Olgar Birsel, İlker Eren
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January 2024: JSES international
Chenliang Wu, Zipeng Ye, Simin Lu, Zhaoyi Fang, Junjie Xu, Jinzhong Zhao
PURPOSE: To compare the biomechanical effects of augmenting Bankart repair (BR) with either remplissage or dynamic anterior stabilization (DAS) in the treatment of anterior shoulder instability with on-track or off-track bipolar bone loss. METHODS: Eight fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were tested at 60° of glenohumeral abduction in the intact, injury, and repair conditions. Injury conditions included 15% glenoid bone loss with an on-track or off-track Hill-Sachs lesion as previously recommended...
February 2, 2024: Arthroscopy
WeiSong Lu, Bin Pu, Sen Wang, MengZe Li, Yue An, Jie Lian, YongQuan Wang
BACKGROUND: Although prior observational studies indicate an association between cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and frozen shoulder (FS), the potential causal relationship between them remains uncertain. This study aims to explore the genetic causal relationship between CVDs and FS using Mendelian randomization (MR). METHODS: Genetic variations closely associated with FS were obtained from the FinnGen Consortium. Summary data for CVD, including atrial fibrillation (AF), coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure (HF), myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and ischemic stroke (IS), were sourced from several large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS)...
February 3, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Daniel P Berthold, Marco-Christopher Rupp, Elifho Obopilwe, Sebastian Siebenlist, Bassem T Elhassan, Augustus D Mazzocca, Lukas N Muench
BACKGROUND: In young patients with irreparable subscapularis deficiency (SSC-D) and absence of severe osteoarthritis, anterior latissimus dorsi transfer (aLDT) has been proposed as a treatment option to restore the anteroposterior muscular force couple to regain sufficient shoulder function. However, evidence regarding the biomechanical effect of an aLDT on glenohumeral kinematics remains sparse. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an aLDT on range of glenohumeral abduction motion, superior migration of the humeral head (SM), and cumulative deltoid force (cDF) in a simulated SSC-D model using a dynamic shoulder model...
January 31, 2024: American Journal of Sports Medicine
F Inglese, M Montemagno, A Brigo, M Nigro, A Giorgini, G M Micheloni, G Porcellini
BACKGROUND: Adhesive capsulitis (AC) is a disease of the glenohumeral joint that is characterized by pain and both passive and active global stiffness with a slow and insidious onset. The disease can occur spontaneously (primary AC) or it can be secondary to other comorbidities, surgery, or trauma, such as fracture or dislocation. Multiple treatment approaches have been suggested: intra-articular steroid injection, physical therapy, manipulation under total anesthesia, and arthroscopic or open surgery...
January 28, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Edward J Testa, Patrick Morrissey, J Alex Albright, James G Levins, Stephen E Marcaccio, Rohit Badida, Brett D Owens
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the biomechanical utility of a posterior acromial bone block (PABB) for the treatment of posterior glenohumeral instability. METHODS: 10 fresh-frozen cadaveric specimens were obtained based upon an a priori power analysis. A 2.5 cm scapular spine autograft was harvested from all shoulders. A custom robot device was used to apply a 50-N compressive force to the glenohumeral joint. The humeral head was translated 10mm posteroinferiorly at 30 degrees from the center of the glenoid at a rate of 1...
January 24, 2024: Arthroscopy
Chun-Wei Liang, Hsiao-Yi Cheng, Yu-Hao Lee, Chun-De Liao, Shih-Wei Huang
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of corticosteroid injection methods for frozen shoulder. DATA SOURCES: PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched up to 6th May 2023. STUDY SELECTION: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that investigated corticosteroid injection methods for frozen shoulder were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Data were extracted independently by two authors. Risk of bias was assessed using the RoB 2 tool...
January 18, 2024: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sung-Hyun Cho, Chan-Joo Park, Sang-Jae Kim, Kyoung-Geun Lee, Gyu Rim Baek, Min-Shik Chung, Aaron T Hui, Michelle H McGarry, Thay Q Lee, Sungwook Jung, Jaewon Kim, Yang-Soo Kim
BACKGROUND: The utilization of short humeral stems in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) has gained attention in recent times. However, concerns regarding the risk of misalignment during implant insertion are associated with their use. METHODS: Eight fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were prepared for dissection and biomechanical testing. A bespoke humeral implant was fabricated to facilitate assessment of neutral, varus, and valgus alignments using a single stem, and 10° was established as the maximum permissible angle for misalignments...
