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Journal Article
Improving rates of successful extubation: Medications.
Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2023 October
This chapter focuses on the pharmacological management of newborn infants in the peri-extubation period to reduce the risk of re-intubation and prolonged mechanical ventilation. Drugs used to promote respiratory drive, reduce the risk of apnoea, reduce lung inflammation and avoid bronchospasm are critically assessed. When available, Cochrane reviews and randomised trials are used as the primary sources of evidence. Methylxanthines, particularly caffeine, are well studied and there is accumulating evidence to guide clinicians on the timing and dosage that may be used. Efficacy and safety for doxapram, steroids, adrenaline and salbutamol are summarised. Management of term infants, extubation following surgery, accidental and complicated extubation and the use of cuffed endotracheal tubes are presented. Overall, caffeine is the only drug with a substantial evidence base, proven to increase the likelihood of successful extubation in preterm infants; no drugs are needed to facilitate extubation in most term infants. Future studies might further define the role of caffeine in late preterm infants and evaluate medications for post-extubation stridor, bronchospasm or apnoea not responsive to methylxanthines.
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