Shri Gopal Goyal, Ananya Mahapatra, Priti Kumari Goyal, Sudhir Kumar Khandelwal
The two terms, pseudocyesis and delusion of pregnancy, were frequently used for pseudopregnancy. Delusion of pregnancy is a special form of hypochondriacal/somatic delusion reported in various psychiatric and organic disorders. The origin of the delusion of pregnancy in schizophrenia has often been explained by psycho-analytic interpretations attributing wish fulfilling, protective role to false beliefs, and mother establishes an undisturbed union with her fetus during pregnancy, which eliminate loneliness and helplessness...
July 2017: Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
Nagabhushana Mahadevappa, Gaurav Kochhar, Karthikeyan Senguttuvan Vilvapathy, Sachin Dharwadkar, Sumit Kumar
OBJECTIVES: To study retrospectively the frequency, demographic, phenomenological, and psychiatric profile in patients presented with self-insertion of foreign bodies in the lower genitourinary tract in our institute. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2009 to 2015, the records of patients admitted with self-insertion of foreign bodies into the lower urinary tract were analyzed retrospectively regarding demographic and phenomenological profile, the mode of presentation, diagnosis, management, complications, and possible contributing factors leading to the event...
July 2016: Urology Annals
Ying Chun Zhang, Hua Hu, Wei Feng Luo, Yu Jing Sheng, Xiao Fang Chen, Cheng Jie Mao, Kang Ping Xiong, Li Fang Yu, Ying Zhang, Chun Feng Liu
The purpose of our study was to assess the alteration of the brainstem raphe (BR) on transcranial sonography (TCS) in depression patients with or without Parkinson's disease (PD) and to explore whether the different changes of BR could reflect an increasing impairment of raphe structures. TCS was performed in patients with PD, depression with PD, depression only, and controls. Using the red nucleus as an internal standard, the BR was rated semi-quantitatively from grades 1-4 with grades 1-3 determined as abnormal...
January 2016: Neurological Sciences
Jung Woo Cho, Jong Sam Baik, Myung Sik Lee
Recently, several studies using transcranial sonography (TCS) have resulted in the alteration of the mesencephalic midline in patients with depression. We aimed to investigate and compare sonographic abnormalities in the brainstem raphe (BR) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and controls, according to presence of depression. Study participants totaled 61 patients with PD (29 PD without depression, 32 PD with depression) and 41 controls. Results indicated that decreased BR echogenicity was much higher in PD patients with depression (PD+D) than in those without depression (PD-D)...
November 15, 2011: Journal of the Neurological Sciences
K Brockmann, K Srulijes, A K Hauser, C Schulte, I Csoti, T Gasser, D Berg
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether there exists distinct characteristics in glucocerebrosidase (GBA)-associated Parkinson disease (PD) with regard to motor and nonmotor symptoms as well as imaging characteristics assessed by transcranial sonography (TCS). METHODS: Twenty patients with PD with heterozygous GBA mutations (N370S, L444P) (GBA-PD) in comparison to 20 patients with sporadic PD negative for GBA mutations (sPD) were included. We assessed motor impairment with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale-III...
July 19, 2011: Neurology
Christos Krogias, Katrin Strassburger, Jens Eyding, Ralf Gold, Christine Norra, Georg Juckel, Carsten Saft, Dietmar Ninphius
BACKGROUND: Transcranial sonography (TCS) has become a new diagnostic tool in the evaluation of extrapyramidal disorders. Studies of TCS report alterations of the mesencephalic raphe in patients with depression. The aim of this study was to evaluate TCS findings in patients with Huntington disease in correlation with their neurologic and psychiatric status. METHODS: We recruited patients with genetically confirmed Huntington disease. The neurological and psychiatric status of participants was assessed by independent physicians...
May 2011: Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience: JPN
T Becker, G Becker, J Seufert, E Hofmann, K W Lange, M Naumann, A Lindner, H Reichmann, P Riederer, H Beckmann, K Reiners
OBJECTIVES: Depression is a frequent symptom in Parkinson's disease. Compelling evidence suggests a role of the brainstem in the control of mood and cognition. In patients with unipolar depression transcranial sonography (TS) studies have shown structural alteration of the mesencephalic brainstem raphe which could suggest an involvement of the basal limbic system in the pathogenesis of primary mood disorders. The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether a similar alteration could be found in depressed patients with Parkinson's disease using TS...
November 1997: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
T Becker, W Retz, E Hofmann, G Becker, E Teichmann, W Gsell
An outline is given of some of the methodological issues discussed in neuroradiological research on psychiatric illness. Strengths and shortcomings of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in depicting and quantifying brain structures are described. Temporal lobe anatomy and pathology are easily accessible to MRI, whereas limits on anatomical delineation hamper approaches to frontal lobe study. White matter hyperintense lesions are sensitively depicted by MRI, but specificity is limited. Distinction of vascular and primary degenerative dementia is considerably improved by CT and MRI analysis...
1995: Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section
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