Paul M Lantos, Mark Janko, Lise E Nigrovic, Felicia Ruffin, Takaaki Kobayashi, Yvonne Higgins, Paul G Auwaerter
Lyme disease is a spatially heterogeneous tick-borne infection, with approximately 85% of US cases concentrated in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states. Surveillance for Lyme disease and its causative agent, including public health case reporting and entomologic surveillance, is necessary to understand its endemic range, but currently used case detection methods have limitations. To evaluate an alternative approach to Lyme disease surveillance, we have performed a geospatial analysis of Lyme disease cases from the Johns Hopkins Health System in Maryland...
2024: PloS One
Athena Z Bennani, Brian Chegwidden, Constantino G Lambroussis, Lorrie Penfield
Lyme disease progresses through three distinct clinical phases: early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated. Lyme arthritis is characterized by attacks of joint swelling lasting for weeks to months, potentially causing permanent joint damage in late disseminated disease. Our case focuses on a 63-year-old, obese, type 2 diabetic, wheelchair-bound, Caucasian male with severe bilateral knee pain. Our patient had previously undergone bilateral knee arthroscopies for meniscal tears and also had knee injections performed previously without the desired level of pain alleviation...
April 2024: Curēus
T Volk, H Urbach, V Fingerle, J Bardutzky, S Rauer, Rick Dersch
Affections of the central nervous system (CNS) rarely occur in Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB). CNS manifestations can have residual neurological symptoms despite antibiotic treatment. We explored the spectrum of CNS affections in patients with LNB in a tertiary care center in a region endemic for Lyme borreliosis. We retrospectively included patients treated at a tertiary care center from January 2020-December 2021 fulfilling the case criteria for LNB as stated in the current German guideline on LNB. Clinical data, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings and MRI imaging were collected...
May 31, 2024: Scientific Reports
Austin R Earley, Elizabeth K Schiffman, Karen K Wong, Alison F Hinckley, Kiersten J Kugeler
AIMS AND METHODS: In the United States, blacklegged Ixodes spp. ticks are the primary vector of Lyme disease. Minnesota is among the states with the highest reported incidence of Lyme disease, having an average of 1857 cases reported annually during 2011-2019. In contrast to the Northeast and mid-Atlantic United States where exposure to ticks predominately occurs around the home, the circumstances regarding risk for exposure to blacklegged ticks in Minnesota are not well understood, and risk is thought to be highest in rural areas where people often participate in recreational activities (e...
May 28, 2024: Zoonoses and Public Health
Cheryl Pei Zhen Foo, Catherine Gayle Sutcliffe, Antonia Dibernardo, Leslie Robbin Lindsay
INTRODUCTION: The expanding geographical range of blacklegged ticks (BLTs), Ixodes scapularis, and its ability to transmit Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia microti, and Borrelia miyamotoi poses an emerging public health risk. Our study determined the geographic distribution and the minimum infection rate (MIR) of B. burgdorferi-, A. phagocytophilum-, Ba. microti-, and B. miyamotoi-infected BLTs in Manitoba submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada's passive tick surveillance programme from 1995 to 2017...
May 28, 2024: Zoonoses and Public Health
Rina Tilak, Santosh Karade, Arun Kumar Yadav, P M P Singh, Bhaskar Shahbabu, M D Gupte, Swati Bajaj, S K Kaushik
BACKGROUND: Lyme borreliosis is a public health concern in India. The prevalence of the disease is still undetermined with major entomological and epidemiological gaps. The present study was conducted to determine the seropositivity of Borrelia burgdorferi in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, India. METHODS: A cross-sectional serosurvey was conducted in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Data collection tools were developed and standardized for the collection of clinico-socio-demographic data...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Ayse Mine Unlu, Nanna Skaarup Andersen, Sanne Løkkegaard Larsen, Sigurdur Skarphedinsson, Stavros Chrysidis, Fredrikke Christie Knudtzen, Philip Rask Lage-Hansen
The incidence or prevalence of Lyme arthritis (LA) in Denmark is unknown and assumed very low. No published cases of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-confirmed LA from Denmark exist. Clinically, LA does not differ from other rheumatic oligoarthritic disorders posing a differential diagnostic challenge. To review the incidence and prevalence of LA to our knowledge and to present a case series of PCR-confirmed LA cases from Denmark. We conducted a systematic literature review via MEDLINE and EMBASE to explore incidence and prevalence rates of LA...
