Johannes Hartig, Vera Nickl, Christoph Vollmuth, Simon Weiner, Mirko Pham, Jens Volkmann, Maximilian U Friedrich, Ekkehard Kunze, Chi Wang Ip
Pupillary assessment is a quintessential part of the clinical examination in neuro-intensive care patients because it provides insight into the integrity of midbrain reflex arcs. Abnormal pupils, particularly anisocoria and later bilateral fixed mydriasis, are classically used to assess expansive intracranial processes because they are frequently considered early indicators of transtentorial midbrain compression due to elevated intracranial pressure. Complex ocular motor deficits mapping to the midbrain are rarely described in the setting of high transtentorial pressure...
May 28, 2024: Neurology
Takamori Takeda, Junichi Tajino, Daniel M Merfeld
While perceptual thresholds have been widely studied, VOR thresholds have received less attention, so the relationship between vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and perceptual thresholds remains unclear. We compared the frequency dependence of human VOR thresholds to human perceptual thresholds for yaw head rotation in both upright ("yaw rotation") and supine ("yaw tilt") positions using the same human subjects and motion device. VOR thresholds were generally a little smaller than perceptual thresholds. We also found that horizontal VOR thresholds for both yaw rotation about an earth-vertical axis and yaw tilt (yaw rotation about an earth-horizontal axis) were relatively constant across 4 frequencies (0...
April 24, 2024: Journal of Neurophysiology
N Song, Y X Wu, T T Zhao, X Y Ma, Q Q Wang, X Yang
Objective: To investigate the altered function of the semicircular canal and otolith graviceptive pathway in patients diagnosed with motion sickness disorder (MSD) based on the diagnostic criteria of the Bárány society, and explore its relevance to the pathogenesis of MSD. Methods: This is a case-control study. Twenty patients with MSD and age-and sex-matched healthy controls without a history of MSD from the Department of Neurology of Aerospace Center Hospital between March and August 2022 were recruited...
April 9, 2024: Zhonghua Yi Xue za Zhi [Chinese medical journal]
Stefan Macher, Daniela Dunkler, Anuscha Theresa Fiehl, Paulus Stefan Rommer, Kirsten Platho-Elwischger, Felix Konstantin Schwarz, Gerald Wiest
Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) is the most common form of acquired central vestibular nystagmus. Gravity perception in patients with DBN has previously been investigated by means of subjective visual straight ahead (SVA) and subjective visual vertical (SVV) in the pitch and roll planes only during whole-body tilts. To our knowledge, the effect of head tilt in the roll plane on the SVV and on DBN has not yet been systematically studied in patients. In this study, we investigated static and dynamic graviceptive function in the roll-plane in patients with DBN (patients) and healthy-controls (controls) by assessment of the Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV) and the modulation of slow-phase-velocity (SPV) of DBN...
March 18, 2024: Cerebellum
Ajay Kumar Vats, Sudhir Kothari, Renu Khamesra, Shreya Vats
A graviceptive heavy posterior cupula typically results from cupulolithiasis and clinically manifests as short vertigo spells when the head moves in the provocative position. Half-Hallpike test (HHT) in posterior cupulolithiasis (PSC-BPPV- cu ) elicits an upbeating ipsitorsional nystagmus (UBITN), which lasts more than a minute as per the consensus criteria developed by the Barany Society. In the last decade, cases with canalolithiasis in the short arm of the posterior semicircular canal (PSC-BPPV- sa ), wherein the otoconial debris falls on the utricular side of the posterior cupula on getting up from supine, rendering it heavy (graviceptive), have been reported...
2023: Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
Megan J Kobel, Andrew R Wagner, John G Oas, Daniel M Merfeld
OBJECTIVE: To assess vestibular (i.e., passive self-motion) perception in patients diagnosed with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD). STUDY DESIGN: Case-controlled, cross-sectional, observational investigation. SETTING: Single-center laboratory-based study. PATIENTS: Thirteen patients with PPPD, 13 age-matched healthy control volunteers. Of those with PPPD, eight had co-occurring vestibular migraine (VM)...
January 1, 2024: Otology & Neurotology
Ko-Ting Chen, Sheng-Yao Huang, Yi-Jye Chen, Ying-Yun Chen
Astasia refers to the inability to maintain upright posture during standing, despite having full motor strength. Impairment of the vestibulocerebellar pathway, graviceptive system, and cingulate motor area have been proposed to be related to astasia. However, the responsible neural pathways remain unclear. We hypothesize that there is a common neural network behind astasia. To test the hypothesis, we reviewed all reported cases with astasia, including ours, and focused on the correlation between anatomical destruction and symptom presentation...
