Martina Ferrillo, Mario Migliario, Dario Calafiore, Nicola Marotta, Leonzio Fortunato, Antonio Ammendolia, Amerigo Giudice, Alessandro de Sire
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to assess the efficacy of a new muscle stretching and strengthening protocol for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) in dental hygiene students. METHODS: Students attending the 2nd and 3rd year of a Dental Hygiene Degree Course of a University Hospital were randomly allocated into treatment group (muscle stretching and strengthening sessions) and control group (no treatment)...
June 2, 2024: International Journal of Dental Hygiene
JongEun Yim, Beomryong Kim
BACKGROUND Shoulder subluxation in patients with stroke impairs recovery and quality of life. Kinesiology tape is elastic and water-resistant, is commonly used to prevent musculoskeletal injury, and is increasing in use for rehabilitation of patients requiring neurological or physical rehabilitation. This study included 35 patients with shoulder subluxation following stroke and aimed to compare outcomes from standard physical therapy with and without shoulder kinesiology taping. MATERIAL AND METHODS This randomized controlled study involved 35 participants...
May 31, 2024: Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research
N Chomakhashvili, N Chikhladze, N Pitskhelauri
The dental profession is associated with occupational health problems. The working environment of a dentist is associated with ergonomic risk factors that can significantly reduce the dentist's working ability and even cause the termination of his/her professional activity. Numerous studies have been conducted in different countries (Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Australia, etc.) to assess the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in dentists, though no studies related to the principles of ergonomics in dentistry have been carried out in Georgia...
March 2024: Georgian Medical News
Shady Saikali, Ela Patel, Anya Mascarenhas, Abdelrahman Jaber, Ahmad Gamal, Marcio Covas Moschovas, Liang Cui, Xuesong Li, Vipul Patel
INTRODUCTION: Robotic surgery has transformed minimally invasive procedures, offering precision and efficiency. However, the ergonomic aspects of robotic consoles and their impact on surgeon health remain understudied. This review investigates the burden of ergonomics and muscle fatigue among robotic surgeons in China, comparing the findings to a multinational study. METHODOLOGY: A literature review identified themes related to physical discomfort in robotic surgery...
May 23, 2024: Surgical Innovation
Agnes Sturma, Anna Boesendorfer, Clemens Gstoettner, Benedikt Baumgartner, Stefan Salminger, Dario Farina, Rickard Brånemark, Ivan Vujaklija, Gerhard Hobusch, Oskar Aszmann
OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate the combination of osseointegration and nerve transfers in 3 transhumeral amputees. DESIGN: Case series. PATIENTS: Three male patients with a unilateral traumatic transhumeral amputation. METHODS: Patients received a combination of osseointegration and targeted muscle reinnervation surgery. Rehabilitation included graded weight training, range of motion exercises, biofeedback, table-top prosthesis training, and controlling the actual device...
May 21, 2024: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Refiye Önal, Nilüfer Kutay Ordu Gökkaya, Serap Korkmaz, Burkay Utku, Evren Yaşar
OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to investigate the effect of yoga-based exercises on functional capacity, dyspnea, quality of life, depression, anxiety, and sleep quality following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-one COVID-19-infected healthcare professionals (35 females, 6 males; mean age: 39.7±6.5 years; range, 28 to 55 years) who were actively working during the subacute period were included in the prospective controlled study between March 2021 and September 2021...
December 2023: Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Ekin Ilke Sen, Sina Arman, Narangerel Tseveendorj, Elçim Yılmaz, Aydan Oral, Nalan Capan
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and therapeutic ultrasound (US) combined with home-based exercise (HBE) versus HBE alone in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between March 2021 and July 2021, a total of 60 patients with SAIS (19 males, 41 females; mean age: 51.3±10.4 years; range, 30 to 70 years) were included. The patients were randomly allocated to an LLLT group (LG), an US therapy group (UG), and a control group (CG)...
December 2023: Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Thierry Marc, Claire Morana
BACKGROUND: Subacromial pain syndrome (SPS) is the most frequent shoulder pathology. The aims of this prospective randomized study were to evaluate the effects of some specific shoulder joint mobilizations ("spin correction"), and the effectiveness of a rehabilitation program, named Shoulder Global Concept, in SPS patients. METHODS: 45 patients with SPS were randomly assigned to two groups, to benefit from a different first session of mobilizations: the experimental group received all specific mobilizations, while the control group received the same program but without the spin correction mobilizations...
April 2024: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Valentin Dones, Maria Teresita Dalusong, Arlene Chiong-Maya, Orpilla Vergel
INTRODUCTION: MPS is a chronic disorder caused by myofascial trigger points, leading to pain and limited neck movements due to impacted fascia. Studies have reported reduced fascia slides in chronic low back pain, but limited fascia slides in MPS patients are still unreported. AIM: We determined differences in upper trapezius' deep fascia slides between MPS and non-MPS participants. METHODS: Between January-August 2019, participants from diverse work sectors were recruited in Manila...
April 2024: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Iliana Roubea, Vasileios Korakakis
BACKGROUND: The mechanism of injury and the conservative rehabilitation of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow (UCL) are well studied and reported in overhead athletes, while research on gymnastic athletes is sparse. Evidence suggests exercise as the mainstay in UCL injury rehabilitation. With this report, we aimed to provide a complete rehabilitation protocol following a partial UCL tear of an acrobatic athlete, where exercise and adjunct treatments, such as manual therapy, were used in a progressive staged rehabilitation...
