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Journal Article
Enzyme-mimic catalytic activities and biomedical applications of noble metal nanoclusters.
Nanoscale 2024 April 4
Noble metal ( e.g. , Au and Ag) nanoclusters (NCs), which exhibit structural complexity and hierarchy comparable to those of natural proteins, have been increasingly pursued in artificial enzyme research. The protein-like structure of metal NCs not only ensures enzyme-mimic catalytic activity, including peroxidase-, catalase-, and superoxide dismutase-mimic activities, but also affords an unprecedented opportunity to correlate the catalytic performance with the cluster structure at the molecular or atomic levels. In this review, we aim to summarize the recent progress in programming and demystify the enzyme-mimic catalytic activity of metal NCs, presenting the state-of-the-art understandings of the structure-property relationship of metal NC-based artificial enzymes. By leveraging on a concise anatomy of the hierarchical structure of noble metal NCs, we manage to unravel the structural origin of the catalytic performance of metal NCs. Noteworthily, it has been proven that the surface ligands and metal-ligand interface of metal NCs are instrumental in influencing enzyme-mimic catalytic activities. In addition to the structure-property correlation, we also discuss the synthetic methodologies feasible to tailoring the cluster structure at the atomic level. Prior to the closure of this review with our perspectives in noble metal NC-based artificial enzymes, we also exemplify the biomedical applications based on the enzyme-mimic catalysis of metal NCs with the theranostics of kidney injury, brain inflammation, and tumors. The fundamental and methodological advancements delineated in this review would be conducive to further development of metal NCs as an alternative family of artificial enzymes.
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