September 26, 2023: Brain Sciences
Allia Lin, Efrén Álvarez-Salvado, Nikola Milicic, Nimish Pujara, David E Ehrlich
Animals influence how they disperse in the environment by sensing local cues and adapting how they move. However, controlling dispersal can present a particular challenge early in life when animals tend to be more limited in their capacities to sense and move. To what extent and by what mechanisms can newly hatched fish control how they disperse? Here, we reveal hatchling sensorimotor mechanisms for controlling dispersal by combining swim tracking and precise sensory manipulations of a model species, zebrafish...
October 18, 2023: Current Biology: CB
Tong-Tong Zhao, Meng-Lu Zhang, Yu-Fei Feng, Qian-Qian Wang, Ning Song, Xu Yang, Xiao-Hong Ba
BACKGROUND: Evaluation of vestibular graviceptive pathway (VGP) in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction (UPVD) has received increasing attention from researchers. The study aimed to investigate the value of VGP evaluation in the diagnosis of UPVD. METHODS: Ninety-five UPVD patients were divided into attack and remission phase groups. VGP evaluation-related indicators, including subjective visual vertical (SVV), subjective visual horizontal (SVH), head tilt, ocular torsion (OT), and skew deviation (SD), were measured, and their correlations with cochleovestibular function test results were analyzed...
May 15, 2023: Brain and Behavior
Shibsankar Roy, Barnini Bhattacharya, Sanmoy Bandyopadhyay, Bijay Bal, Anjana Dewanji, Kuntal Ghosh
Plants' ability to sense and respond to gravity is a unique and fundamental process. When a plant organ is tilted, it adjusts its growth orientation relative to gravity direction, which is achieved by a curvature of the organ. In higher, multicellular plants, it is thought that the relative directional change of gravity is detected by starch-filled organelles that occur inside specialized cells called statocytes, and this is followed by signal conversion from physical information to physiological information within the statocytes...
January 21, 2023: Journal of Plant Research
A A Tarnutzer, B K Ward, A G Shaikh
BACKGROUND: Advances in neurotechnologies are revolutionizing our understanding of complex neural circuits and enabling new treatments for disorders of the human brain. In the vestibular system, electromagnetic stimuli can now modulate vestibular reflexes and sensations of self-motion by artificially stimulating the labyrinth, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and their connections. OBJECTIVE: In this narrative review, we describe evolving neuromodulatory techniques including magnetic vestibular stimulation (MVS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) and discuss current and potential future application in the field of neuro-otology...
February 15, 2023: Journal of the Neurological Sciences
Rémi Lafitte, Marie Jeager, Céline Piscicelli, Shenhao Dai, Camille Lemaire, Anne Chrispin, Patrice Davoine, Eve Dupierrix, Dominic Pérennou
Spatial neglect after right hemisphere stroke (RHS) was recently found to encompass lateropulsion, a deficit in body orientation with respect to gravity caused by altered brain processing of graviception. By analogy, we hypothesized that spatial neglect after RHS might encompass an altered representation of verticality. We also assumed a strong relation between body neglect and impaired postural vertical, both referring to the body. To tackle these issues, we performed contingency and correlation analyses between two domains of spatial neglect (body, extra-body) and two modalities of verticality perception (postural, visual) in 77 individuals (median age = 67) with a first-ever subacute RHS (1-3 months)...
December 8, 2022: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Anna V Diakova, Anastasia A Makarova, Song Pang, C Shan Xu, Harald Hess, Alexey A Polilov
Insect antennae are astonishingly versatile and have multiple sensory modalities. Audition, detection of airflow, and graviception are combined in the antennal chordotonal organs. The miniaturization of these complex multisensory organs has never been investigated. Here we present a comprehensive study of the structure and scaling of the antennal chordotonal organs of the extremely miniaturized parasitoid wasp Megaphragma viggianii based on 3D electron microscopy. Johnston's organ of M. viggianii consists of 19 amphinematic scolopidia (95 cells); the central organ consists of five scolopidia (20 cells)...
