Daan W Laméris, Marina Salas, Marcel Eens, Lisa Gillespie, Nicky Staes, Jonas Rr Torfs, Jonas Verspeek, Hilde Vervaecke, Samantha J Ward, Jeroen Mg Stevens
Human evaluation of animal emotional expressivity can inform animal welfare. Qualitative Behavioural Assessment (QBA) has been applied to domesticated and some non-domesticated animals, but its use in primates is limited despite their emotional expressivity. We aimed to develop and apply a QBA for bonobos ( Pan paniscus ) through two consecutive studies. We applied Free Choice Profiling (FCP) and the Fixed List methodology, respectively, in Study 1 and 2, and invited students and bonobo experts to rate video clips of zoo-living bonobos of different sexes and age classes, and before and after moving to a new enclosure...
2024: Animal Welfare
Hui Liu, Ning Hsieh
OBJECTIVE: This study examines the long-observed marital advantage in happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic. BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic may have altered the marital advantage in happiness due to changes in social integration processes. However, this has not been explored in previous studies. METHOD: Data were from the COVID-19 substudy of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (N=2622). A series of regressions were estimated to understand marital status differences in pandemic happiness and changes in relationships with non-resident family and friends...
April 2024: Journal of Marriage and the Family
Chaitanya Sheoran, Nikhil Nayar, Abhinit Kumar, Kunal Kumar, Shruti Sharma, Nikita Maan
BACKGROUND: The basic objective of any civilization is to preserve a happy family. The quality of one's sexual encounters is crucial to a happy marriage. Couples' dissatisfaction in this area may be the cause of several social, psychological, and medical issues. The way reality is interpreted, which shapes behaviors and emotions, is established by beliefs. These beliefs, which are among the most frequent causes of male sexual problems, include those relating to high performance, women's sexual enjoyment, and sexual conservatism...
April 2024: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Dan Li, Rui Liu, Fukang Ye, Ruinan Li, Xiaoya Li, Jing Liu, Xueshan Zhang, Jingjing Zhou, Gang Wang
Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is an emerging non-invasive neuromodulation treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), but its mechanism remains unclear. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of tACS on event-related potentials (ERP) based on a randomized controlled study. All patients were divided into two groups to receive either 20 sessions 77.5Hz-tACS or 20 sessions of sham stimulation during 4 weeks. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for Depression -17 item (HAMD-17) and ERP during face-word Stroop task were recorded before and after the treatment (the fourth weekend)...
May 30, 2024: Journal of Psychiatric Research
Yiyi Wang, Wen Zhou, Jingyun Zhu, Yanjie Su
Adults' emotional reactions to the pain and pleasure of others are influenced by the moral character of those individuals. However, it remains unclear whether children's emotional responses also show such selectivity. To investigate this, we compared 4- to 8-year-old children's emotional responses to the physical pain and pleasure of prosocial versus antisocial puppets. In Study 1, children reported unhappiness after witnessing the pain of the prosocial and antisocial puppets but reported less unhappiness after witnessing the pain of the antisocial puppet...
May 31, 2024: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Xin Wang, Hyun Kyung Lee, Shelley Xiuli Tong
This study investigated the neural dynamics underlying the interplay between emotion and inhibition in Chinese autistic children. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals were recorded from 50 autistic and 46 non-autistic children during an emotional Go/Nogo task. Based on single-trial ERP analyses, autistic children, compared to their non-autistic peers, showed a larger Nogo-N170 to angry faces and an increased Nogo-N170 amplitude variation for happy faces during early visual perception. They also displayed a smaller N200 for all faces and a diminished Nogo-N200 amplitude variation for happy and neutral faces during inhibition monitoring and preparation...