January 17, 2024: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Piotr Czarnecki, Mirosław Falis, Michał Bonczar, Patryk Ostrowski, Józef Wcisłek, Leszek Romanowski
INTRODUCTION: Fractures of the proximal end of the humerus (FPH) are the second most common fractures in the upper limb after fractures of the distal radius and are two to three times as common in women than in men. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to compare and analyze the complications and the functional outcomes in patients with displaced FPH receiving conservative and surgical treatments with intramedullary nailing. METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to establish the differences in complications risks between surgical and non-surgical treatment of the FPH...
January 17, 2024: European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology: Orthopédie Traumatologie
Erkan Ödemiş, Cabbar Veysel Baysal
In conventional and robotic rehabilitation, the patient's active participation in exercises is essential for the maximum functional output to be received from therapy. In rehabilitation exercises performed with robotic devices, the difficulty levels of therapy tasks and the device assistance are adjusted based on the patient's therapy performance to improve active participation. However, the existing therapy performance evaluation methods are based on either some specific device designs or certain therapy tasks, which limits their widespread use...
January 17, 2024: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Thiago de Angelis Guerra Dotta, Jorge Henrique Assunção, Eduardo Baptista, Fernando Brandão Andrade E Silva, Mauro Emilio Conforto Gracitelli, Arnaldo Amado Ferreira Neto, Eduardo Angeli Malavolta
INTRODUCTION: Despite being the most used exam today, few studies have evaluated the accuracy of findings on non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of non-contrast MRI findings in frozen shoulder, isolated and in combination. The secondary objectives were to define the interobserver and intraobserver agreement of the assessments and the odds ratio for frozen shoulder because of the various findings of MRI...
January 17, 2024: Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Davide Cucchi, Giovanni Di Giacomo, Riccardo Compagnoni, Roberto Castricini, Chiara Formigoni, Mattia Radici, Barbara Melis, Fabrizio Brindisino, Silvana De Giorgi, Andrea De Vita, Andrea Lisai, Laura Mangiavini, Vincenzo Candela, Alessandro Carrozzo, Antonello Pannone, Alessandra Menon, Luca Dei Giudici, Raymond Klumpp, Roberto Padua, Arianna Carnevale, Francesco Rosa, Antongiulio Marmotti, Giuseppe M Peretti, Massimo Berruto, Giuseppe Milano, Pietro Randelli, Giovanni Bonaspetti, Laura De Girolamo
PURPOSE: Shoulder stiffness (SS) is a condition characterised by active and passive restricted glenohumeral range of motion, which can occur spontaneously in an idiopathic manner or be associated with a known underlying aetiology. Several treatment options are available and currently no consensus has been obtained on which treatment algorithm represents the best choice for the patient. Herein we present the results of a national consensus on the treatment of primary SS. METHODS: The project followed the modified Delphi consensus process, involving a steering, a rating and a peer-review group...
January 2024: Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Lukas Ernstbrunner, Jean-David Werthel, Tobias Götschi, Alex W Hooke, Chunfeng Zhao
PURPOSE: To investigate the gliding resistance dynamics between the supraspinatus (SSP) tendon and the coracoacromial arch, both before and after subacromial decompression (anterolateral acromioplasty) and acromion resection (acromionectomy). METHODS: Using 4 fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders, acromion shapes were classified (2 type I and 2 type III according to Bigliani). Subacromial bursa and coracoacromial ligament maintenance replicated physiologic sliding conditions...
February 2024: Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation
Rabia Deniz, Tevfik Güzelbey, İlhan Nahit Mutlu, Çağrı Erdim, Gamze Akkuzu, Bilgin Karaalioğlu, Duygu Sevinç Özgür, Fatih Yıldırım, Özgür Kılıçkesmez, Cemal Bes
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory systemic disorder of synovial joints and results in polyarthritis, chronical degeneration, and finally deformities and ankylosis in severe cases. Synovitis and pannus formation are results of inflammatory changes and lead into restriction in joint movement. Shoulders are among the later affected and larger joints and formation of synovitis in early active stages and pannus in later stages might be concluded with frozen shoulder and severe impairment in functionality...
