Melissa L Danielson, Angelika H Claussen, Rebecca H Bitsko, Samuel M Katz, Kimberly Newsome, Stephen J Blumberg, Michael D Kogan, Reem Ghandour
OBJECTIVE: To provide updated national prevalence estimates of diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), ADHD severity, co-occurring disorders, and receipt of ADHD medication and behavioral treatment among U.S. children and adolescents by demographic and clinical subgroups using data from the 2022 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH). METHOD: This study used 2022 NSCH data to estimate the prevalence of ever diagnosed and current ADHD among U...
May 22, 2024: Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Lauren Halsall, Anastasia Ushakova, Steven Jones, Samin Chowdhury, Laura Goodwin
INTRODUCTION: Current clinical guidelines recommend that patients with co-occurring psychosis and alcohol or substance use disorders (A/SUD) receive evidenced-based treatment for both disorders, including psychological intervention for psychosis. However, the efficacy of such treatments for individuals with co-occurring psychosis and A/SUD is unclear. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of psychological interventions for psychosis were systematically reviewed, to investigate how alcohol and substance use has been accounted for across sample inclusion and secondary measures...
May 23, 2024: Schizophrenia Bulletin
Liza M M van Dijk, Annelies van Zwol, Annemieke I Buizer, Laura A van de Pol, K Mariam Slot, Saskia N de Wildt, Laura A Bonouvrié
BACKGROUND:  Spasticity and dystonia are movement impairments that can occur in childhood-onset neurological disorders. Severely affected individuals can be treated with intrathecal baclofen (ITB). Concomitant use of ITB and opioids has been associated with central nervous system (CNS) depression. This study aims to describe the clinical management of this interaction, based on a case series and review of literature. METHODS:  Four individuals with childhood-onset CNS disorders (age 8-24) and CNS-depressant overdose symptoms after the concomitant use of ITB and opioids are described...
May 22, 2024: Neuropediatrics
Michelle J Zaso, Jennifer P Read, Craig R Colder
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Alcohol outcome expectancies emerge in early childhood, develop throughout adolescence, and predict alcohol outcomes well into adulthood. Social factors shape how expectancies are learned in myriad ways, yet such social learning influences seldom are examined in the context of developmental factors. This review summarized literature on the social origins of alcohol expectancies through vicarious (observational) and experiential (direct) alcohol-related learning from childhood to young adulthood within a social learning framework...
December 2023: Current Addiction Reports
Elizabeth M Stone, Andrew D Jopson, Danielle German, Alexander D McCourt, Emma E McGinty
OBJECTIVE: The authors aimed to identify barriers to and strategies for supporting coordination between state agencies for intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) or mental health to meet the mental health needs of people with co-occurring IDD and mental health conditions. METHODS: Forty-nine employees of state agencies as well as advocacy and service delivery organizations across 11 U.S. states with separate IDD and mental health agencies were interviewed between April 2022 and April 2023...
May 21, 2024: Psychiatric Services: a Journal of the American Psychiatric Association
Chantal van den Helder, Rachel Plak, Martijn Meeter, Sander Begeer
Inclusive education policies stimulate children with special educational needs, including autism, to attend regular education. We aimed to explore change over time in school placement and transitions of autistic children since the introduction of an inclusive education policy in the Netherlands (2014) and to examine the role of individual child characteristics. This study used longitudinal data from 2013 to 2021 on autistic children (N = 1463, aged 5-16 years). We expected an increase in regular school placements and transitions to regular schools...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Lei Hanzhou, X U Guixing, Wei Zepeng, Zhao Ling, Liang Fanrong
OBJECTIVE: To present a bibliometric analysis of global scientific publications on the nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment of insomnia with regard to influential institutions, publications, countries, research hotspots, trends, and frontiers. METHODS: A literature review was conducted by searching the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases to identify all publications related to the nondrug and nonsedative hypnotic treatment of insomnia from 2000 to 2021...
