Jie Zhao, Changqing Xiang, Tengku Kamalden Tengku Fadilah, Hua Luo
Perception is an essential component of children's psychological development, which is foundational to children's ability to understand and adapt to their external environment. Perception is also a crucial tool for understand and navigating one's surroundings, enabling children to identify objects and react appropriately to settings or situations. Substantial evidence indicates that engaging in physical activity is beneficial for the development of children's perceptual abilities, as the two are closely intertwined...
June 2024: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine
Nina Hoffmann, Jana Strahler, Barbara Schmidt
INTRODUCTION: Downhill Mountain Biking is an extreme sport requiring high mental strength to perform on the best level in a competition with only one run to win the race. The substantial challenge here is to control automatic processes like competitive anxiety and stress. Hypnosis can address these automatic processes. We developed and evaluated a hypnosis audio-intervention to activate the optimal racing mindset. METHODS: In our study, 19 elite Downhill Mountainbike athletes registered at two consecutive races of the IXS Downhill Cup...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Chantal Nguyen, Matthew Kaufman, Adrian Vallejo, Sarah DeParis, Anne Friedlander, Levi Frehlich, Michael Fredericson
Exercise leads to robust cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and psychological benefits that improve quality of life and longevity for older adults, but accompanying improvements in athletic parameters are less well explored. The aim of this review is to summarize some of the most common exercise modalities, namely, Pilates, martial arts (tai chi, Japanese-style karate, hard martial arts), locomotion (brisk walking/jogging and running), Masters sports, resistance training, and high-intensity interval training, in improving athletic performance for older adults...
June 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Punitkumar Bhavsar, Pratikkumar Shah, Saugata Sinha, Deepesh Kumar
The field of EEG-Neurofeedback (EEG-NF) training has showcased significant promise in treating various mental disorders, while also emerging as a cognitive enhancer across diverse applications. The core principle of EEG-NF involves consciously guiding the brain in desired directions, necessitating active engagement in neurofeedback (NF) tasks over an extended period. Music listening tasks have proven to be effective stimuli for such training, influencing emotions, mood, and brainwave patterns. This has spurred the development of musical NF systems and training protocols...
June 5, 2024: Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
Filipe Manuel Clemente, Ana Filipa Silva, Rodrigo Aquino, Daniel Castillo, Javier Raya-González, José Afonso, Hugo Sarmento, Gibson Moreira Praça, Luca Paolo Ardigò
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Ruud J R Den Hartigh, L Rens A Meerhoff, Nico W Van Yperen, Niklas D Neumann, Jur J Brauers, Wouter G P Frencken, Ando Emerencia, Yannick Hill, Sebastiaan Platvoet, Martin Atzmueller, Koen A P M Lemmink, Michel S Brink
Athletes are exposed to various psychological and physiological stressors, such as losing matches and high training loads. Understanding and improving the resilience of athletes is therefore crucial to prevent performance decrements and psychological or physical problems. In this review, resilience is conceptualized as a dynamic process of bouncing back to normal functioning following stressors. This process has been of wide interest in psychology, but also in the physiology and sports science literature (e...
2024: International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Mengfan Liu, Bo Shi, Xu Gao
BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Given the enduring popularity of higher education, there has been considerable attention on the correlation between college students' engagement in sports and their academic stress levels. This study seeks to delve deeply into how university physical education fosters academic performance by influencing students' sports interests, particularly in enhancing their psychological resilience to mitigate academic pressure. Through this investigation, the aim is to offer both theoretical underpinnings and empirical evidence to support the holistic enhancement of higher education...
June 4, 2024: BMC Psychology
Antonia Ioana Vasile, Monica Iulia Stănescu
INTRODUCTION: Strobe training is a form of visual training where the athlete has to practice during intermittently dark conditions. Strobe training improves visual, perceptual, and cognitive skills, which will enhance athletic performance. Strobe training can influence multiple training components in climbing: psychological, tactical, physical, and technical training. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on 17 elite climbers from Romania (10 male and 7 female), representing the entire National Youth Climbing Team...
2024: Frontiers in sports and active living
Rafael Martínez-Gallego, Bernardino Sánchez-Alcaraz, Goran Vučković, Jesus Ramón-Llin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Thomas R Geaney, Zachary A Sievert, J David Branch, Patrick B Wilson
PURPOSE: Chewing duration can affect food particle size, gastric processing, and postprandial glycemia, but these effects have not been investigated with exercise. This study examined how the chewing duration of a food bar impacts glycemic and metabolic responses, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, psychological affect, and performance during endurance running. METHODS: This randomized, unblinded, crossover study had 15 males (35.2 ± 7.4 years, VO2peak : 56...
June 3, 2024: European Journal of Applied Physiology
Alejandro Gutiérrez-Capote, Iker Madinabeitia, Francisco Alarcón, Elisa Torre, Jesús Jiménez-Martínez, David Cárdenas
BACKGROUND: Executive functions, notably inhibition, significantly influence decision-making and behavioral regulation in team sports. However, more research must be conducted on individual player characteristics such as experience and motor skills. This study assessed how accumulated practical experience moderates inhibition in response to varying task difficulty levels. METHODS: Forty-four university students (age: 20.36 ± 3.13 years) participated in this study with two sessions: one followed standard 1 × 1 basketball rules ("Regular Practice"), while the other imposed motor, temporal, and spatial restrictions ("Restriction Practice")...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Elizabeth M Murdoch, Joanne Ayers, Eoghan Trihy, Monique F Crane, Nikos Ntoumanis, Carly Brade, Eleanor Quested, Daniel F Gucciardi
High performance sport consists of stressor events which can disrupt an athletes' functioning and negatively influence performance. The way in which one reflects upon stressor events and develops insights regarding how they coped is essential to overcoming similar experiences in the future. We conducted a pilot randomised controlled trial with a qualitative analysis to explore the coping insights among 48 highly trained/national level swimmers in the lead up to major swimming competitions, who reflected on stressor events from self-distanced or self-immersed perspectives over a 3-week period...
