Li Zhou, Qijia Huang, Younan Xia
Plasmon refers to the coherent oscillation of all conduction-band electrons in a nanostructure made of a metal or a heavily doped semiconductor. Upon excitation, the plasmon can decay through different channels, including nonradiative Landau damping for the generation of plasmon-induced energetic carriers, the so-called hot electrons and holes. The energetic carriers can be collected by transferring to a functional material situated next to the plasmonic component in a hybrid configuration to facilitate a range of photochemical processes for energy or chemical conversion...
June 3, 2024: Chemical Reviews
Shuai Wang, Xue Yang
In this paper, we investigate synchronous solutions of coupled van der Pol oscillator systems with multiple coupling modes using the theory of rotating periodic solutions. Multiple coupling modes refer to two or three types of coupling modes in van der Pol oscillator networks, namely, position, velocity, and acceleration. Rotating periodic solutions can represent various types of synchronous solutions corresponding to different phase differences of coupled oscillators. When matrices representing the topology of different coupling modes have symmetry, the overall symmetry of the oscillator system depends on the intersection of the symmetries of the different topologies, determining the type of synchronous solutions for the coupled oscillator network...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
Zhenyu Chen, Zhigang Zheng, Can Xu
The adaptation underlying many realistic processes plays a pivotal role in shaping the collective dynamics of diverse systems. Here, we untangle the generic conditions for synchronization transitions in a system of coupled phase oscillators incorporating the adaptive scheme encoded by the feedback between the coupling and the order parameter via a power-law function with different weights. We mathematically argue that, in the subcritical and supercritical correlation scenarios, there exists no critical adaptive fraction for synchronization transitions converting from the first (second)-order to the second (first)-order...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
André Luiz P de Lima, Jr-Shin Li
A persistent challenge in tasks involving large-scale dynamical systems, such as state estimation and error reduction, revolves around processing the collected measurements. Frequently, these data suffer from the curse of dimensionality, leading to increased computational demands in data processing methodologies. Recent scholarly investigations have underscored the utility of delineating collective states and dynamics via moment-based representations. These representations serve as a form of sufficient statistics for encapsulating collective characteristics, while simultaneously permitting the retrieval of individual data points...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
Richita Ghosh, Umesh Kumar Verma, Sarika Jalan, Manish Dev Shrimali
Higher-order interactions have been instrumental in characterizing the intricate complex dynamics in a diverse range of large-scale complex systems. Our study investigates the effect of attractive and repulsive higher-order interactions in globally and non-locally coupled prey-predator Rosenzweig-MacArthur systems. Such interactions lead to the emergence of complex spatiotemporal chimeric states, which are otherwise unobserved in the model system with only pairwise interactions. Our model system exhibits a second-order transition from a chimera-like state (mixture of oscillating and steady state nodes) to a chimera-death state through a supercritical Hopf bifurcation...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
Koichiro Yawata, Kai Fukami, Kunihiko Taira, Hiroya Nakao
We present a phase autoencoder that encodes the asymptotic phase of a limit-cycle oscillator, a fundamental quantity characterizing its synchronization dynamics. This autoencoder is trained in such a way that its latent variables directly represent the asymptotic phase of the oscillator. The trained autoencoder can perform two functions without relying on the mathematical model of the oscillator: first, it can evaluate the asymptotic phase and the phase sensitivity function of the oscillator; second, it can reconstruct the oscillator state on the limit cycle in the original space from the phase value as an input...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
Josiane C da Silva, A Gusso, W G Dantas, Sebastian Ujevic
Two-frequency excitation has recently emerged as an efficient method to generate strong chaotification of Duffing and Duffing-like dynamical systems with both single- and double-well potentials. For the systems with a double-well potential, large continuous regions with robust chaos (chaotic attractor insensitive to changes in the system parameters) have been predicted to exist when the method is applied. Motivated by these theoretical results, in this work, we investigate experimentally the chaotification under two-frequency excitation of a simple electronic circuit analogous to the double-well Duffing oscillator...
