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[The importance of Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of the ureteral jets in patients with obstructive upper urinary tract lithiasis].
Chirurgia 2008 November
INTRODUCTION: The practical significance of ureteral jets variance still remains a controversial issue. The aim of this study was to determine the place of this parameter in upper urinary tract pathology diagnosis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between January 2003 and January 2008, we evaluated 431 patients with upper urinary lithiasis and 79 healthy volunteers. Ureteral jets and renal resistive index were evaluated by Doppler color, Doppler pulse and 3D ultrasonographic modules.
RESULTS: 280 patients presented Ist to IIIrd degree hydronephrosis. 76.1% of them didn't present ipsilateral ureteral jets at Doppler ultrasonography and 91% had a resistive index higher than 0.7. In patients without hydronephrosis, the ureteral jets were present in 78.8% of the cases, their velocity being reduced by 30-50% by comparison to the contralateral part. In this group, the resistive index was smaller than 0.7 in 81.4% of the cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Ureteral jets analysis (morphology, velocity) may be useful as part of the diagnosis protocol of upper urinary tract lithiasis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between January 2003 and January 2008, we evaluated 431 patients with upper urinary lithiasis and 79 healthy volunteers. Ureteral jets and renal resistive index were evaluated by Doppler color, Doppler pulse and 3D ultrasonographic modules.
RESULTS: 280 patients presented Ist to IIIrd degree hydronephrosis. 76.1% of them didn't present ipsilateral ureteral jets at Doppler ultrasonography and 91% had a resistive index higher than 0.7. In patients without hydronephrosis, the ureteral jets were present in 78.8% of the cases, their velocity being reduced by 30-50% by comparison to the contralateral part. In this group, the resistive index was smaller than 0.7 in 81.4% of the cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Ureteral jets analysis (morphology, velocity) may be useful as part of the diagnosis protocol of upper urinary tract lithiasis.
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