Jose Aguilera, Juan Cabrera, Luis Carlos Saenz, Pasquale Santangeli
The epicardial outflow tract can be a site of origin of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias. These arrhythmias are most commonly perivalvular and can be targeted from within the coronary venous system or from other adjacent structures, such as the right ventricular and left ventricular outflow tracts or the coronary cusp region. The authors report a case of an epicardial idiopathic outflow tract premature ventricular contraction originating from the midseptal epicardial left ventricle. In this case, direct epicardial access was crucial to identify early local activation and achieve successful catheter ablation...
June 2024: Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics
Shushi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Shizuta, Hirohiko Kohjitani, Koh Ono
Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is usually eliminated in the earliest activation site based on the conventional electrode of ablation catheter. However, the large size electrode may contain far-field potential. The QDOT MICRO ablation catheter has three micro electrodes with 0.33 mm electrode length, in addition to the conventional electrode with 3.5 mm electrode length. The micro electrodes can reflect only near-field potential. A 78-year-old with symptomatic frequent PVCs underwent catheter ablation...
May 8, 2024: Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal
Alberto Preda, Alessio Testoni, Matteo Baroni, Patrizio Mazzone, Lorenzo Gigli
A 46-year-old woman with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) associated with dextrocardia, situs viscerus inversus, and left superior vena cava persistence presented with an incessant supraventricular tachycardia. Electrophysiological study was not conclusive in differential diagnosis of atrial tachycardia versus atypical atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia, also due to the unconventional anatomy of the coronary sinus. By a comprehensive mapping of cardiac chambers, a double side slow-pathway was localized in both atrial chambers and subsequently ablated by radiofrequency delivery without tachycardia changes...
April 2024: Clinical Case Reports
Jian-du Yang, Yuan Gao, Xiao-Gang Guo, Gong-Bu Zhou, Xu Liu, Keping Chen, Jian Ma, Qi Sun
BACKGROUND: The aorta-mitral annulus conjunction (AMC) is uncommon site of origin of focal atrial tachycardias (AT). Hence, the electrophysiological and ablation target characteristics are poorly described. OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of AMC AT in detail. METHODS: The study enrolled 650 patients with AT, 21 (3.2%) of whom had AT originating from AMC. A comprehensive evaluation, including electrocardiography, electrophysiologic study, CT scan, and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) was performed...
April 6, 2024: Heart Rhythm: the Official Journal of the Heart Rhythm Society
Kohki Nakamura, Takehito Sasaki, Kentaro Minami, Hideyuki Aoki, Shingo Yoshimura, Suguru Nishiuchi, Shigeto Naito
INTRODUCTION: Catheter ablation of ectopy originating from the vicinity of the His bundle can be challenging. METHODS AND RESULTS: We report a case of a 33-year-old man with narrow QRS ectopy with preferential conduction from a para-Hisian origin to the proximal left fascicles, which was successfully eliminated by radiofrequency ablation in the right coronary cusp, guided by ultrahigh-resolution mapping of the His bundle, bundle branch, and fascicular electrograms...
April 8, 2024: Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
Álvaro J Bocanegra-Pérez, Gemma Piella, Rafael Sebastian, Guillermo Jimenez-Perez, Giulio Falasconi, Andrea Saglietto, David Soto-Iglesias, Antonio Berruezo, Diego Penela, Oscar Camara
The treatment of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias (OTVA) through radiofrequency ablation requires the precise identification of the site of origin (SOO). Pinpointing the SOO enhances the likelihood of a successful procedure, reducing intervention times and recurrence rates. Current clinical methods to identify the SOO are based on qualitative analysis of pre-operative electrocardiograms (ECG), heavily relying on physician's expertise. Although computational models and machine learning (ML) approaches have been proposed to assist OTVA procedures, they either consume substantial time, lack interpretability or do not use clinical information...
2024: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Sijia Pu, Huiyi Liu, Hai Deng, Yumei Xue, Weidong Lin
BACKGROUND: Previously, ablation at the outflow tract was considered to be safe and rarely affected the His-Purkinje system due to their spatial distance. However, we have reported a case of right bundle branch block (RBBB) and junctional beats that were recorded during radiofrequency catheter ablation in a patient who had a history of peri-membranous ventricular septal defect (pmVSD) closure and the implantation of a metallic occluder. CASE SUMMARY: A 16-year-old girl with a metallic occluder for peri-membranous ventricular septum defect underwent an ablation procedure for premature ventricular complexes...
February 2024: European Heart Journal. Case Reports
Shao-Long Li, Bo Liu, Qi-Wei Liao, Sen Yang, Chen-De He, Xue-Feng Guang
BACKGROUND: Computed tomography (CT) image integration is of limited use in left ventricular (LV) ablation due to inadequate accuracy of registration. The current study aimed to investigate the accuracy and feasibility of extra-cavity LV image registration via the coronary cusp. METHODS: Consecutive patients were enrolled as the validation group (n = 41) and feasibility group (n = 48). After extra-cavity registration via the aortic root, the LV anatomy derived from CT image was activated and moved into real space...
February 8, 2024: Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
Andres Enriquez, Matthew Hanson, Babak Nazer, Douglas N Gibson, Oscar Cano, Sayuri Tokioka, Seiji Fukamizu, Pablo Sanchez Millan, Carolina Hoyos, Carlos Matos, William H Sauer, Usha Tedrow, Jorge Romero, Victor Neira, Marian Futyma, Piotr Futyma
BACKGROUND: Catheter ablation of premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) and ventricular tachycardia (VT) from the left ventricular summit (LVS) may require advanced ablation techniques. Bipolar ablation from the coronary veins and adjacent endocardial structures can be effective for refractory LVS arrhythmias. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the outcomes of bipolar ablation performed between the coronary venous system and adjacent endocardial left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) or right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT)...
