Christophe Barbanchon, Dominique Mouraux, Stéphane Baudry
Postural control may encounter acute challenges when individuals are immersed in a virtual reality (VR) environment, making VR a potential pertinent tool for enhancing balance capacity. Nonetheless, the effects of repeated exposure to VR on balance control remain to be fully elucidated. Fifty-five healthy participants stood upright for six bouts of 90 s each in an immersive virtual reality (VR) environment using a head-mounted display (repeated VR exposure). During these bouts, participants experienced simulated forward and backward displacements...
May 27, 2024: Human Movement Science
Eric Tsz-Chun Poon, Hong-Yat Li, Martin J Gibala, Stephen Heung-Sang Wong, Robin Sze-Tak Ho
BACKGROUND: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is characterized by repeated bouts of relatively intense exercise interspersed with recovery periods. Previous studies have evaluated this exercise strategy with various population subgroups, regimens, and comparator groups, limiting the generalizability of findings. We performed a novel umbrella review to generate an up-to-date synthesis of the available evidence regarding the effect of HIIT on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in adults as compared to non-exercise control and traditional continuous forms of exercise such as moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT)...
May 2024: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Almira Hadžović-Džuvo, Amina Valjevac, Asija Začiragić, Alen Kekić, Orhan Lepara
Aim This study aimed to assess the impact of forced repeated swimming stress on serum adiponectin and endothelin-1 levels in Wistar rats, comparing the effects between those fed a standard diet and those on a high-fat diet. Methods Twenty adult male Wistar rats were divided into two dietary groups: a standard food diet group (NFD, n=10) and a high-fat diet group (HFD, n=10). Both groups underwent daily forced swimming stress for six days, with durations increasing from 5 to 30 minutes. The protocol finished in an acute bout of swimming exercise on the seventh day with a duration of 40 minutes...
April 2024: Curēus
Ryan Simmons, Anthony Leicht, Wade Sinclair, Paul Bowman, Michael Dobbin, Kenji Doma
The purposes of this study were to quantify the physiological response to the initial two-week preseason period in elite male rugby league (RL) athletes, and to determine if a repeated bout effect (RBE) occurs. Eighteen RL players were monitored for the initial two-week preseason period. Blood samples were collected on days (D)1, D2, D4, D5, D8, D9, D11 and D12 to measure creatine kinase (CK). Neuromuscular power was assessed on D1, D5, D8 and D12. During field-based sessions, the external training load was quantified using global positioning system technology, whilst the internal load was quantified using the training impulse and the session rating of perceived exertion...
April 2024: Journal of Human Kinetics
Siriporn Sasimontonkul, Jintana Sirivarasai
PURPOSE: There is some controversy regarding cytokines released from adipocytes, particularly adiponectin, leptin, and IL6 that regulate bone remodeling. In addition, IL6 is released from muscle contraction, which might have a distinct role in bone remodeling. Hence, this study investigated whether muscle contraction during a session of 40 min of high intensity interval training (40-min HIIT) and after 16 weeks of HIIT (16-wk HIIT) altered the release of those cytokines and bone remodeling in overweight women...
April 16, 2024: Bone
Marius Locke, Giovanni Bruccoleri
The "Repeated Bout Effect" (RBE) occurs when a skeletal muscle is preconditioned with a few lengthening contractions (LC) prior to exposing the muscle to a greater number of LC. The preconditioning (PC) results in significantly less damage and preservation of force. Since it takes only a few LC to increase muscle heat shock protein (HSP) content, it was of interest to examine the relationship between HSPs and the RBE. To do this, one tibialis anterior (TA) muscle from Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 5/group) was preconditioned with either 0, 5, or 15 lengthening contractions (LC) and exposed to a treatment of 60 LC 48 h later...
April 4, 2024: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Kevin Bischof, Savvas Stafilidis, Larissa Bundschuh, Steffen Oesser, Arnold Baca, Daniel König
INTRODUCTION: Collagen peptide supplementation in conjunction with exercise has been shown to improve structural and functional adaptations of both muscles and the extracellular matrix. This study aimed to explore whether specific collagen peptide (SCP) supplementation combined with a concurrent training intervention can improve muscular stress after exercise-induced muscle damage, verified by reliable blood markers. METHODS: 55 sedentary to moderately active males participating in a concurrent training (CT) intervention (3x/week) for 12 weeks were administered either 15 g of SCP or placebo (PLA) daily...
