Paulo M A Lima, Ycaro C Barros, Ana B N Barros, Letícia M Farias
BACKGROUND: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are traditionally used for the treatment/control of various diseases; however, they are being used for non-therapeutic and indiscriminate purposes to enhance sports performance and physical appearance. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of AAS use among professional CrossFit® competitors. METHODS: We conducted an observational cross-sectional survey in which an anonymous questionnaire was applied to professional CrossFit® athletes...
May 29, 2024: Substance Use & Misuse
Vibeke M Almaas, Rang Abdullah, Thor Edvardsen, Kristina H Haugaa, Astrid Bjørnebekk
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 24, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Josué Cruz Dos Santos, Erivaldo de Souza, Daniela Meneses-Santos, Carla Roberta de Oliveira Carvalho, Jymmys Lopes Dos Santos, Felipe J Aidar, Anderson Carlos Marçal
Bodybuilding, as a high-performance sport, requires regular strength and resistance exercises with the principal objective of increasing muscle hypertrophy. However, many bodybuilders resort to the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs) to improve their performance in a short period of time. This study employs a survey-type, cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical method to evaluate the profile of bodybuilding athletes in the State of Sergipe, Brazil, and verify the level of knowledge/awareness about the health risks and impacts resulting from the use of such substances...
May 16, 2024: European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education
Ana Paula Corlaite Braga, Bruna Campos Ribeiro, Ricardo Antonio de Pádua Gandra, Gustavo Marques de Oliveira Chiavaioli, Samuel Macedo Costa
OBJECTIVES: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are derivatives of testosterone, used to treat gonadal disturbances, performance enhancement, and aesthetic purposes. AAS abuse can lead to side effects, including androgenic, cardiovascular, and liver disturbances, effects on libido, gynecomastia, and behavioral effects. There is a hypothesis that some joint tissues may be targets for sex hormones, and the use of AAS without medical follow-up may exacerbate temporomandibular joint problems in patients seeking performance and aesthetics...
May 24, 2024: Cranio: the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice
Eric Kutscher, Arslaan Arshed, Richard E Greene, Mat Kladney
IMPORTANCE: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are disproportionately used by sexual minority men, with the physical and mental health implications of AAS use incompletely understood. OBJECTIVE: To understand the reasons for use and health care needs of gay, bisexual, and queer cisgender men using AAS. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This qualitative study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2023 using self-administered questionnaires and semistructured interviews that were transcribed and coded using reflexive thematic analysis...
May 1, 2024: JAMA Network Open
Noha A Mowaad, Rania Elgohary, Shaimaa ElShebiney
Adolescents commonly co-abuse many drugs including anabolic androgenic steroids either they are athletes or non-athletes. Stanozolol is the major anabolic used in recent years and was reported grouped with cannabis. The current study aimed at evaluating the biochemical and histopathological changes related to the hypertrophic effects of stanozolol and/or cannabis whether in condition of exercise practice or sedentary conditions. Adult male Wistar albino rats received either stanozolol (5 mg/kg, s.c), cannabis (10 mg/kg, i...
May 8, 2024: Cardiovascular Toxicology
Laust Frisenberg Buhl, Louise Lehmann Christensen, Axel Diederichsen, Jes Sanddal Lindholt, Caroline Michaela Kistorp, Dorte Glintborg, Marianne Andersen, Jan Frystyk
INTRODUCTION: The use of androgenic anabolic steroids (AASs) among recreational athletes is steadily increasing. However, knowledge regarding the potentially harmful effects of AAS primarily originates from case reports and small observational studies. This large-scale study aims to investigate the impact of AAS use on vascular plaque formation, preclinical coronary disease, cardiac function, circulating cardiovascular risk markers, quality of life (QoL) and mental health in a broad population of illicit AAS users...
May 7, 2024: BMJ Open
Viktor Čulić
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 8, 2024: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Rafael de Almeida Azevedo, Bruno Gualano, Thiago Afonso Teixeira, Bruno C G Nascimento, Jorge Hallak
The evolving prevalence of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) abuse among nonathletes is alarming because of the known harm to an individual's health. Among the adverse effects of AAS abuse, male infertility and sexual dysfunction have been often reported in the literature, but little is known regarding its actual prevalence, possible underpinning mechanisms, and potential treatments either during or post-AAS usage. Thus, the current narrative review summarizes the state-of-art regarding the effects of AAS on male fertility and sexual function...
2024: Frontiers in toxicology
Yanan Sun, Ginevra Giacomello, Ulrich Girreser, Jakob Steff, Matthias Bureik, Xavier de la Torre, Francesco Botrè, Maria Kristina Parr
Methyltestosterone (MT) is one of the most frequently misused anabolic androgenic steroids detected in doping control analysis. The metabolism of MT in humans leads to several phase І metabolites and their corresponding phase Ⅱ conjugates. Previous studies have postulated the 3α-sulfoconjugate of 17α-methyl-5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (S2) as principal sulfate metabolite of MT, with a detection window exceeding 10 days. However, a final direct and unambiguous confirmation of the structure of this metabolite is missing until now...