June 2024: Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yousef Khan, Christal N Davis, Zeal Jinwala, Kyra L Feuer, Sylvanus Toikumo, Emily E Hartwell, Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Roseann E Peterson, Alexander S Hatoum, Henry R Kranzler, Rachel L Kember
The etiology of substance use disorders (SUDs) and psychiatric disorders reflects a combination of both transdiagnostic (i.e., common) and disorder-level (i.e., independent) genetic risk factors. We applied genomic structural equation modeling to examine these genetic factors across SUDs, psychotic, mood, and anxiety disorders using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of European-(EUR) and African-ancestry (AFR) individuals. In EUR individuals, transdiagnostic genetic factors represented SUDs (143 lead single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]), psychotic (162 lead SNPs), and mood/anxiety disorders (112 lead SNPs)...
May 10, 2024: medRxiv
Emily J Meachon, Marlene Kundlacz, Kate Wilmut, Georg W Alpers
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) overlap in symptoms and often co-occur. Differentiation of DCD and ADHD is crucial for a better understanding of the conditions and targeted support. Measuring electrical brain activity with EEG may help to discern and better understand the conditions given that it can objectively capture changes and potential differences in brain activity related to externally measurable symptoms beneficial for targeted interventions...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Shobha Mandal, Hamnah Tayyab, Subhash C Mandal, Abdelhaleem Sideeg
Uveitis is the inflammation of the uveal tract (i.e., iris, ciliary body, and choroid). Uveitis is categorized into the following three types based on the anatomical location of inflammation: anterior, intermediate, and posterior uveitis. Severe cases may lead to panuveitis, where all three layers may become inflamed potentially resulting in permanent vision loss. Uveitis can arise from different underlying disorders, including infectious causes or autoimmune disorders. Syphilis and Lyme disease are uncommon causes of uveitis...
April 2024: Curēus
Tannaz Safari, Mahdi Dehbozorgi, Bordes Laurent
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent, inappropriate, and involuntary outbursts of emotion, primarily crying and laughter, which are dissociated from the individual's emotional experience. The precise underlying cause of PBA remains unknown; however, existing evidence suggests the involvement of dopaminergic, serotonergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission within the corticopontine-cerebellar pathways responsible for regulating the motor expression of emotions. Additionally, PBA has been observed to co-occur with other neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders...
May 2024: Curēus
Soyoung Lee, Benjamin S Zide, Stephan T Palm, William J Drew, Reisa A Sperling, Heidi I L Jacobs, Shan H Siddiqi, Nancy J Donovan
OBJECTIVE: Anxiety disorders and subsyndromal anxiety symptoms are highly prevalent in late life. Recent studies support that anxiety may be a neuropsychiatric symptom during preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) and that higher anxiety is associated with more rapid cognitive decline and progression to cognitive impairment. However, the associations of specific anxiety symptoms with AD pathologies and with co-occurring subjective and objective cognitive changes have not yet been established...
May 4, 2024: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Claudia Foerster, Liliam Monsalve, Gisela Ríos-Gajardo
Ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZEN), and deoxynivalenol (DON) are mycotoxins whose exposure is associated with various adverse health effects, including cancer and renal disorders, estrogenic effects, and immunosuppressive and gastrointestinal disorders, respectively. Infants (<2 years) are the most vulnerable group to mycotoxins, representing a unique combination of restricted food consumption types, low body weight, lower ability to eliminate toxins, and more future years to accumulate toxins. This study aimed to estimate the infant́s exposure to OTA, DON, and ZEN due to the consumption of milk formula and baby cereals in Chile...
July 2024: Food Research International
Smrithi Murthy, Upendra Nongthomba
Functioning of the nervous system requires proper formation and specification of neurons as well as accurate connectivity and signalling between them. Locomotor behaviour depends upon these events that occur during neural development, and any aberration in them could result in motor disorders. Transcription factors are believed to be master regulators that control these processes, but very few linked to behaviour have been identified so far. The Drosophila homologue of BCL11A (CTIP1) and BCL11B (CTIP2), Chronophage (Cph), was recently shown to be involved in temporal patterning of neural stem cells but its role in post-mitotic neurons is not known...