May 29, 2024: Brain Research
Rose Iannuzzelli, Karen Gonsalkorale, Lisa A Williams
Individuals ostracize others for myriad reasons, yet the influence of those reasons on the psychological experience of ostracizing is yet unknown. Two studies aimed to determine the emotional and behavioral sequelae of ostracizing for different motives, directly comparing punitive to defensive motives. We focused our examination on a suite of emotions expected to arise as a function of (1) the situations that give rise to ostracizing for punitive and defensive reasons (anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness) and (2) the act of ostracizing itself (i...
2024: PloS One
Ella Aase Anker, Svanhild E Bøe Sture, Sigurd William Hystad, Arne Kodal
BACKGROUND: Anxiety is prevalent among children and adolescents (termed youths), and leads to reduced quality of life, disability, loss of education and reduced life-span. Physical activity has shown promising effects on symptoms of anxiety in adult populations, and an increasing amount of research has also demonstrated some effect in youth. However, physical activity is not widely used in youth mental health care, and research is very limited. METHODS/DESIGN: This single arm, pre-post study explores the effect of a manualized physical activity-based 14-session intervention termed Confident, Active and Happy Youth...
2024: Frontiers in Psychiatry
Jing-Jing Chen, Bing Yu, Ling Yan, Xiao-Xiao Sun, Qin Dai
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to assess the physical and psychological conditions of hospitalized patients who were infected with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and post-traumatic growth (PTG) scores and predictors. METHODS: The test group consisted of 102 hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in Wuhan between March 4, 2020 and April 5, 2020, whereas the control group comprised 168 healthy study participants...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Rebecca Hayes-Mejia, Martin Stafström
The aim of this study was to investigate whether seafarers' self-reported work experiences were associated with wellbeing and happiness while onboard. The study also examined which indicators of the work experiences had an effect in what direction. We analyzed the survey responses from 13 008 seafarers onboard, from 154 different nationalities, serving in 44 different international shipping companies. The outcome measures were wellbeing and happiness, and the exposure variables were work environment factors: satisfaction, expectations, ideal, skills and training, challenges, and workload...
2024: Inquiry: a Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing
Mahdie Arab Bafrani, Roghaiyeh Nourizadeh, Sevil Hakimi, Seyed Alireza Mortazavi, Esmat Mehrabi
BACKGROUND: Sexual and marital satisfaction is considered one of the important factors in happiness and life satisfaction of couples. COVID-19 pandemic results in psychological effects, such as increased anxiety levels which can affect sexual and marital satisfaction. This study aimed to investigate the impact of positive psychology on women's sexual and marital satisfaction. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted on 72 married women of reproductive age in Tabriz, Iran between February 2021 and May 2022...
May 29, 2024: BMC Psychology
Katherine E Simon, Katharine Russell, Alejandra Mondino, Chin-Chieh Yang, Beth C Case, Zachary Anderson, Christine Whitley, Emily Griffith, Margaret E Gruen, Natasha J Olby
Age-related decline in mobility and cognition are associated with cellular senescence and NAD + depletion in dogs and people. A combination of a novel NAD + precursor and senolytic, LY-D6/2, was examined in this randomized controlled trial. Seventy dogs with mild to moderate cognitive impairment were enrolled and allocated into placebo, low or full dose groups. Primary outcomes were change in cognitive impairment measured with the owner-reported Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Rating (CCDR) scale and change in activity measured with physical activity monitors...
May 29, 2024: Scientific Reports
Sude Yeşilyurt, Gülcan Kendirkiran
AIM: This study aimed to examine nursing students' self-esteem levels and attitudes toward the nursing profession. BACKGROUND: Although it is important to choose a profession that will make the person happy in many aspects such as one's abilities, interests, values, attitudes, personal goals, and social expectations, it has an important place, especially in a profession such as nursing, which involves intense emotional and physical load. METHODS: The study population was 390 nursing students at a foundation university in Istanbul, while the sample included 202 students...