November 23, 2022: Scientific Reports
Luigi F Cuturi
Perceptual biases can be interpreted as adverse consequences of optimal processes which otherwise improve system performance. The review presented here focuses on the investigation of inaccuracies in multisensory perception by focusing on the perception of verticality and self-motion, where the vestibular sensory modality has a prominent role. Perception of verticality indicates how the system processes gravity. Thus, it represents an indirect measurement of vestibular perception. Head tilts can lead to biases in perceived verticality, interpreted as the influence of a vestibular prior set at the most common orientation relative to gravity (i...
August 26, 2022: Vision
Brian L Day, Dilek Ocal, Amy Peters, Matthew J Bancroft, David Cash, Diego Kaski, Sebastian J Crutch, Keir X X Yong
KEY POINTS: The perception of upright requires accurate and precise estimates of orientation based on multiple noisy sensory signals. The question "Am I the right way up?" posed by a patient with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA; purported 'visual variant Alzheimer's') suggests disturbances in the perception of upright. We investigated what looks or feels upright in PCA and typical Alzheimer's disease (tAD) by asking participants to repeatedly align to vertical a rod presented visually (visual-vertical) or haptically (haptic-vertical)...
November 28, 2021: Journal of Physiology
Bernhard Baier, Hannah Cuvenhaus, Notger Müller, Frank Birklein, Marianne Dieterich
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A sensitive and frequent clinical sign of a vestibular tone imbalance is the tilt of the perceived subjective visual vertical (SVV). There are no data yet focusing on lesion location at the cortical level as a factor for predicting compensation from the tilt of the SVV. METHODS: With modern voxelwise lesion behavior mapping analysis, the present study determines whether lesion location in 23 right-hemispheric cortical stroke patients with an otolith dysfunction could predict the compensation of a vestibular tone imbalance in the chronic stage...
November 22, 2021: European Journal of Neurology
Athanasia Korda, Ewa Zamaro, Franca Wagner, Miranda Morrison, Marco Domenico Caversaccio, Thomas C Sauter, Erich Schneider, Georgios Mantokoudis
OBJECTIVE: Skew deviation results from a dysfunction of the graviceptive pathways in patients with an acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) leading to vertical diplopia due to vertical ocular misalignment. It is considered as a central sign, however, the prevalence of skew and the accuracy of its test is not well known . METHODS: We performed a prospective study from February 2015 until September 2020 of all patients presenting at our emergency department (ED) with signs of AVS...
March 2022: Journal of Neurology
Jason McCarthy, Patricia Castro, Rachael Cottier, Joseph Buttell, Qadeer Arshad, Amir Kheradmand, Diego Kaski
A coherent perception of spatial orientation is key in maintaining postural control. To achieve this the brain must access sensory inputs encoding both the body and the head position and integrate them with incoming visual information. Here we isolated the contribution of proprioception to verticality perception and further investigated whether changing the body position without moving the head can modulate visual dependence-the extent to which an individual relies on visual cues for spatial orientation. Spatial orientation was measured in ten healthy individuals [6 female; 25-47 years (SD 7...
June 13, 2021: Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation Cérébrale
Faisal Karmali, Csilla Haburcakova, Wangsong Gong, Charles C Della Santina, Daniel M Merfeld, Richard F Lewis
Gravity is a pervasive environmental stimulus and accurate graviception is required for optimal spatial orientation and postural stability. The primary graviceptors are the vestibular organs, which include angular velocity (semicircular canals) and linear acceleration (otolith organs) sensors. Graviception is degraded in patients with vestibular damage, resulting in spatial misperception and imbalance. Since minimal therapy is available for these patients, substantial effort has focused on developing a vestibular prosthesis or implant (VI) that reproduces information normally provided by the canals (since reproducing otolith function is very challenging technically)...
March 16, 2021: Journal of Neuroscience
Shenhao Dai, Céline Piscicelli, Emmanuelle Clarac, Monica Baciu, Marc Hommel, Dominic Pérennou
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that lateropulsion is an entity expressing an impaired body orientation with respect to gravity in relation to a biased graviception and spatial neglect. METHODS: Data from the DOBRAS cohort ( NCT03203109) were collected 30 days after a first hemisphere stroke. Lateral body tilt, pushing, and resistance were assessed with the Scale for Contraversive Pushing. RESULTS: Among 220 individuals, 72% were upright and 28% showed lateropulsion (tilters [14%] less severe than pushers [14%])...
April 27, 2021: Neurology
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