Gabriel Christian de Farias Morais, Shopnil Akash, Edilson Dantas da Silva, Claudio Bruno Silva de Oliveira, João Firmino Rodrigues-Neto, Umberto Laino Fulco, Shahina Akter, Jonas Ivan Nobre Oliveira
Atomoxetine is a drug widely used for the treatment of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with reduced risk of adverse motor reactions and chemical dependence. However, the pharmacokinetics characteristics as well as the toxicological risk of atomoxetine deserves further investigation to comprehensively analyze the therapeutic and safety aspects of this drug. This study aimed to predict the physicochemical profile and medicinal chemistry characteristics of atomoxetine, alongside its pharmacokinetic properties-namely absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion-as well as its toxicology (ADMET) potential through the utilization of web-based in silico tools...
June 3, 2024: Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Jason M Nagata, Elena Stuart, Jacqueline O Hur, Smriti Panchal, Patrick Low, Anita V Chaphekar, Kyle T Ganson, Jason M Lavender
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To consolidate recent literature addressing eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors among sexual and gender minority (SGM) adolescents, including but not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) adolescents. RECENT FINDINGS: Sexual and gender minority adolescents are at heightened vulnerability to eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors compared to their cisgender and heterosexual peers, potentially due to minority stress, gender norms, objectification, and the influence of the media, peers, and parents...
June 3, 2024: Current Psychiatry Reports
Gail C Christopher
This article stemmed from an acceptance speech for the Global Alliances' 2022 Presidential Award made by Dr. Gail Christopher and her daughter, Heather McGhee. Heather McGhee is a New York Times best-selling author of the book The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together . The history, transformative impact, and importance of the truth, racial healing, and transformation movement in exposing and eradicating the fallacy of a hierarchy of human value are outlined. Dr. Christopher shares insights into the past and provides hope for the future through her Rx Racial Healing model for authentic storytelling and changes in perspective...
June 3, 2024: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Caitlin I Laughney, Yong Gun Lee, Emily Allen Paine, Elwin Wu
Transgender people experience an excess burden of child sexual abuse (CSA), mental health concerns, and substance use compared to cisgender populations. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been found to mediate the association between CSA and substance use behaviors in cisgender populations, but this dynamic has not been previously examined among transgender adults. The aim of this study is to test if PTSD may mediate a relationship between CSA and substance use among transgender adults. Data were analyzed from the U...
June 3, 2024: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
William H Gottdiener, Brittany Cabanas, Kim Love
This study examined the relationship between trauma, ego functioning, and internet addiction. We recruited 323 participants via Amazon Mechanical Turk, a crowdsourcing platform that can be used for survey research. We gave participants the Internet Addiction Test, the Life Events Checklist, the Ego Function Assessment questionnaire, and a demographic questionnaire. Our results indicate that 41.5% reported no internet addiction, with the majority of our sample reporting behaviors that were consistent with internet addiction: mild internet addiction = 37...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Farah Tan Li Yee, Arvind Rajagopalan, David Teo Choon Liang
Conversion disorder-called functional neurological symptom disorder in the DSM-5 -has roots that trace back to antiquity. The term conversion , originating from psychoanalysis, signifies the appearance of physical symptoms as an effort to resolve or convey unconscious and distressing intrapsychic conflicts- "converting" them from manifesting in the mind to manifesting in the body. Despite efforts made in elucidating the neurobiological etiologies of functional neurological symptom disorder, a psychodynamic lens remains indispensable in understanding the patient...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Elizabeth Anne Greene
Climate change caused by human activities is a serious threat to the survival of our species, and one that we have not yet mustered the perspective and the will to address. Our vision tends to focus on what is useful to ourselves as individuals in the short term, instead of more broadly on what is needed for the long-term good of our species. We do not consider what our purpose and role could be in the life of our planet. We do not ask "What is the point of human beings?" In this time of climate crisis, answering this question by developing a shared sense of purpose, a purpose centered on caring for the world as a whole, might give our species the perspective and will we need to survive...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Richard G Hersh
Patients with primary or co-occurring narcissistic disorders are seen routinely in general psychiatry settings. Contemporary trends in training and practice have impacted psychiatrists' skills and confidence in identifying and treating these disorders, which can range from relatively benign to high-acuity presentations. The goal of this article is to introduce key principles derived from transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) for use by clinicians in general practice in their work with patients with narcissistic disorders, even when those clinicians do not routinely provide individual psychotherapy...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Elizabeth Tillinghast
The U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, recently declared loneliness a public health epidemic. For therapists, that is not likely to be a surprise: Loneliness is so common in people who seek therapy that it might be seen as the bread and butter of our work. Despite that, there has not been much serious examination of intrapsychic factors that may contribute to this painful condition. Public discourse has focused instead on cultural and societal causes of loneliness, and on practical steps that might be taken to decrease it...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Michael A Shapiro, Sheena A John, Ashraf B Muzwagi, Andrew L Silverman, Takahiro Soda
In the fall of 2019, a much-publicized court case brought to national attention the issues of patient-doctor confidentiality when it comes to reporting the deaths of newborns in the United States. It is unclear whether the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade will lead to more cases like this. This article discusses issues of countertransference, as well as the ethical and legal implications were it to be a psychiatrist, in active treatment of such a patient, who would be required to make such a report. More specifically, as in the publicized court case, the patient could be a minor at the time, receiving treatment from a child psychiatrist...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Daniel S Schechter
This article presents a frequent dilemma of treatment-seeking mothers suffering from complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that is related to exposure to maltreatment and other forms of interpersonal violence. Namely, that complex PTSD symptoms, including dissociative states in mothers that are triggered by normative child emotion dysregulation, aggression, and distress during early childhood, hinder the development of a productive psychotherapeutic process in more traditional psychodynamic psychotherapies for mothers and children...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Otto F Kernberg
This article explores the problems of the frequent loss, in the course of treatment, of the initial goals and motivation for treatment by both patient and therapist, and the connected lack of clarity of the real initial motivation for treatment on the part of both participants. It is strongly proposed that a true coincidence of at least one important initial motivational goal of patient and therapist is essential to assure the success of psychotherapy and that particular care is required to establish such agreement...