June 1, 2024: Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress
Svenja A Wolf, Katharina Utesch
Pressure is an innate feature of competition and stimulates cognitions and emotions that can both reduce and enhance performance. Similarly, teams are ubiquitous in sport and influence their members in various ways. Yet, we know little about the ways in which teams influence their members' responses to pressure, whether they are an added demand, inducing social indispensability and exacerbating the effects of pressure, or a resource, providing shared responsibility and buffering pressure effects. We conducted a field experiment across two samples of skilled handball players (N = 189) to test how outcome interdependence vs...
May 29, 2024: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
S Knöbel, A Borchert, N Gatzmaga, F Heilmann, L Musculus, S Laborde, F Lautenbach
While researchers and practitioners attribute an essential role to executive functions (EFs) for soccer performance, the usefulness of respective diagnostics and the predictive value remain unclear. One limitation restricting the translation and relevance of study results to improve actual game performance is the insufficient consideration of competitive conditions. Thus, this study aimed to conduct soccer-specific cognitive diagnostics under a soccer-specific psychophysiological stress condition, mimicing the demands of a competitive game...
May 29, 2024: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Zhengyang Mei, Yuanzhuo Zhang, Qing Fan, Shulai Luo, Shi Luo
Mobile phone dependence (also known as internet dependence, MPD), defined as a problematic behavior characterized by excessive use or intermittent craving to use a mobile phone, results in various social, behavioral, and affective problems in daily life. In sports, MPD is directly related to the physical and mental health and sports performance of athletes. The individual and environmental factors, neurobiological mechanisms and theoretical models of MPD affecting athletic performance were analyzed by reviewing previous studies, aiming to construct effective training and development protocols to prevent and control the occurrence of MPD in athletes...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Maggie Evans, Kelly J Rohan, Jonah J Meyerhoff, Richard J Norton, Jeremy S Sibold
Mood deterioration in response to exercise cessation is well-documented, but moderators of this effect remain unknown. This study tested the hypothesis that physically active individuals with higher levels of cognitive vulnerability (i.e., tendencies towards negative thought content and processes in response to stress or negative mood states) are at greater risk for increased anxiety and depressive symptoms when undergoing exercise cessation. Community adults meeting recommended physical activity guidelines ( N =36) participated in a 4-week prospective, longitudinal study with 2 weeks each of maintained exercise and exercise cessation...
June 2024: Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
Liam Lochhead, Jiren Feng, Daniel M Laby, Lawrence G Appelbaum
Vision is central to success in nearly all sports, and there is an emerging body of research investigating the links between visual abilities and athletic performance. This preregistered scoping review seeks to clarify the topics of study, methodologies used, populations under investigation, researchers, and disciplines driving this field. Systematic searches of English-language articles were conducted in PubMed and Web of Science, with additional literature identified through bibliographic searches. Six hundred sixty-seven articles published between 1976 and 2023 were identified with 547 empirical studies, 58 review articles, 20 commentaries, and 4 meta-analyses, among others...
May 29, 2024: Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
José Antonio Domínguez González, Rafael Enrique Reigal Garrido, Verónica Morales Sánchez, Antonio Hernández Mendo
Our aim in the present study was to test the efficacy of a 13-week, 19-session psychological intervention program on young soccer players' competitive anxiety and their sport psychological profiles. Participants were 37 players in the under-15 age category, of which 18 players formed the experimental group ( M age = 14.67 years, SD = .48) and 19 players formed the control group ( M age = 14.23 years, SD = .42); this was a quasi-experimental design without random assignment to groups. We had all participants complete the Psychological Inventory of Sport Performance (IPED), the Questionnaire of Psychological Characteristics of Sport Performance (CPRD), and the Competition State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) before and after the intervention...
May 30, 2024: Perceptual and Motor Skills
Ala Khayati, Faten Sahli, Hatem Ghouili, Rabeh Labbadi, Okba Selmi, Hajer Sahli, Nidhal Jebabli, Amir Romdhani, Makram Zghibi, Monoem Haddad
INTRODUCTION: The confluence of physiological and psychological dynamics is fundamental to athletic performance, particularly in basketball, where physical skill and mental resilience are imperative. While the role of verbal encouragement (VE) as a catalyst for enhancing performance has been explored in various sports disciplines, its specific effects within the basketball have not been adequately examined. Addressing this gap, the current study zeroes in on the influence of coach-delivered VE on the physiological and psychological responses of adolescent basketball players engaged in small-sided games (SSG), providing a focused analysis of how directed encouragement can modulate performance and experience in young athletes...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
David Rodrigues, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo
BACKGROUND: Drawing upon Motowidlo et al.'s theory of individual differences in individual performance, the current study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between conscientiousness and individual soccer performance, by examining whether mental toughness, posited as a characteristic adaptation, acts as a psychological mechanism underlying this link. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: Relying upon a concurrent validity design, 130 soccer players completed a survey including the measures of conscientiousness and mental toughness...
2024: Current issues in personality psychology
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