May 17, 2024: Neuroscience
Qian Zhao, Yunhui Hu, Yiman Yan, Xujiao Song, Jie Yu, Wenjia Wang, Shuiping Zhou, Xuefeng Su, Michael H Bloch, James F Leckman, Yibing Chen, He Sun
BACKGROUND: Tourette syndrome (TS) represents a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by an uncertain etiology and influencing factors. Frequently, it co-occurs with conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and sleep disturbances, which have garnered substantial attention from the research community in recent years. Clinical trials have demonstrated that Shaoma Zhijing Granules (SMZJG, 5-ling granule, also known as TSupport or T92 under U...
April 26, 2024: Phytomedicine
Yll Agimi, Tajrina Hai, Amanda Gano, Keith Stuessi, Joanne Gold, Rachael Kaufman, Gary McKinney
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the US military, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is of distinct importance, at home and in the deployed setting, and is considered a "signature injury of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq." Since 2000, an estimated 468 424 service members (SMs) have been diagnosed with at least one TBI. We examined the clinical trajectories of a group of 18 comorbidities before and after a military-sustained mild TBI (mTBI). METHODS: Without making assumptions on causality, a group of 18 conditions often co-occurring with mTBI were identified through literature review and TBI subject matter workgroup consensus...
May 10, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Ulrich Schall, Ross Fulham, Max Günther, Jessica Bergmann, Renate Thienel, Julie Ortmann, Natalie G Wall, Paula Gómez Álvarez, Anne-Marie Youlden
Abnormalities in auditory processing are believed to play a major role in autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Both conditions often co-occur in children, causing difficulties in deciding the most promising intervention. Event-related potentials (ERPs) have been investigated and are showing promise to act as potential biomarkers for both conditions. This study investigated mismatch negativity (MMN) using a passive listening task and P3b in an active auditory go/no-go discrimination task...
May 16, 2024: Clinical EEG and Neuroscience: Official Journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS)
Kiera Louise Adams, William Mandy, Caroline Catmur, Geoffrey Bird
There is a reliable association between autism and Feeding and Eating Disorders. Concerningly, where these two conditions co-occur, clinical outcomes of Feeding and Eating Disorders are significantly worse, and treatment less effective, than when the Feeding and Eating Disorders occur in neurotypical individuals. Problematically, the reason for the association between autism and Feeding and Eating Disorders is poorly understood, which constrains advances in clinical care. This paper outlines several possible mechanisms that may underlie the observed association and suggests ways in which they may be empirically tested...
May 14, 2024: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Michael R Vilensky, Nicole A Arrato, Kristen M Carpenter
Pregnant women with opioid use disorder show elevated rates of comorbid mental health problems, both of which are associated with negative health outcomes for mothers and children. There is substantial evidence supporting the benefits of treatment of perinatal opioid use disorder, as well as perinatal depression and anxiety, but there are gaps in knowledge about the effectiveness of perinatal behavioral health interventions in the context of co-occurring substance use disorder. The current study seeks to address this gap by examining outcomes of a behavioral activation treatment in a group of peripartum women with opioid use disorder (N = 68)...
May 16, 2024: Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Alison G Holt, Andrea Hussong, M Gabriela Castro, Kelly Bossenbroek Fedoriw, Allison M Schmidt, Amy Prentice, Orrin D Ware
Tobacco use is associated with morbidity and mortality. Many individuals who present to treatment facilities with substance use disorders (SUDs) other than tobacco use disorder also smoke cigarettes or have a concomitant tobacco use disorder. Despite high rates of smoking among those with an SUD, and numerous demonstrated benefits of comprehensive SUD treatment for tobacco use in addition to co-occurring SUDs, not all facilities address the treatment of comorbid tobacco use disorder. In addition, facilities vary widely in terms of tobacco use policies on campus...
2024: Tobacco Use Insights
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