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Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis: what is it?

OBJECTIVE: To record the inflammatory patterns found in desquamative inflammatory vaginitis and to investigate further the existence of an idiopathic subset of this condition.

STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective case note study of 11 women over a 12-month period who presented with symptoms of painful sexual intercourse and increased vaginal discharge.

RESULTS: Examination of the vulva was usually normal or showed mild erythema and a thin purulent discharge. Examination of the vaginal wall showed erythema consistent with inflammation. A biopsy from the vaginal wall showed essentially 2 patterns of inflammation: either a lichenoid or a nonspecific mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Therapy with clindamycin and clobetasone propionate was largely effective.

CONCLUSION: While this study does not fully answer the histology of desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, it does highlight the need for further study to identify whether there is an idiopathic subset of desquamative inflammatory vaginitis or whether it is erosive lichen planus.

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