May 29, 2024: International Nursing Review
Xia Ding, Ling-Xia Qi, Dong-Yun Sun
BACKGROUND: Insomnia is among the most common sleep disorders worldwide. Insomnia in older adults is a social and public health problem. Insomnia affects the physical and mental health of elderly hospitalized patients and can aggravate or induce physical illnesses. Understanding subjective feelings and providing reasonable and standardized care for elderly hospitalized patients with insomnia are urgent issues. AIM: To explore the differences in self-reported outcomes associated with insomnia among elderly hospitalized patients...
May 19, 2024: World Journal of Psychiatry
Dorota Jasielska, Joanna Rajchert, Iwona Nowakowska
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest global health crisis in decades, has been a difficult experience for nations all over the world. In the present study we wanted to assess to what extent a positive attitude towards others, expressed in altruistic social orientation and a high level of trust, would be linked to lower levels of COVID-19 distress in infected and non-infected individuals. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: A total 405 individuals (180 women, 44%), aged 18-60 ( M = 38...
2024: Current issues in personality psychology
Seokmin Yun, Kyungjin Kim, Sangyung Lee, Young Hoon Kim
Sports and tourism are connected in various parts of economies, cultures, and nations. However, there has been a limited understanding of sports event tourism involving disabled athletes. This study explored the behavioral and socio-demographic implications of the disabled sports event tourism and investigated the motivational factors involved. An in-person survey was administered to 108 disabled athletes who attended the summer and winter Paralympics. A Structural Equation Model was used to determine the association between the factors of life satisfaction, emotional happiness, escapism, perceived value, and future intention, using the Monte Carlo parametric bootstrapping method to test significance of direct and indirect effects...
May 28, 2024: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Michael Prinzing
Two preregistered studies investigated whether engaging in proenvironmental behavior increases a person's well-being. A 10-day experience-sampling study (7,161 observations from 181 adults in 14 countries, primarily the United States) revealed positive within-person and between-person associations, and a randomized controlled experiment ( N = 545 U.S. undergraduates) found that incorporating proenvironmental behavior into individuals' daily activities increased their experiences of happiness and meaning in life...
May 28, 2024: Psychological Science
Binny Jose, Angel Thomas
This bibliometric analysis examines the research landscape on emotional and social intelligence in young adults, highlighting its impact on both personal and professional spheres, including overall wellness and happiness. Understanding the current research status in this area is crucial for identifying existing knowledge gaps, emerging trends, and possible future research and application directions. Utilizing bibliometric techniques, the study evaluates numerous scholarly articles from the Scopus database, employing tools like VOSviewer and Biblioshiny for data analysis...
April 2024: Curēus
Marieke A G Martens, Tarek Zghoul, Evelyn Watson, Sebastian W Rieger, Liliana P Capitão, Catherine J Harmer
Lamotrigine is an effective mood stabiliser, largely used for the management and prevention of depression in bipolar disorder. The neuropsychological mechanisms by which lamotrigine acts to relieve symptoms as well as its neural effects on emotional processing remain unclear. The primary objective of this current study was to investigate the impact of an acute dose of lamotrigine on the neural response to a well-characterised fMRI task probing implicit emotional processing relevant to negative bias. 31 healthy participants were administered either a single dose of lamotrigine (300 mg, n = 14) or placebo (n = 17) in a randomized, double-blind design...
May 27, 2024: Translational Psychiatry
Bixuan Du, Shuxin Jia, Xing Zhou, Mingming Zhang, Weiqi He
The impact of emotional words on the recognition of body expression and the underlying neurodynamic mechanisms remain poorly understood. This study used a classic supraliminal priming paradigm and event related potential (ERP) to investigate the effect of emotion-label words (Experiment 1) and emotional verbs (Experiment 2) on the recognition of body expressions. The behavioral results revealed that individuals exhibited a higher accuracy in recognizing happy expressions when presented with a happy-label word condition, in contrast to neutral expressions...
May 25, 2024: International Journal of Psychophysiology
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