Patricia Birch, Rhea Beauchesne, Nick Bansback, Cyrus Boelman, Mary Connolly, Michelle Demos, Jan M Friedman, Simone Race, Sylvia Stockler, Alison M Elliott, Shelin Adam
PURPOSE: We evaluated DECIDE, an online pre-test decision-support tool for diagnostic genomic testing, in non-genetics specialty clinics where there are no genetic counselors (GCs). METHODS: Families of children offered genomic testing were eligible to participate. Fifty-six parents/guardians completed DECIDE at home, at their convenience. DECIDE includes an integrated knowledge quiz and decisional conflict screen. Six months later, parents were offered follow-up questionnaires and interviews about their experiences...
May 30, 2024: Genetics in Medicine: Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics
Emerson J Dusic, Lex N Powers, Sarah V Clowes Candadai, Stephanie M Fullerton
Transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGDI) individuals face significant health disparities due to individual and systemic experiences of discrimination, impacting their access to healthcare. While clinical genetic testing has become increasingly accessible to the general population, the field of clinical genetics perpetuates a narrative of biological essentialism, which creates barriers for TGDI patients. Biological essentialism upholds that sex is a binary, fixed, and innate characteristic, a misconception that has been historically weaponized against the TGDI community in both individual experiences of discrimination and anti-trans legislation, among other systemic forms of oppression...
May 31, 2024: Journal of Genetic Counseling
Caitlin B Mauer Hall, Brian D Reys, Amber P Gemmell, Connor L Campbell, Sara M Pirzadeh-Miller
PURPOSE: Patients with hereditary cancer syndromes face increased medical management recommendations to address their cancer risks. As multigene panels are the standard of testing today, more patients needing clinical intervention are being identified. This study calculates the downstream revenue (DSR) generated by patients ascertained by a genetic counselor (GC) with a hereditary cancer likely pathogenic/pathogenic variant (LPV/PV). METHODS: Retrospective chart review was performed for patients seen in a high-volume cancer genetics clinic between October 1, 2009, and December 31, 2021, with LPV/PVs in hereditary cancer predisposition genes...
May 30, 2024: JCO oncology practice
Susan D McMahon, Frank C Worrell, Linda A Reddy, Andrew Martinez, Dorothy L Espelage, Ron A Astor, Eric M Anderman, Alberto Valido, Taylor Swenski, Andrew H Perry, Christopher M Dudek, Kailyn Bare
Aggression and violence against educators and school personnel have raised public health concerns that require attention from researchers, policymakers, and training providers in U.S. schools. School aggression and violence have negative effects on school personnel health and retention and on student achievement and development. In partnership with several national organizations, the American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Violence Against Educators and School Personnel administered two national, multi-informant, cross-sectional surveys...
May 30, 2024: American Psychologist
Jan Ostermann, Bernard Njau, Marco van Zwetselaar, Thespina Yamanis, Leah McClimans, Rose Mwangi, Melkiory Beti, Amy Hobbie, Salomé-Joelle Gass, Tara Mtuy, Nathan Thielman
BACKGROUND: Critical to efforts to end the HIV epidemic is the identification of persons living with HIV who have yet to be diagnosed and engaged in care. Expanded HIV testing outreach efforts need to be both efficient and ambitious, targeting the social networks of persons living with HIV and those at above-average risk of undiagnosed HIV infection. The ubiquity of mobile phones across many high HIV prevalence settings has created opportunities to leverage mobile health (mHealth) technologies to engage social networks for HIV testing outreach, prevention, and treatment...
May 30, 2024: JMIR Research Protocols
Konstanze Wiesner, Kerstin Hein, Gian Domenico Borasio, Monika Führer
BACKGROUND: Caring for parents continuing pregnancy after learning about a severe life-limiting condition in their unborn is challenging. Most existing studies focus on affected families, whereas research on the subjective experience of care professionals is scarce. AIM: We aimed to (1) explore experiences and needs of involved care professionals, (2) obtain information about existing care structures, and (3) identify requirements for a structured perinatal palliative care program...