2024: Frontiers in Nutrition
Freddy Brown, Matt Hill, Derek Renshaw, Jason Tallis
No studies have reported ground reaction force (GRF) profiles of the repeated depth jump (DJ) protocols commonly used to study exercise-induced muscle damage. Furthermore, while compression garments (CG) may accelerate recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage, any effects on the repeated bout effect are unknown. Therefore, we investigated the GRF profiles of 2 repeated bouts of damage-inducing DJs and the effects of wearing CG for recovery. Nonresistance-trained males randomly received CG (n = 9) or placebo (n = 8) for 72 hours recovery, following 20 × 20 m sprints and 10 × 10 DJs from 0...
April 5, 2024: Journal of Applied Biomechanics
Shanice Beerepoot, Jaap Jan Boelens, Caroline Lindemans, Moniek A de Witte, Stefan Nierkens, Alexander F J E Vrancken, Marjo S van der Knaap, Marianna Bugiani, Nicole I Wolf
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a neuro-metabolic disorder due to arylsulfatase A deficiency, causing demyelination of the central and peripheral nervous system. Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) can provide a symptomatic and survival benefit for pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic patients by stabilizing CNS disease. This case series, however, illustrates the occurrence of severely progressive polyneuropathy shortly after HCT in two patients with late-infantile, one with late-juvenile, and one with adult MLD, leading to the inability to walk or sit without support...
April 2, 2024: Journal of Neurology
Nawaz Z Safdar, Anwar M Alobaid, Mark Hopkins, Paddy C Dempsey, Sam M Pearson, Noppadol Kietsiriroje, Rachel Churm, Ramzi A Ajjan, Matthew D Campbell
AIM: To examine the effect of interrupting prolonged sitting with short, frequent, light-intensity activity on postprandial cardiovascular markers in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a randomized crossover trial, 32 adults with T1D (mean ± SD age 28 ± 5 years, glycated haemoglobin 67.9 ± 12.6 mmol/mol, 17 women) completed two 7-h laboratory visits separated by >7 days...
June 2024: Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism
Katarina T Borer
Background . Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) reports that as of 2023, approximately 10 million of older Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density. Osteoporosis is a serious handicap for the elderly and, in particular, for estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women, as it increases the risk of debilitating bone weakness and fractures. The BHOF recommendations for prevention of osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures are to perform weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises and to take recommended amounts of daily calcium and vitamin D...
March 7, 2024: Nutrients
Ethan C Hill, Christopher E Proppe, Paola M Rivera, Sean Lubiak, David H Gonzalez-Rojas, John E Lawson, Hwan Choi, Hansen A Mansy, Joshua L Keller
OBJECTIVE: Surface mechanomyography (sMMG) can measure oscillations of the activated muscle fibers in three axes (i.e., X-, Y-, and Z-axes) and has been used to describe motor unit activation patterns (X-axis). The application of blood flow restriction (BFR) is common in exercise studies, but the cuff may restrict muscle fiber oscillations. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine the acute effects of submaximal, fatiguing exercise with and without BFR on sMMG amplitude in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes among female participants...
March 20, 2024: Physiological Measurement
Cherish E Ardinger, Christopher C Lapish, David N Linsenbardt
Decreased functional connectivity between the striatum and frontal cortex is observed in individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD), and predicts the probability of relapse in abstinent individuals with AUD. To further our understanding of how repeated alcohol (ethanol; EtOH) consumption impacts the corticostriatal circuit, extracellular electrophysiological recordings (local field potentials; LFPs) were gathered from the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) of C57BL/6J mice voluntarily consuming EtOH or water using a 'drinking-in-the-dark' (DID) procedure...
