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Dysregulation of base excision repair factors associated with low tumor immunogenicity in head and neck cancer: implication for immunotherapy.

BACKGROUND: Head and neck squamous carcinoma (HNSCC) is caused by different exogenous risk factors including smoking cigarettes, alcohol consumption, and HPV infection. Base excision repair (BER) is the frontline to repair oxidative DNA damage, which is initiated by the DNA N -glycosylase proteins (OGG1) and other BER factors including DNA polymerase β (POLB).

OBJECTIVE: Explore whether BER genes' ( OGG1 , POLB ) overexpression in HNSCC alters genomic integrity, immunogenicity, and its role in prognostic value.

DESIGN: RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and clinical information (age, gender, histological grade, survival status, and stage) of 530 patients of HNSCC were retrieved from the Cancer Genome Atlas. Patients' data are categorized HPV positive or negative to analyze the tumor data including the tumor stage, POLB , and OGG1 gene expression.

METHODS: RNA-Seq of HNSCC data retrieved and mutation count and aneuploidy score were compared using an unpaired t -test. The TIMER algorithm was used to calculate the tumor abundance of six infiltrating immune cells (CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, B cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells) based on RNA-Seq expression profile data. The correlation between the POLB, OGG1, and immune cells was calculated by Spearman correlation analysis using TIMER 2.0.

RESULTS: Our data analysis reveals that BER genes frequently overexpressed in HNSCC tumors and increase mutation count. In addition, OGG1 and POLB overexpression are associated with low infiltration of immune cells, low immune checkpoint gene expression (PD-1, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4, program death ligand 1, and program death ligand 2), and innate immune signaling genes. Furthermore, dysregulated BER factors in Human papillomavirus (HPV) positive tumors had better overall survival.

CONCLUSION: Our analysis suggests that dysregulation of the BER genes panel might be a potential prognosis marker and/or an attractive target for an immune checkpoint blockade in HNSCC cancers. However, our observation still requires further experimental-based scientific validation studies.

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