May 30, 2024: Palliative Medicine
Sung Yoon Jang, Youngji Kwak, Joon Young Choi, Dong Seung Shin, Hyunjun Lee, Mina Kim, Boo Yeon Jung, Byung Joo Chae, Jonghan Yu, Jeong Eon Lee, Seok Won Kim, Seok Jin Nam, Jai Min Ryu
PURPOSE: This study aims to evaluate the impact of South Korea's national insurance coverage (NIC) expansion and the addition of genetic counselors on BRCA1/2 mutation testing rates in breast cancer patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted at the Samsung Medical Center (SMC), dividing patients into three groups: pre-NIC expansion, post-NIC expansion, and post-extra genetic counselor involvement. The number of BRCA1/2 tests performed and the detection rates among newly diagnosed and follow-up patients, particularly focusing on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cases, were analyzed...
May 14, 2024: Cancers
Şeyda Özbıçakçı, Özlem Özkan Salkim
AIM: This study aimed to examine levels of mental health literacy (MHL) and associated factors among adolescents. METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted with a total of 650 students aged 11-18 years in three middle and three high schools. Data were collected using the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Literacy Scale and evaluated using descriptive statistics and regression analysis to determine whether age, gender, and grade are predictive factors of MHL...
June 2024: Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Dafna Zinn, Efrat Lusky-Weisrose, Jordan Shaibe, Laura I Sigad, Dafna Tener
School counselors play a crucial role in preventing, disclosing, and intervening in child sexual abuse cases (CSA) and in maintaining safe and protected school environments. However, research on their experiences coping with CSA remains limited. The purpose of the present study was to describe and analyze the coping experiences of Israeli Jewish and Arab school counselors with CSA disclosure, particularly the consequences for their processes of professional identity construction (the ongoing process through which they develop and refine their sense of self in their profession)...
May 20, 2024: Behavioral Sciences
Silvia Gunderson, Jazmine Gabriel
Increasing numbers of fertility patients use preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic conditions (PGT-M) during in vitro fertilization (IVF). While PGT-M is primarily used to avoid implanting embryos with a monogenic condition, patients can request to transfer an embryo with the monogenic condition (positive embryo transfer), especially in cases where an IVF cycle results in no unaffected embryos. Transferring embryos with known disease-causing variants raises ethical concerns. There is limited understanding about how stakeholders in the assisted reproductive technology (ART) field approach these issues...
May 24, 2024: Journal of Genetic Counseling
Fagui Yue, Xiao Yang, Ning Liu, Ruizhi Liu, Hongguo Zhang
OBJECTIVE: Genetic etiology plays a critical role in fetal ventriculomegaly (VM). However, the studies on chromosomal copy number variants (CNVs) in fetal VM are limited. This study aimed to investigate the chromosomal CNVs in fetuses with mild to moderate VM, and explore its genotype-phenotype correlation. METHODS: A total of 242 fetuses with mild to moderate VM detected by prenatal ultrasound were enrolled in our study from October 2018 to October 2022. All cases underwent chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and G-banding simultaneously...
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
Yali Deng, Jodi J Frey, Philip J Osteen, Amanda Mosby, Rachel Imboden, Orrin D Ware, Alicia Bazell
AIM: The Interactive Screening Program (ISP) is an anonymous screening and dialogue platform used in workplaces to encourage mental health help-seeking. This study examined utilization of ISP among law enforcement workplaces and assessed how motivational interviewing techniques were associated with various help-seeking outcomes. METHOD: This retrospective study used secondary ISP screening and dialogue data collected from 2013 to 2019 at four law enforcement workplaces or unions (N = 691)...
May 23, 2024: Administration and Policy in Mental Health
Babita Kapoor, Najma Malik, Geeta Gupta, Imran Ahmed Khan
Background Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant public health concern globally characterized by a spectrum of mood disturbances ranging from mild mood swings to severe depressive episodes initiating within four weeks post childbirth and potentially persisting up to 12 months. Besides affecting the mother, it also affects the mental health and development of the babies born to affected mothers. Despite its considerable burden and potential adverse effects on both maternal and child well-being, PPD often goes undetected and untreated...
April 2024: Curēus
In Hee Choi, Yun Kyung Kim, Seo Yeon Yang, Vit-Na Choi, Su Min Ji, Jun Young Kim, Beom Hee Lee
Since the 1990s, genetic clinics have been established in South Korea, enabling the provision of clinical genetics services. However, genetic counseling services are not widely used in the medical system. In contrast, recently, the demand for genetic counseling has increased due to the rapid development of genomic medicine. Therefore, it is important for medical geneticists and genetic counselors to collaboratively provide genetic counseling services. This study aimed to evaluate the perception and satisfaction of patients with rare genetic diseases and their families regarding genetic counseling services provided by a genetics team at the medical genetics center of a tertiary general hospital for rare genetic diseases...
