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Case Reports
Journal Article
Potential risks of chronic sildenafil use for priapism in sickle cell disease.
Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011 November
INTRODUCTION: Priapism is a common concern in sickle cell disease. With a high frequency of recurrences and serious long-term sequela, a preventative, rather than traditionally reactive approach, needs to be taken in these patients. Reports have shown successful use of sildenafil as a prophylactic treatment but have failed to address adverse outcomes, including vasoocclusive pain crises, of chronic sildenafil therapy in sickle cell patients.
AIMS: We wish to draw attention to the potential adverse outcomes of this therapy on the overall state of the patient's disease for consideration in future studies.
METHODS: We used sildenafil in a patient suffering from almost daily attacks of priapism.
RESULTS: Sildenafil was successful in decreasing the frequency of priapism; however, our patient experienced an increased frequency of vasoocclusive crises, something not previously addressed.
CONCLUSION: Future studies of sildenafil use in sickle cell disease need to assess the global state of the disease, not just the frequency of priapism.
AIMS: We wish to draw attention to the potential adverse outcomes of this therapy on the overall state of the patient's disease for consideration in future studies.
METHODS: We used sildenafil in a patient suffering from almost daily attacks of priapism.
RESULTS: Sildenafil was successful in decreasing the frequency of priapism; however, our patient experienced an increased frequency of vasoocclusive crises, something not previously addressed.
CONCLUSION: Future studies of sildenafil use in sickle cell disease need to assess the global state of the disease, not just the frequency of priapism.
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