January 15, 2024: Skeletal Radiology
Yang Chen, Xiaojin Wu, Yongxing Zhang, Jian Chen
OBJECTIVE: Observational studies have suggested an association between frozen shoulder (FS) and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, due to challenges in establishing a temporal sequence, the causal relationship between these two conditions remains elusive. This study, based on aggregated data from large-scale population-wide genome-wide association studies (GWAS), investigates the genetic causality between FS and CTS. METHODS: Initially, a series of quality control measures were employed to select single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) closely associated with the exposure factors...
January 13, 2024: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Shellie Ann Boudreau, Thomas Linding Jakobsen, Bjarki Þór Haraldsson, Mikkel Bek Clausen
INTRODUCTION: Digital body mapping can be used to document and quantify the area and location (distribution) of pain and discomfort and support assessment, monitoring, and treatment in clinical populations. This study determines the test-retest reliability of drawings detailing pain and pins and needles using digital body charts and their relationship to pain intensity and patient-reported shoulder function. METHODS: Sixty-two participants with shoulder disorder completed pain and pins and needles drawings with test-retest interval of 30 minutes...
January 12, 2024: Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Florent Moissenet, Christian Elmo Kulanesan, Kevin Co, Pablo Rodriguez, Pierre Vacher, Jean-Yves Beaulieu, Nicolas Holzer
Imaging techniques in anatomy have developed rapidly over the last decades through the emergence of various 3D scanning systems. Depending on the dissection level, non-contact or tactile contact methods can be applied on the targeted structure. The aim of this study was to assess the inter and intra-observer reproducibility of an ArUco-based localisation stylus, that is, a manual technique on a hand-held stylus. Ten fresh-frozen, unembalmed adult arms were used to digitalise the glenoid cartilage related to the glenohumeral joint and the contour of the clavicle cartilage related to the acromioclavicular joint...
January 12, 2024: Journal of Anatomy
Kangyan Zhou, Xiaolin Xie, Jie Liu, Jing Tao, Qiong Liu, Nan Zhou, Wenchao Zhou, Yinli Tao, Yongliang Chen
BACKGROUND: Frozen shoulder (FS) is characterized by shoulder pain and restricted movement of the shoulder joint. While it tends to resolve on its own, it significantly affects an individual quality of daily life. The pure acupotomy technique employs needle-knife manipulation as the sole treatment, without the use of medications, such as steroids or vitamins, and local anesthesia if necessary. It aims to restore soft tissue mechanical balance and circulation through techniques such as cutting and stripping, creating a "gap effect...
December 29, 2023: Medicine (Baltimore)
Harry D Green, Ella Burden, Ji Chen, Jonathan Evans, Kashyap Patel, Andrew R Wood, Robin N Beaumont, Jessica Tyrrell, Timothy M Frayling, Andrew T Hattersley, Richard A Oram, Jack Bowden, Inês Barroso, Christopher Smith, Michael N Weedon
BACKGROUND: Diabetes (regardless of type) and obesity are associated with a range of musculoskeletal disorders. The causal mechanisms driving these associations are unknown for many upper limb pathologies. We used genetic techniques to test the causal link between glycemia, obesity and musculoskeletal conditions. METHODS: In the UK Biobank's unrelated European cohort (N = 379 708) we performed mendelian randomisation (MR) analyses to test for a causal effect of long-term high glycaemia and adiposity on four musculoskeletal pathologies: frozen shoulder, Dupuytren's disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger...
January 10, 2024: International Journal of Epidemiology
Abrar Ahmed Wagan, Paras Surahyo
OBJECTIVE: To perform ultrasound examination in un-resolving frozen shoulder disorder, in Pakistani cohort visiting rheumatology clinic. METHODS: This cross sectional study was carried out at Department of Rheumatology, Indus Medical College Tando Mohhamad Khan, from 16th March 2022 to 30th October 2022. Patients diagnosed as unilateral frozen shoulder on clinical grounds and received intra-articular injection (s) in last six months, never been investigated, still persisting with pain and restricted range of shoulder motion were enrolled...
2024: Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Quarterly
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