May 4, 2024: Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Rabiu Momoh
This article aims to review available literature evidence about the harmful effects of long-term anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse on the heart. A review of 11 existing literature articles regarding this association has been used in the development of this review article. There is increasing medical literature documentation of the eventual harmful effect of AAS misuse or abuse on the heart. Individuals who misuse these steroids are susceptible to significant debilitation and loss of productive person-hours, and in severe cases, it can lead to death...
2024: American Journal of Men's Health
Ruth I Wood, Michael Y Chen, Elizabeth Snow
The goal is to understand consequences of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse on cognitive function, using rats as a model. Economic decision making was evaluated in an operant test of effort value discounting, where subjects choose between 2 levers that deliver large and small rewards differing in maximum value and reward contrast. The hypothesis is that chronic high-dose testosterone increases preference for large rewards. Male rats were treated chronically with testosterone (7.5mg/kg) or vehicle. Initially, all rats preferred the large reward lever when large and small rewards remained fixed at 3 and 1 sugar pellets, respectively...
April 26, 2024: Behavioural Processes
Tea Sætereng Fyksen, Ingebjørg Seljeflot, Paul Vanberg, Dan Atar, Sigrun Halvorsen
INTRODUCTION: Use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) is associated with adverse cardiovascular (CV) effects, including potential prothrombotic effects. This study aimed to assess platelet activation and aggregation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis, in long-term AAS users compared to non-using strength-trained athletes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven strength-trained men using AAS were compared to seventeen non-using professional strength-trained athletes at similar age (median 33 years)...
April 24, 2024: Thrombosis Research
Sandra Pfeffer, Guenter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl
The study of intact phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) gives important information about metabolism and has the potential to improve the detection of doping with testosterone. For analysis with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), chemical derivatization at the steroid moiety is a technique to improve the positive ionization efficiency of glucuronidated/sulfated EAAS under collision-induced dissociation (CID) conditions. However, regarding the chromatographic performance, there are still challenges to address, for example, poor peak shape, which is mainly caused by nondefined adsorption in the chromatographic system...
April 21, 2024: Drug Testing and Analysis
Priyadarshini Rajakumar, Shriraam Mahadevan, Adlyne Reena Asirvatham, Asha Ranjan
We describe a case of an Asian-Indian female patient who presented to us with abnormal fat accumulations in the torso and upper arms following indiscriminate use of corticosteroid and anabolic steroids for about 7 years. Despite prolonged steroid use, the patient did not display cushingoid phenotype or metabolic decompensation. Bone density, echocardiography, and ultrasonogram of the liver were also normal with no evidence of excess pericardial fat, hepatic steatosis, or peliosis hepatis. Concurrent use of anabolic androgen is thought to be protective against the ill effects of steroids, especially on the muscle and bone...
April 2024: JCEM Case Rep
Daniel Bussinger de Souza Penna, Samara Gumiéro Costa, Alexandre Dos Santos-Rodrigues, Pablo Pandolfo
Caffeine and anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are commonly used to improve muscle mass and athletic performance. Nandrolone Decanoate (ND) is one of the most abused AAS worldwide, leading to behavioral changes in both humans and rodents. Caffeine, the most widely consumed psychostimulant globally, is present in various thermogenic and gym supplements. Low and moderate doses of caffeine antagonize adenosine receptors and have been linked to improved memory and pain relief. We have previously demonstrated that consuming caffeine prevents the risk-taking behavior triggered by nandrolone...
April 12, 2024: Brain Research
Ida M Heerfordt, Josefine Windfeld-Mathiasen, Kim Peder Dalhoff, Jon Trærup Andersen, Henrik Horwitz
BACKGROUND: A link between androgen use and the risk of cancers, especially prostate and breast cancer, has been suggested. The knowledge about a possible association is limited. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate cancer incidence rates, particularly those related to prostate and breast cancer, in male androgen users and compare them to a control group. METHODS: We included male androgen users identified through a nationwide anti-doping testing program in Danish fitness centers from 2006 to 2018...
April 11, 2024: Andrology
Kole P Akula, Lucien R McBeth, Matthias D Hofer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 9, 2024: International Journal of Impotence Research
Baris Karagun, Selin Altug
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) use is on the rise among athletes and bodybuilders worldwide. In addition to the well-documented adverse effects on hepatic, renal, and reproductive functions, there is an increasing recognition of psychiatric complications associated with AAS use. This study aimed to investigate psychiatric morbidity among male bodybuilders who are AAS users. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 25 male bodybuilders using AAS (mean age 31...
December 2024: Annals of Medicine
Paula Vauhkonen, Petteri Oura, Pirkko Kriikku, Katarina Lindroos, Mikko Ilari Mäyränpää
Non-prescription use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) is associated with an increased risk of premature death. However, these substances are seldom screened in connection with forensic cause-of-death investigation, unless the forensic pathologist specifically suspects use, often based on a positive AAS use history. Since AAS use is often concealed from others, this practice may lead to mistargeting of these analyses and significant underestimation of the true number of AAS positive cases undergoing forensic autopsy...
April 8, 2024: International Journal of Legal Medicine
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