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Periodic changes of cyclin D1 mRNA stability are regulated by PC4 modifications in the cell cycle.

The cell cycle is a highly regulated process in which proteins involved in cell cycle progression exhibit periodic expression patterns, controlled by specific mechanisms such as transcription, translation, and degradation. However, the precise mechanisms underlying the oscillations of mRNA levels in cell cycle regulators are not fully understood. In this study, we observed that the stability of cyclin D1 (CCND1) mRNA fluctuates during the cell cycle, with increased stability during interphase and decreased stability during the M phase. Additionally, we identified a key RNA binding protein, positive coactivator 4 (PC4), which plays a crucial role in stabilizing CCND1 mRNA and regulating its periodic expression. Moreover, the binding affinity of PC4 to CCND1 mRNA is modulated by two cell cycle-specific posttranslational modifications: ubiquitination of K68 enhances binding and stabilizes the CCND1 transcript during interphase, while phosphorylation of S17 inhibits binding during the M phase, leading to degradation of CCND1 mRNA. Remarkably, PC4 promotes the transition from G1 to S phase in the cell cycle, and depletion of PC4 enhances the efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitors in hepatocellular carcinoma, suggesting that PC4 could serve as a potential therapeutic target. These findings provide valuable insights into the intricate regulation of cell cycle dynamics.

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