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Results of total aponeurectomy for Dupuytren's contracture in 61 patients: a retrospective clinical study.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2009 Februrary
INTRODUCTION: Many surgical techniques have been advocated to treat Dupuytren's contracture. Partial fasciectomy is often performed to treat the whole spectrum of Dupuytren's disease.
METHOD: We have reviewed the effectiveness of total aponeurectomy performed on 61 patients [10 women and 51 men (male:female ratio 5.1:1) with a mean age of 63.0 (range 42-79 years) and a mean follow-up of 3.45 years (range 1.03-6.39 years)].
RESULTS: Post-operative complications including haematoma, seroma or necrosis were found in 13.8% of the patients. Recurrence of contracture occurred in 10.8% of the patients and 4.6% of the operated patients presented with a nerve lesion. Nerve irritation occurred in 6.2% of the patients. The mean DASH-score was 3.85 (range 0-52.5). Family pre-disposition was an important risk factor for Dupuytren's disease with 44.3% of patients having a positive family history.
CONCLUSION: We suggest that total aponeurectomy is a promising alternative to partial fasciectomy with low risk for a recurrence and slightly increased risk for a nerve lesion.
METHOD: We have reviewed the effectiveness of total aponeurectomy performed on 61 patients [10 women and 51 men (male:female ratio 5.1:1) with a mean age of 63.0 (range 42-79 years) and a mean follow-up of 3.45 years (range 1.03-6.39 years)].
RESULTS: Post-operative complications including haematoma, seroma or necrosis were found in 13.8% of the patients. Recurrence of contracture occurred in 10.8% of the patients and 4.6% of the operated patients presented with a nerve lesion. Nerve irritation occurred in 6.2% of the patients. The mean DASH-score was 3.85 (range 0-52.5). Family pre-disposition was an important risk factor for Dupuytren's disease with 44.3% of patients having a positive family history.
CONCLUSION: We suggest that total aponeurectomy is a promising alternative to partial fasciectomy with low risk for a recurrence and slightly increased risk for a nerve lesion.
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