Ashraf M Abu-Seida, Abdulrahman Abdulkarim, Marwa H Hassan
Telehealth is a rapidly developing field of veterinary medicine, particularly during and after the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The world and animal owners' expectations are changing to the point where veterinary practice will need to adapt due to information technology advancements. This narrative review describes the status, benefits, technology basics, applications, limitations, and legal aspects of veterinary telemedicine over the globe. Veterinary telemedicine is a service alongside other veterinary services that meets client needs, delivers quality medicine, and improves animal welfare...
April 2024: Open Veterinary Journal
Oluwatosin Odeshi, Tarek Turk, Loretta Fiorillo, Samuel Lowe, Marlene Dytoc
BACKGROUND: In recent years, teledermatology has rapidly emerged as a healthcare delivery method with potential implications for managing chronic inflammatory dermatoses like atopic dermatitis (AD). OBJECTIVES: This study assesses the utility of telemedicine in the management of AD by comparing virtual care with traditional in-office visits with the aim of identifying differences in clinical outcomes between these 2 healthcare delivery modalities. METHODS: Patients of all ages with AD were recruited from 2 dermatology practices...
May 28, 2024: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
Céline Bouton, Héloïse Schmeltz, Charlotte Lévèque, Aurélie Gaultier, Gaëlle Quereux, Brigitte Dreno, J M Nguyen, Cédric Rat
BACKGROUND: Difficulty obtaining a dermatological consultation is an obstacle to the early diagnosis of melanoma. On the one hand, patients survival depends on the lesion thickness at the time of diagnosis. On the other hand, dermatologists treat many patients with benign lesions. Optimizing patient care pathways is a major concern. The aim of the present study was to assess whether the e-mail transmission of photographs of suspected melanoma lesions between general practitioners (GPs) and dermatologists reduces the time to dermatological consultation for patients whose suspicious skin lesions ultimately require resection...
May 24, 2024: BMC Health Services Research
Mara Giavina-Bianchi, Justin Ko
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
Neil Vaishampayan, Nicole Trupiano, Rebecca Goldberg, Haihan Zhang, Michael Tang, Ahab Chopra, Mari Paz Castanedo-Tardan, Sruthi Renati, Trilokraj Tejasvi
Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, teledermatology became a popular mode of health care delivery. Thus, deciphering which diagnoses are best suited for synchronous video visits is important to guide providers on appropriate patient care. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of 1,647 submitted synchronous video visits from September 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 at a single, large academic institution. Results: Video visits' follow-up rate was significantly associated with diagnosis subtype ( p < 0...
May 14, 2024: Telemedicine Journal and E-health
Kevin J Schneider, Kathryn G Flaharty, Charles N Ellis, Obaidah M Bitar, Hanna Barinova, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Christine C Nelson
OBJECTIVE: To determine if dermoscopy, a technique widely utilized in dermatology for improved diagnosis of skin lesions, can be used comfortably for evaluating periorbital, eyelid, and conjunctival lesions. DESIGN: Proof-of-concept study in which a technique for performing dermoscopy near the eye was developed, related educational material was prepared, and a protocol for dermoscopic image capture was created. METHODS: Technicians used the developed materials to learn to take high-quality pictures with a 10x dermoscope attached to a standard cell phone camera...
May 15, 2024: Heliyon
Wayne Sy, Mahima Bhayana, Angela J Lamb
There has been an influx of new educational resources for atopic dermatitis (AD) patients in recent years. The two primary organizations in the United States offering educational materials, online resources, and other forms of support include the National Eczema Association (NEA) and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Educational workshops and interventions have emerged as tools that can deliver comprehensive information on AD, such as symptoms, treatments, and disease management. In regard to these workshops, studies have proven longer interventions to be more effective...
2024: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Finn Abeck, Inga Hansen, Julian Kött, Florian Schröder, Edward Garrahy, Juliana Veneroso, Alessandra Rünger, Leopold Torster, Stefan W Schneider, Johannes von Büren
BACKGROUND: Oral finasteride and topical minoxidil are the current standard of care for male androgenetic alopecia and a combination of the two treatments can be considered for greater efficacy. Clinical trials of topical finasteride have also yielded promising results, but routine care data are lacking. AIMS: To examine patient-reported outcomes of men with androgenetic alopecia who received topical finasteride admixed with minoxidil compared to the current standard of care (oral finasteride)...
May 7, 2024: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
Alessia Pacifico, Matilde Iorizzo, Marcel Pasch, Khalaf Kridin, Massimo Del Fabbro, Santo R Mercuri, Lorenzo Peluso, Giovanni Damiani
INTRODUCTION: Since during the COVID-19 pandemic nail psoriasis was evaluated exclusively with teledermatology, dermatologists started to face the difficulty in rating it concurrent with other onycopathies (i.e., onychotillomania and onychophagy). Thus, we aimed to improve the existing severity scores and verify the value in different clinical settings (i.e., in person vs. teledermatology (video or picture)). METHODS: This multicenter prospective observational study evaluated patients with nail psoriasis and screened them for onychophagy or onychotillomania in telemedicine from May 2020 to January 2021...
May 3, 2024: Dermatology and Therapy
Kayla D Mashoudy, Sofia M Perez, Keyvan Nouri
Skin cancer treatment is a core aspect of dermatology that relies on accurate diagnosis and timely interventions. Teledermatology has emerged as a valuable asset across various stages of skin cancer care including triage, diagnosis, management, and surgical consultation. With the integration of traditional dermoscopy and store-and-forward technology, teledermatology facilitates the swift sharing of high-resolution images of suspicious skin lesions with consulting dermatologists all-over. Both live video conference and store-and-forward formats have played a pivotal role in bridging the care access gap between geographically isolated patients and dermatology providers...
