Francesco Donato, Matteo Rota, Elisabetta Ceretti, Gaia Claudia Viviana Viola, Monica Marullo, Danilo Zani, Stefano Lorenzetti, Luigi Montano
OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between intensity of physical activity (PA) and semen quality in healthy young men. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study with repeated measures for each subject. SETTING: Not applicable. PATIENT(S): Healthy high school and university students who did not regularly smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, or take drugs or medicine, with normal body mass index and abdominal circumference. INTERVENTION(S): The participants underwent urologic visit, fasting blood and semen sampling, and anthropometric measurements, and filled in the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, at enrollment and after 4 and 8 months...
September 5, 2024: Fertility and Sterility