June 1, 2024: Chaos
Konrad Wagstyl, Katja Kobow, Pablo M Casillas-Espinosa, Andrew J Cole, Diego Jiménez-Jiménez, Hiroki Nariai, Stéphanie Baulac, Terence O'Brien, David C Henshall, Ozlem Akman, Raman Sankar, Aristea S Galanopoulou, Stéphane Auvin
Epilepsy's myriad causes and clinical presentations ensure that accurate diagnoses and targeted treatments remain a challenge. Advanced neurotechnologies are needed to better characterize individual patients across multiple modalities and analytical techniques. At the XVIth Workshop on Neurobiology of Epilepsy: Early Onset Epilepsies: Neurobiology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies (WONOEP 2022), the session on "advanced tools" highlighted a range of approaches, from molecular phenotyping of genetic epilepsy models and resected tissue samples to imaging-guided localization of epileptogenic tissue for surgical resection of focal malformations...
June 3, 2024: Epilepsia
Ying Yang, Jiguang Yao, Yang Xiao, Pak-Tik Fong, Hoi-Kwan Lau, C-M Hu
Developing quantum networks necessitates coherently connecting distant systems via remote strong coupling. Here, we demonstrate long-distance coherence in cavity magnonics operating in the linear regime. By locally setting the cavity near critical coupling with traveling photons, nonlocal magnon-photon coherence is established via strong coupling over a 2-m distance. We observe two anomalies in this long-distance coherence: first, the coupling strength oscillates twice the period of conventional photon-mediated couplings; second, clear mode splitting is observed within the cavity linewidth...
May 17, 2024: Physical Review Letters
Pablo Álvarez, Davide Pittilini, Filippo Miserocchi, Sathyanarayanan Raamamurthy, Gabriel Margiani, Orjan Ameye, Javier Del Pino, Oded Zilberberg, Alexander Eichler
Networks of coupled Kerr parametric oscillators (KPOs) are a leading physical platform for analog solving of complex optimization problems. These systems are colloquially known as "Ising machines." We experimentally and theoretically study such a network under the influence of an external force. The force breaks the collective phase-parity symmetry of the system and competes with the intrinsic coupling in ordering the network configuration, similar to how a magnetic field biases an interacting spin ensemble...
May 17, 2024: Physical Review Letters
Sai Li, Zhongchu Ni, Libo Zhang, Yanyan Cai, Jiasheng Mai, Shengcheng Wen, Pan Zheng, Xiaowei Deng, Song Liu, Yuan Xu, Dapeng Yu
Fock states with a well-defined number of photons in an oscillator have shown a wide range of applications in quantum information science. Nonetheless, their usefulness has been marred by single and multiphoton losses due to unavoidable environment-induced dissipation. Though several dissipation engineering methods have been developed to counteract the leading single-photon-loss error, averting multiple-photon losses remains elusive. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a dissipation engineering method that autonomously stabilizes multiphoton Fock states against losses of multiple photons using a cascaded selective photon-addition operation in a superconducting quantum circuit...
May 17, 2024: Physical Review Letters
I C Rodrigues, G A Steele, D Bothner
Harmonic oscillators belong to the most fundamental concepts in physics and are central to many current research fields such as circuit QED, cavity optomechanics, and photon pressure systems. Here, we engineer a microwave mode in a superconducting LC circuit that mimics the dynamics of a negative mass oscillator, and couple it via photon pressure to a second low-frequency circuit. We demonstrate that the effective negative mass dynamics lead to an inversion of dynamical backaction and to sideband cooling of the low-frequency circuit by a blue-detuned pump field, which can be intuitively understood by the inverted energy ladder of a negative mass oscillator...
May 17, 2024: Physical Review Letters
M H Naeimi, M T Mohammadi, M Sepandi, H Ghoshooni, M Rahimi Nasrabadi, A Gharib, Z Bahari
Neuropathic pain, a chronic pain condition caused by nerve damage either of the peripheral or central nervous system, responds poorly to current drug treatments. The present study aimed to investigate the analgesic and anxiolytic effect of Fe2+ nanoparticles on chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve (CCI)-induced neuropathic pain in rats. We also assessed the effects of Fe2+ nanoparticles on brain rhythmical oscillation in rats with neuropathic pain. The CCI model was induced by four loose ligations of the left sciatic nerve...
December 2023: Archives of Razi Institute
Arturo Tozzi, James F Peters
The single macroscopic flow on the boundary of a closed curve equals the sum of the countless microscopic flows in the enclosed area. According to the dictates of the Green's theorem, the counterclockwise movements on the border of a two-dimensional shape must equal all the counterclockwise movements taking place inside the shape. This mathematical approach might be useful to analyse neuroscientific data sets for its potential capability to describe the whole cortical activity in terms of electric flows occurring in peripheral brain areas...