January 2024: Heart rhythm O2
Zhi-Xiang Zhou, Cheng Zheng, You-Dong Hu, Jia Feng Lin
The left ventricular summit (LVS) refers to the highest portion of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT). It is an epicardially delimited triangular area by the left coronary arteries and the coronary venous circulation. Its deep myocardium correlates closely with the left coronary cusp, aortic-mitral continuity, and right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), complicating the anatomical relationship. Ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) originating from this area are common, accounting for 14.5% of all VAs origin from left ventricle...
February 2024: Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology: PACE
Giacomo Mugnai, Vedran Velagic, Michele Malagù, Carlo de Asmundis, Luca Tomasi, Bruna Bolzan, Gian-Battista Chierchia, Flavio Luciano Ribichini, Erwin Ströker, Matteo Bertini
BACKGROUND: Catheter ablation has become an established treatment option for premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). The use of fluoroscopy exposes patients and medical staff to potentially harmful stochastic and deterministic effects of ionizing radiations. We sought to analyze procedural outcomes in terms of safety and efficacy using a "zero fluoroscopy" approach for catheter ablation of PVCs. METHODS: The present retrospective, multicenter, observational study included 131 patients having undergone catheter ablation of PVCs using "zero fluoroscopy" between 2019 and 2020 in four centers compared with another group who underwent the procedure with fluoroscopy...
December 16, 2023: Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology: An International Journal of Arrhythmias and Pacing
Şevket Ballı, Pınar Kanlıoğlu, Gokmen Akgun
OBJECTIVE: The left ventricular outflow tract is an important source of ventricular arrhythmias. Up to one-third of all idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias in patients with structurally normal hearts may arise from this region. We would like to share the results of our left ventricular outflow tract ablation using three-dimensional mapping and limited fluoroscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a single-centre retrospective cohort study. Forty-six consecutive patients who underwent left ventricular outflow tract ablation procedures between January 2015 and June 2023 were included in the study...
December 1, 2023: Cardiology in the Young
Kun-Lang Wu, Shuenn-Nan Chiu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2023: Acta Cardiologica Sinica
Aliisa Lönnrot, Jaakko Inkovaara, Olli Arola, Tero Penttilä, Heikki Mäkynen, Katriina Aalto-Setälä, Sinikka Yli-Mäyry
BACKGROUND: Ventricular extrasystoles (VESs) are common and often harmless in a healthy heart, but they can significantly affect the quality of life. If changes in lifestyle and antiarrhythmic medication are not enough, invasive and often curative catheter ablation can be considered. Better understanding of the conformation of VESs with a 12-lead ECG, as well as their precise localization, have increased their treatment with catheter ablation. Our goal was to determine whether the anatomical site of VES had an effect on procedure success...
2023: Journal of Interventional Cardiology
Elsheikh Abdelrahim, John Miller, Waddah Maskoun
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ablation of anteroseptal accessory pathways (AS-AP) is challenging, with lower success and more complications compared to other APs. AS-APs can be successfully ablated from the right atrium (RA) or the aortic valve's noncoronary cusp (NCC). We report two patients who required a hybrid ablation approach to achieve successful abolition of both anterograde and retrograde AS-AP conduction. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 21-year-old female with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and pre-excitation on electrocardiogram (ECG) underwent electrophysiology study (EPS) confirming an AS-AP with anterograde and retrograde conduction...
October 3, 2023: Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
Changjin Li, Haoyu Gu, Chao Liu, Ke Li, Xianbu Gao, Manli Yu, Zhifu Guo
Pregnancy predisposes to arrhythmias in females due to physiological changes in the cardiovascular system, enhanced activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and changes in the endocrine system, regardless of whether there exist cardiovascular diseases before the pregnancy. Tachyarrhythmias may present for the first time or worsen persistently during pregnancy, potentially leading to maternal heart failure and sudden death, as well as some adverse fetal outcomes such as growth restriction, distress, premature birth, and stillbirth...
2023: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Lei Zhao, Ruibin Li, Long Bai, Jidong Zhang, Jingchao Lu, Xiaohong Yang, Demin Liu, Wei Cui
PURPOSE: The current study was conducted to investigate the electrocardiographic (ECG) characteristics of idiopathic premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) originating from the aortic sinus cusp (ASC) and establish a novel ECG criterion to discriminate PVCs originating from the right coronary cusp (RCC), left coronary cusp (LCC), and the left and right coronary cusp junction (LRJ). METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed on a total of 133 patients with idiopathic PVCs who underwent successful mapping and ablation...
2023: Journal of Electrocardiology
Kazuhisa Matsumoto, Hitoshi Mori, Koichi Nagashima, Yoshiaki Kaneko, Ritsushi Kato
BACKGROUND: A 70-year-old man revealed a rare type of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) involving distinct retrograde pathways, superior slow pathway, and inferolateral left atrial slow pathway. RESULT: Radiofrequency ablation was successfully performed on the noncoronary cusp and in the left atrium, respectively, to eliminate the tachycardias. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Due to the anomalous electrical conduction patterns, careful diagnosis and ablation strategies were necessary to avoid the risk of atrioventricular block...
September 2023: Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
Serkan Çay, Özcan Özeke, Fırat Özcan, Meryem Kara, Serkan Topaloğlu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2023: Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi: Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin Yayın Organıdır
Wipat Phanthawimol, Sermsuke Ruengwittayawong, Peerapat Katekangplu
We first reported that epicardial LAVA in the LV summit can be mapped and PVC was completely eliminated by RF ablation above the left coronary cusp using single catheter technique.
June 2023: Journal of Arrhythmia
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