June 2024: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
Ryan Michael Cassidy, Kalli Burdick, Trevor Anesi, Daniel Daunis
Kava consumption is a traditional practice in Polynesian and Micronesian cultures. It has recently gained popularity in the United States for therapeutic and recreational use. We report the following case. A man presented to the emergency department after a fall while intoxicated on kava. He was medically admitted for altered mental status, facial and clavicle fractures, and hyponatremia. Psychiatry was consulted for management of delirium. On interview, he reported consuming escalating amounts of kava for weeks despite attempts to stop...
June 3, 2024: Journal of Addiction Medicine
Hayley A Bradley, Elena Moltchanova, Roger T Mulder, Lesley Dixon, Jacki Henderson, Julia J Rucklidge
BACKGROUND: Broad-spectrum micronutrients (minerals and vitamins) have shown benefit for treatment of depressive symptoms. AIMS: To determine whether additional micronutrients reduce symptoms of antenatal depression. METHOD: Eighty-eight medication-free pregnant women at 12-24 weeks gestation, who scored ≥13 on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), were randomised 1:1 to micronutrients or active placebo (containing iodine and riboflavin), for 12 weeks...
June 3, 2024: BJPsych Open
Miriam K Yurtbasi, Michael Gordon, Leeanne Fisher, Ric Haslam, Chidambaram Prakash, Bianca Blatchford, Christine Pavlou, Daniel Darmanin, Stephanie Verstandig, Adam Blake, Whitney Cornell, Lauren Cameron, Glenn Melvin
Objectives : A great deal of attention is being directed at the use of seclusion in adolescent inpatient psychiatric units due to its forceful nature and negative impact on inpatients and staff. This mixed methods study aimed to explore and compare the level of satisfaction with the services received and perspectives on seclusion in secluded and non-secluded adolescent inpatients. Methods : This study included 188 participants, across three adolescent inpatient psychiatric units in Australia; 17% reported having experienced seclusion...
June 3, 2024: Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Chimwemwe Pindani Tembo, Linda Portsmouth, Sharyn K Burns
Introduction : Early preventive interventions may support adolescent mothers' mental health during the perinatal period. However, adolescent maternal mental health interventions have received little empirical research attention. This scoping review maps the evidence on interventions appropriate for adolescent mothers during the perinatal period in Sub-Saharan African countries. Methods : The process was guided by the Joanna Briggs Institute's methodology for scoping reviews. Five databases, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycInfo, CINAHL, Google Scholar, and ProQuest, were searched for citations of studies published from 2000...
June 3, 2024: Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Edward Silva, Sophie Legge, Cecilia Casetta, Eromona Whiskey, Ebenezer Oloyede, Siobhan Gee
Clozapine remains the gold standard intervention for treatment-resistant schizophrenia; however, it remains underused, especially for some minority groups. A significant impediment is concern about propensity to neutropenia. The aim of this article is to provide an update on current knowledge relating to: the pattern and incidence of severe blood dyscrasias; the effectiveness of current monitoring regimes in reducing harm; the mechanisms of and the distinctions between clozapine-induced neutropenia and agranulocytosis; benign ethnic neutropenia; and changes to the monitoring thresholds in the USA and other international variations...
June 3, 2024: BJPsych Bulletin
Kenjiro Hosaka
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Maryam Al-Kalbani, Tamadhir Al-Mahrouqi, Siham Al-Shamli, Sathiya Murthi, Naser Al-Balushi, Hamed Al-Sinawi
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of workplace violence (WPV) against nurses in Oman's psychiatric hospitals and explore associated factors. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted between October and December 2021 and included all tertiary mental healthcare hospitals in Oman (Al Masarra Hospital and Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman). The participants completed a sociodemographic survey and a questionnaire on WPV in the health sector...
May 2024: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal
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