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Catheter ablation for atrial flutter: a survey by the European Heart Rhythm Association and Canadian Heart Rhythm Society.
The purpose of this EP wire survey was to examine current practice in the management of both cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI)-dependent and non-CTI-dependent atrial flutter (AFL) ablation amongst electrophysiologists in European and Canadian centres and to understand how current opinions vary from guidelines. The results of the survey were collected from a detailed questionnaire that was created by the European Heart Rhythm Association Research Network and the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society. Responses were received from 89 centres in 12 countries. The survey highlighted variability within certain aspects of the management of AFL ablation. The variability in opinion regarding other procedural details suggests a need for further research in this area and consideration of the development of guidelines specific to AFL. Overall, there is reasonable consensus regarding oral anticoagulation and the desired endpoints of ablation for patients with CTI-dependent AFL and for non-CTI-dependent AFL.
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