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Case Reports
Journal Article
Verruciform xanthoma in close association with isolated epidermolytic acanthoma: a case report and review of the Japanese dermatological literature.
Journal of Dermatology 2005 June
A 52-year-old man presented to our department with a scrotal skin nodule, first noted as a papule two to three years previously. The nodule was red and pedunculated with a granular surface and a diameter of 10 mm. Three red papules were scattered around the nodule. Histopathologic examination of the nodule showed epidermal papillary hyperplasia, collections of foam cells in the papillary dermis, and a dense infiltration of inflammatory cells into all dermal layers. In addition, granular degeneration was seen in the pedunculated lesion of the nodule free from the foam cells. Microscopic examination of the red papules also showed granular degeneration. The patient was diagnosed with verruciform xanthoma associated with isolated epidermolytic acanthoma. This is the first report of these two lesions occurring at the same site on the scrotum.
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