April 2024: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Simone Zingg, Maurice de Graaf, Roger Hilfiker
INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE: Persistent musculoskeletal pain (PMP) is multifactorial and causes both societal and financial burdens. Integration of multifactorial management in patients with PMP remains challenging. A single-case experimental design was performed on three patients suffering from high impact PMP (lumbar spine, shoulder and knee) to i) assess the potential for Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) in interdisciplinary care, ii) describe in detail the clinical journey patients experienced during the intervention, and iii) evaluate the changes and associations in relation to the outcome measures of pain, disability, maladaptive movement behavior, subjective overall improvement, health related quality of life and work status...
April 2024: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Christopher J Centeno, Zachary Fausel, Ehren Dodson, Dustin R Berger, Neven J Steinmetz
BACKGROUND: Surgical repair is recommended for the treatment of high-grade partial and full thickness rotator cuff tears, although evidence shows surgery is not necessarily superior to non-surgical therapy. The purpose of this study was to compare percutaneous orthobiologic treatment to a home exercise therapy program for supraspinatus tears. METHODS: In this randomized-controlled, crossover design, participants with a torn supraspinatus tendon received either 'BMC treatment', consisting of a combination of autologous bone marrow concentrate (BMC) and platelet products, or underwent a home exercise therapy program...
May 18, 2024: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Marc-Olivier Dubé, Kim Gordon Ingwersen, Jean-Sébastien Roy, François Desmeules, Jeremy Lewis, Birgit Juul-Kristensen, Jette Vobbe, Steen Lund Jensen, Karen McCreesh
BACKGROUND: The mechanistic response of rotator cuff tendons to exercises within the context of rotator cuff-related shoulder pain (RCRSP) remains a significant gap in current research. A greater understanding of this response can shed light on why individuals exhibit varying responses to exercise interventions. It can also provide information on the influence of certain types of exercise on tendons. The primary aim of this article is to explore if changes in supraspinatus tendon thickness (SSTT) ratio differ between exercise interventions (high load vs...
May 16, 2024: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Harsh R Nathani, Swapnil U Ramteke, Pratik R Jaiswal
Among sports enthusiasts and young individuals, acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries are highly prevalent. In this, we discussed the comprehensive assessment and management of a 22-year-old male patient who is a student by occupation and a recreational badminton player who presented with left shoulder and wrist pain following a road traffic accident. The study highlights the clinical findings, diagnostic assessment, and therapeutic interventions for the patient with volar intercalated segment instability and a grade 1 AC joint sprain...
April 2024: Curēus
Ghanishtha C Burile, Swapnil U Ramteke
One of the most frequent cartilage-capped outgrowths that develop beneath the periosteum due to cartilage ossification is osteochondroma. The second decade of life is noted as the most prevalent age of presentation. This case report looks at an uncommon osteochondroma presentation in a 20-year-old female with swelling along the right inferomedial border of the scapula. The patient presented with complaints of difficulty in daily activities and exhibited altered posture, decreased range of motion (ROM), muscle weakness, and altered shoulder function...
April 2024: Curēus
Bastien Couëpel, Catherine Daneau, Mathieu Tremblay, Thomas Javelot, Jacques Abboud, Isabelle Pagé, Martin Descarreaux
BACKGROUND: In patients with fibromyalgia, exercise and education are recommended to decrease pain level and improve pain management. The latest scientific evidence recommends to focus interventions on the upper limb. The aim of this pilot study was to compare the immediate effect of physical activity education vs. a control group on pain and muscle capacity in fibromyalgia patients. METHOD: Fifty-six participants with fibromyalgia were randomized into an experimental group and a control group...
2024: Front Pain Res (Lausanne)
Stefano Amatori, Erica Gobbi, Davide Sisti, Giorgia Pivato, Germana Giombini, Rosalba Rombaldoni, Giorgio Calcagnini, Marco B L Rocchi, Fabrizio Perroni
INTRODUCTION: Both mental and physical health of office workers had a positive relationship with their work engagement, with the latter relationship being driven by the association of a healthy diet and physical activity (PA). This observational study aimed to investigate the associations between PA levels, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), burnout, and work engagement, in a sample of white-collar employees. METHODS: A total of 615 workers (age 42.2 ± 9.5 years) successfully completed an online questionnaire comprising work-related information and standardized questionnaires on PA, MSDs, burnout and work engagement...
2024: Frontiers in Public Health
Fábio Carlos Lucas de Oliveira
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 13, 2024: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Wei Lu, Daqiang Liang, Yan Liu, Bing Wu, Zeling Long, Jingyue Su, Haifeng Liu, Xun Luo, Zhenhan Deng
PURPOSES: To evaluate if the modified suture button Latarjet procedure with coracoacromial ligament (CAL) and pectoralis minor (PM) preservation could achieve excellent outcomes at the 2-year follow-up. METHODS: During January 2019 to January 2021, data of patients who underwent the modified suture button Latarjet with CAL and PM preservation in our department was collected. The glenoid bone loss of these patients were above 20% or over 10% with high demands for exercise...
May 10, 2024: Arthroscopy
Eoghan T Hurley, Zachary S Aman, Tom R Doyle, Jay M Levin, Laith M Jazrawi, Grant E Garrigues, Surena Namdari, Jason E Hsu, Christopher S Klifto, Oke A Anakwenze, Jonathan F Dickens
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to establish consensus statements on glenoid bone-grafting, glenoid osteotomy, rehabilitation, return to play, and follow-up for posterior shoulder instability. METHODS: A consensus process on the treatment of posterior shoulder instability was conducted, with 71 shoulder/sports surgeons from 12 countries participating based on their level of expertise in the field. Experts were assigned to one of 6 working groups defined by specific subtopics within posterior shoulder instability...
May 10, 2024: Arthroscopy
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