patients had PS for vocal fold polyps (n = 63), vocal fold cysts (n = 17), vocal fold nodules (n = 12) or vocal fold oedema (n = 5). Their average age was 41 years; 62% were women and 69% were smokers. Post-operative voice therapy was given to 45 patients. Post-operative clinical evaluation was available for data analysis in 89 patients (92%). Voice quality was assessed using the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP), video-stroboscopy and self-reported assessment. The median follow-up time was 3.9 months.
RESULTS: Post-operative voice quality was reported as unaffected in 85%, improved but moderately affected in 13%, and severely affected in one patient with a cyst and vocal fold sulcus. Unaffected voice quality was obtained in 91% of patients not receiving voice therapy and in 77% of patients receiving voice therapy. All lesions except one polyp in the anterior commissure were completely removed. MDVP was performed both pre- and post-operatively in 22% of patients. The effect was a significant improvement of jitter (p = 0.013), shimmer (p = 0.001) and Soft Phonation Index (p = 0.013).
CONCLUSION: PS is a quick and effective treatment with uncommon and transient post-operative complications. Objective assessment of the voice pre- and post-operatively should be used consistently and applied in controlled studies evaluating the additional impact of pre- and post-operative voice therapy.
FUNDING: not relevant.
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