June 2024: Cognitive Neurodynamics
Minbo Xu, Bing Hu, Zhizhi Wang, Luyao Zhu, Jiahui Lin, Dingjiang Wang
In this paper, we develop a new cortex-pallidum model to study the origin mechanism of Parkinson's oscillations in the cortex. In contrast to many previous models, the globus pallidus internal (GPi) and externa (GPe) both exert direct inhibitory feedback to the cortex. Using Hopf bifurcation analysis, two new critical conditions for oscillations, which can include the self-feedback projection of GPe, are obtained. In this paper, we find that the average discharge rate (ADR) is an important marker of oscillations, which can divide Hopf bifurcations into two types that can uniformly be used to explain the oscillation mechanism...
June 2024: Cognitive Neurodynamics
Ning Zhang, Damini Sood, Spencer C Guo, Nanhao Chen, Adam Antoszewski, Tegan Marianchuk, Archana Chavan, Supratim Dey, Yunxian Xiao, Lu Hong, Xiangda Peng, Michael Baxa, Carrie Partch, Lee-Ping Wang, Tobin R Sosnick, Aaron R Dinner, Andy LiWang
The oscillator of the cyanobacterial circadian clock relies on the ability of the KaiB protein to switch reversibly between a stable ground-state fold (gsKaiB) and an unstable fold-switched fold (fsKaiB). Rare fold-switching events by KaiB provide a critical delay in the negative feedback loop of this post-translational oscillator. In this study, we experimentally and computationally investigate the temperature dependence of fold switching and its mechanism. We demonstrate that the stability of gsKaiB increases with temperature compared to fsKaiB and that the Q10 value for the gsKaiB → fsKaiB transition is nearly three times smaller than that for the reverse transition...
May 21, 2024: bioRxiv
Stafford L Lightman, Becky L Conway-Campbell
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is an extremely dynamic system with a combination of both circadian and ultradian oscillations. This state of 'continuous dynamic equilibration' provides a platform that is able to anticipate events, is sensitive in its response to stressors, remains robust during perturbations of both the internal and external environments and shows plasticity to adapt to a changed environment. In this review, we describe these oscillations of glucocorticoid (GC) hormones and why they are so important for GC-dependent gene activation in the brain and liver, and their consequent effects on the regulation of synaptic and memory function as well as appetite control and metabolic regulation...
June 2, 2024: Journal of Internal Medicine
Ke-Le Chen, Ru-Jia Yu, Cheng-Bing Zhong, Ziyi Wang, Bao-Kang Xie, Hui Ma, Mingjun Ao, Peng Zheng, Andrew G Ewing, Yi-Tao Long
The microtubule-associated protein tau participates in neurotransmission regulation via its interaction with synaptic vesicles (SVs). The precise nature and mechanics of tau's engagement with SVs, especially regarding alterations in vesicle dynamics, remain a matter of discussion. We report an electrochemical method using a synapse-mimicking nanopipette to monitor vesicle dynamics induced by tau. A model vesicle of ~30 nm is confined within a lipid-modified nanopipette orifice with a comparable diameter to mimic the synaptic lipid environment...
June 2, 2024: Angewandte Chemie
Mingyun Kim, Do Hyun Kang, Jun-Hyuk Choi, Dae-Geun Choi, Jihye Lee, Jongwon Lee, Joo-Yun Jung
A mid-infrared label-free immunoassay-based biosensor is an effective device to help identify and quantify biomolecules. This biosensor employs a surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy, which is a highly potent sensing technique for detecting minute quantities of analytes. In this study, a biosensor was constructed using a metamaterial absorber, which facilitated strong coupling effects. For maximum coupling effect, it is necessary to enhance the near-field intensity and the spatial and spectral overlap between the optical cavity resonance and the vibrational mode of the analyte...
May 27, 2024: Biosensors & Bioelectronics
Beatriz M Meriño, Heidy M Villalobos-Barrantes, Pablo C Guerrero
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pleistocene climatic oscillations, characterized by arid (interglacial) and pluvial (glacial) phases, have profoundly impacted the floras of Mediterranean climates. Our study investigates the hypothesis that these climatic extremes have promoted phases of range expansion and contraction in the Eriosyce sect. Neoporteria, resulting in pronounced genetic structuring and restricted gene flow. METHODS: Utilizing nuclear microsatellite markers, we genotyped 251 individuals across 18 populations, encompassing all 14 species and one subspecies within the Eriosyce sect...
June 2, 2024: Annals of Botany
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