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Severe Hepatitis Complicating Olmesartan Enteropathy: A Case Report.
INTRODUCTION: Olmesartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, is associated with an uncommon complication of enteropathy that presents insidiously, usually months to years after initial commencement of anti-hypertensive therapy which can be dose-dependent. It has a variable spectrum of clinical presentation but commonly presents as a moderate to severe malabsorptive process with potential severe complications related to poor end-organ perfusion. Lymphocytic gastritis and microscopic colitis are often noted in patients presenting with olmesartan-induced enteropathy; however, hepatic involvement has been less frequently observed.
CASE PRESENTATION: We illustrate a case of a 43-year-old female presenting with 2 weeks of profuse non-bloody diarrhea in the context of olmesartan enteropathy which was complicated by an acute severe ischemic and enteropathic hepatopathy.
CONCLUSION: Our case prompts clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion in cases presenting with a seronegative enteropathy and concurrent acute liver injury while on olmesartan therapy. Cessation of olmesartan therapy resulted in prompt resolution of diarrheal symptoms and normalization of the acute transaminitis on subsequent three-week follow-up.
CASE PRESENTATION: We illustrate a case of a 43-year-old female presenting with 2 weeks of profuse non-bloody diarrhea in the context of olmesartan enteropathy which was complicated by an acute severe ischemic and enteropathic hepatopathy.
CONCLUSION: Our case prompts clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion in cases presenting with a seronegative enteropathy and concurrent acute liver injury while on olmesartan therapy. Cessation of olmesartan therapy resulted in prompt resolution of diarrheal symptoms and normalization of the acute transaminitis on subsequent three-week follow-up.
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