May 2, 2024: Archives of Dermatological Research
Mike Schaekermann, Terry Spitz, Malcolm Pyles, Heather Cole-Lewis, Ellery Wulczyn, Stephen R Pfohl, Donald Martin, Ronnachai Jaroensri, Geoff Keeling, Yuan Liu, Stephanie Farquhar, Qinghan Xue, Jenna Lester, Cían Hughes, Patricia Strachan, Fraser Tan, Peggy Bui, Craig H Mermel, Lily H Peng, Yossi Matias, Greg S Corrado, Dale R Webster, Sunny Virmani, Christopher Semturs, Yun Liu, Ivor Horn, Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen
BACKGROUND: Artificial intelligence (AI) has repeatedly been shown to encode historical inequities in healthcare. We aimed to develop a framework to quantitatively assess the performance equity of health AI technologies and to illustrate its utility via a case study. METHODS: Here, we propose a methodology to assess whether health AI technologies prioritise performance for patient populations experiencing worse outcomes, that is complementary to existing fairness metrics...
April 2024: EClinicalMedicine
Alejandra Tomás-Velázquez, Ester Moreno-Artero, Javier Romero, Pilar Escalonilla, Isabel Medina, Gisela Hebe Petiti, Pedro Redondo
BACKGROUND: We have conducted cooperative campaigns focusing on albino patients in a rural area of Malawi. What have we learned? METHODS: Three surgical campaigns were performed in Nkhotakota district (2019-2023). Albino clinical and tumor characteristics were collected. RESULTS: Between 22 and 75 albinos were evaluated in each campaign (mean age < 28 years old). Most patients did not use sunscreen in a way that provided optimal photoprotection...
April 16, 2024: Cancers
Camilo Barrera-Valencia, Elin Xiomara Perea-Flórez
Introduction: One of the challenges faced by the Colombian Health System is to improve access to health services for the dispersed and isolated rural population, particularly in the field of dermatology. This article examines the implementation of a teledermatology service using a PC and camera versus smartphone technology. Methods: A total of 542 teledermatology visits were conducted, involving 478 patients, in addition to 64 visits for clinical follow-up for patients as per the dermatologist's recommendation...
April 26, 2024: Telemedicine Journal and E-health
Alejandro Molina-Leyva, Salvador Arias-Santiago
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
Yanci A Algarin, Dana Jaalouk, Anika Pulumati, Keyvan Nouri
This paper explores the role of teledermatology (TD) in Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) at various stages of patient care. The study aims to assess the benefits, limitations, and patient experiences surrounding TD integration into MMS practices. We conducted a PubMed search using keywords related to TD and MMS, categorizing selected articles into pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative stages of MMS. TD reduced waiting times (26.10 days for TD compared to 60.57 days for face-to-face [FTF]) and consultation failure rates (6% for TD vs...
April 16, 2024: Archives of Dermatological Research
Kuttiali Jasly, Sakshi Goyal, P K Ashwini, Garehatty Rudrappa Kanthraj, S Gurumurthy Chethana, Subramaniam Ranugha
Background The International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG) grading is the gold standard and is used to interpret patch test results in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). The ICDRG readings include a combination of visual and palpation findings. Digital photography limits palpation. An alternative scoring system exists to analyse 2D images and interpret patch test readings in teledermatology (TD). Aims To compare tri-partite scoring system (TPSS) (TD) with ICDRG (face-to-face) and to assess the feasibility of TPSS by TD...
April 6, 2024: Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
Omar M E Ali, Beth Wright, Charlotte Goodhead, Philip J Hampton
MySkinSelfie was a mobile phone application for skin self-monitoring enabling secure sharing of patient-captured images with healthcare providers. This retrospective study assessed MySkinSelfie's role in remote skin cancer assessment at two centres for urgent (melanoma & squamous cell carcinoma) and non-urgent skin cancer referrals, investigating the feasibility of using patient-taken images without dermoscopy for remote diagnosis. Total number of lesions utilising MySkinSelfie was 814 with mean age of 63...
April 9, 2024: Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Helen Marsden, Polychronis Kemos, Marcello Venzi, Mariana Noy, Shameera Maheswaran, Nicholas Francis, Christopher Hyde, Daniel Mullarkey, Dilraj Kalsi, Lucy Thomas
INTRODUCTION: An artificial intelligence as a medical device (AIaMD), built on convolutional neural networks, has demonstrated high sensitivity for melanoma. To be of clinical value, it needs to safely reduce referral rates. The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate that the AIaMD had a higher rate of correctly classifying lesions that did not need to be referred for biopsy or urgent face-to-face dermatologist review, compared to teledermatology standard of care (SoC), while achieving the same sensitivity to detect malignancy...
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
J P Tirado-Perez, A Oakley, R Gansel
Introduction The New Zealand population has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer in the world. Hospital waiting lists for surgical excision of keratinocytic skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) are lengthy, and increasingly, excisions are undertaken in primary care. Teledermatology, in response to general practitioners' electronic referrals (e-referrals), can improve clinical communication between general practitioners and dermatologists. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate an excision pathway for keratinocytic cancers diagnosed by teledermatology...
March 2024: Journal of Primary Health Care
Almudena Marco-Ibáñez, Carlos Aibar-Remón, Adriana Gamba-Cabezas, Lina Maldonado, Isabel Aguilar-Palacio
Virtual consultation has been implemented as a tool to improve the cooperation and coordination between primary care and other specialties. However, in its use in dermatology, inequities have been described. The aim of this study was to identify individual and geographical factors affecting the likelihood of accessing this resource. We conducted a cross-sectional study. The study population was individuals living in Aragón, a region in the north-east of Spain, who were users of the Aragon Health Service in 2021...
March 14, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
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