May 20, 2024: Journal of Genetic Counseling
Corina R Ronneberg, Nan Lv, Olusola A Ajilore, Thomas Kannampallil, Joshua Smyth, Vikas Kumar, Amruta Barve, Claudia Garcia, Sushanth Dosala, Nancy Wittels, Lan Xiao, Gbenga Aborisade, Aifeng Zhang, Zhengxin Tang, Jillian Johnson, Jun Ma
BACKGROUND: Novel and scalable psychotherapies are urgently needed to address the depression and anxiety epidemic. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), a voice-based virtual coach named Lumen was developed to deliver problem solving treatment (PST). The first pilot trial showed promising changes in cognitive control measured by functional neuroimaging and improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms. METHODS: To further validate Lumen in a 3-arm randomized clinical trial, 200 participants with mild-to-moderate depression and/or anxiety will be randomly assigned in a 2:1:1 ratio to receive Lumen-coached PST, human-coached PST as active treatment comparison, or a waitlist control condition where participants can receive Lumen after the trial period...
May 17, 2024: Contemporary Clinical Trials
Katherine Anne Comtois, David Huh, Martina Fruhbauerova, Adam Livengood, Amanda Kerbrat, Payton Smythe, Richard Ries
INTRODUCTION: The goal of this study was to evaluate changes in knowledge, attitudes, and other key suicide prevention issues for substance use disorder (SUD) counselors trained to administer the Preventing Addiction Related Suicide (PARS) module as part of a large-scale clinical trial. The PARS is a 3-hour, PowerPoint based intervention designed with and for community SUD agencies for their Intensive Outpatient (IOP) group therapy programs. A previous randomized study of 906 patients from 15 community SUD sites showed positive changes in patients' suicide prevention knowledge, attitudes, and help seeking...
May 13, 2024: J Subst Use Addict Treat
Lauren S Keenan-Devlin, Janel Y Hughes-Jones, Tricia Johnson, Lisa Hirschhorn, Ann E B Borders
OBJECTIVE: Reflecting disparities across the US, in 2015 publicly insured patients of the NorthShore Community Health Center (NSCHC) in Evanston, Illinois had lower breastfeeding rates than commercially insured patients. We used the Replicating Effective Programs framework to describe the design and implementation of a clinically-integrated breastfeeding peer counseling (ci-BPC) program to address these disparities. STUDY DESIGN: Patient focus groups and surveys informed program design, and a multidisciplinary clinical support team developed workflows that integrated the breastfeeding peer counselor (BPC) into the clinic and the postpartum unit...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Perinatology: Official Journal of the California Perinatal Association
Laura Schwab-Reese, Caitlyn Short, Larel Jacobs, Michelle Fingerman
BACKGROUND: Building therapeutic relationships and social presence are challenging in digital services and maybe even more difficult in written services. Despite these difficulties, in-person care may not be feasible or accessible in all situations. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to categorize crisis counselors' efforts to build rapport in written conversations by using deidentified conversation transcripts from the text and chat arms of the National Child Abuse Hotline...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Medical Internet Research
João Mário Cubas, Victoria Grassi Bonamigo, Rodrigo Alvarenga, Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho
This qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory documentary and field research aimed to analyze how children and adolescents are included in the formulation of public mental health policies. The document analysis database consisted of reports from Health Conferences (national, state, and municipal), minutes of meetings of the Health Council (national, state, and municipal), and memories of the Thematic Commission on Mental Health (state and municipal). Nine counselors or former health counselors participated in this study through an individual interview with a semi-structured script...
May 2024: Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Lisa S van Tol, Hanneke J A Smaling, Sarah I M Janus, Monique A A Caljouw, Wilco P Achterberg
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 infection prevention measures can negatively impact nursing home residents' well-being. Society has been concerned about the imbalance between infection prevention and residents' well-being, and about nursing home residents' autonomy in COVID-19 policymaking. OBJECTIVE: This study explores consensus among nursing home staff about which measures they found to be most important in contributing to preventing infections and to maintaining well-being of residents during COVID-19 outbreaks...
December 2023: International journal of nursing studies advances
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