March 8, 2024: bioRxiv
Zijing Huang, Jiayong Chen, Lunxin Chen, Mingyang Zhang, Wenfeng Zhang, Jian Sun, Duanying Li
OBJECTIVES: Due to the character of the taekwondo, the adenosine triphosphate-phosphocreatine system provides the energy for each kick, the glycolytic system supports the repeated execution of kicks, and the aerobic system promotes recovery between these movements and the bout. Therefore, taekwondo athletes require high explosive power and anaerobic capacity in order to carry out sustained and powerful attacks. So, the purpose of this study is to compare the effects of APRE and VBRT on lower-limb explosive power and anaerobic capacity in college taekwondo players...
April 2024: Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
Byron Lai, Robert A Oster, Drew Davis, Larsen Bright, Gordon Fisher, Jereme Wilroy, Yumi Kim, Raven Young, Ashley Wright, Tanvee Sinha, James H Rimmer
BACKGROUND: Children with mobility disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy, have limited options and limited time to exercise to manage their cardiometabolic health and cardiorespiratory fitness. Regular cardiovascular exercise during childhood is a critical health behavior for preventing health decline in adulthood. Thus, there is an urgent need for accessible, age-appropriate, convenient exercise modalities in this group. Sprint-intensity interval training (SIT), combined with telehealth procedures, may be ideal for children with disabilities...
March 5, 2024: JMIR Research Protocols
Peter Sutton, Marie Lund Ohlsson, Ulrik Röijezon
BACKGROUND: Proprioception is vital for motor control and can be disturbed, for example, due to fatigue or injury. Clinical feasible, reliable and valid tests of shoulder proprioception are warranted. The aim was to investigate the effects of local fatigue on shoulder proprioception and the reliability of a feasible joint position sense test using an experimental repeated measures design. METHOD: Forty participants repeated a shoulder joint position sense test to assess test-retest reliability...
March 2024: Shoulder & Elbow
Teruo Hashimoto, Rikimasa Hotta, Ryuta Kawashima
INTRODUCTION: Exercise has significant health benefits and can enhance learning. A single bout of high-intensity resistance training may be sufficient to improve memory. This study aimed to assess memory enhancement by a single bout of high-intensity resistance training and to examine the neural underpinnings using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Sixty young adults (34 men and 26 women), divided into the training and control groups, participated...
February 2024: Brain and Behavior
Baily Devantier-Thomas, Glen B Deakin, Fiona Crowther, Moritz Schumann, Kenji Doma
PURPOSE: This study examined the repeated bout effect of two resistance training bouts on cycling efficiency and performance. METHODS: Ten male resistance-untrained cyclists (age 38 ± 13 years; height 180.4 ± 7.0 cm; weight 80.1 ± 10.1; kg; VO2max 51.0 ± 7.6 .min-1 ) undertook two resistance training bouts at six-repetition maximum. Blood creatine kinase (CK), delayed-onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), counter-movement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), submaximal cycling and time-trial performance were examined prior to (Tbase), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) h post each resistance training bout...
February 20, 2024: European Journal of Applied Physiology
Dillon M Huffman, Asma'a A Ajwad, Anuj Agarwal, Michael E Lhamon, Kevin Donohue, Bruce F O'Hara, Sridhar Sunderam
BACKGROUND: Sleep perturbation is widely used to investigate the physiological mechanisms that mediate sleep-wake dynamics, and to isolate the specific roles of sleep in health and disease. However, state-of-the-art methods to accomplish sleep perturbation in preclinical models are limited in their throughput, flexibility, and specificity. NEW METHOD: A system was developed to deliver vibro-tactile somatosensory stimulation aimed at controlled, selective sleep perturbation...
January 30, 2024: Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Kazue Mizumura, Toru Taguchi
We reviewed fundamental studies on muscular pain, encompassing the characteristics of primary afferent fibers and neurons, spinal and thalamic projections, several muscular pain models, and possible neurochemical mechanisms of muscle pain. Most parts of this review were based on data obtained from animal experiments, and some researches on humans were also introduced. We focused on delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) induced by lengthening contractions (LC), suitable for studying myofascial pain syndromes...
January 24, 2024: Journal of Physiological Sciences: JPS
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