May 25, 2024: Rheumatology International
Richard I Horowitz, John Fallon, Phyllis R Freeman
Three patients with relapsing and remitting borreliosis, babesiosis, and bartonellosis, despite extended anti-infective therapy, were prescribed double-dose dapsone combination therapy (DDDCT) for 8 weeks, followed by one or several two-week courses of pulsed high-dose dapsone combination therapy (HDDCT). We discuss these patients' cases to illustrate three important variables required for long-term remission. First, diagnosing and treating active co-infections, including Babesia and Bartonella were important...
April 30, 2024: Microorganisms
Jonathan T Lee, Zhenghui Li, Lorna D Nunez, Daniel Katzel, B Scott Perrin, Varun Raghuraman, Urvi Rajyaguru, Katrina E Llamera, Lubomira Andrew, Annaliesa S Anderson, Joppe W Hovius, Paul A Liberator, Raphael Simon, Li Hao
Lyme disease (LD), caused by spirochete bacteria of the genus Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato , remains the most common vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. Borrelia outer surface protein A (OspA) is an integral surface protein expressed during the tick cycle, and a validated vaccine target. There are at least 20 recognized Borrelia genospecies, that vary in OspA serotype. This study presents a new in silico sequence-based method for OspA typing using next-generation sequence data. Using a compiled database of over 400 Borrelia genomes encompassing the 4 most common disease-causing genospecies, we characterized OspA diversity in a manner that can accommodate existing and new OspA types and then defined boundaries for classification and assignment of OspA types based on the sequence similarity...
May 2024: Microbial Genomics
Jyotsna S Shah, Ranjan Ramasamy
An article was recently published in Pathogens on using different target antigens from Borrelia species that cause Lyme disease for detecting serum antibodies to support a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease (LD) [...].
April 25, 2024: Pathogens
Christine Giesen, Daniel Cifo, Diana Gomez-Barroso, Rosa M Estévez-Reboredo, Jordi Figuerola, Zaida Herrador
BACKGROUND: Lyme disease (LD) is an emergent vector-borne disease caused by Borrelia spp. and transmitted through infected ticks, mainly Ixodes spp. Our objective was to determine meteorological and environmental factors associated with LD transmission in Europe and the effect of climate change on LD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines was performed. We selected studies on LD transmission in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) published between 2000 and 2022...
May 15, 2024: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Nismat Javed, Eduard Sklyar, Jonathan N Bella
Lyme disease often leads to cardiac injury and electrophysiological abnormalities. This study aimed to explore links between atrioventricular blocks and additional arrhythmias in Lyme carditis patients. This systematic review and meta-analysis of existing literature was performed from 1990 to 2023, and aimed to identify cases of Lyme carditis through serology or clinical diagnosis with concomitant arrhythmias. Pubmed and Web of Science were searched using appropriate MESH terms. Patients were divided into groups with atrioventricular blocks and other arrhythmias for cardiovascular (CV) outcome assessment...
April 23, 2024: Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease
Pyung Kim, Sarah Maxwell, Nabila Parijat, Dohyeong Kim, Connie L McNeely
Tick-borne diseases (TBDs) pose a rapidly growing threat to public health. The incidence of TBDs is on the rise, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors beyond demographic considerations. This brief report combines a preliminary review of the literature with geographical case mapping to identify the various factors influencing TBD risk. The report highlights the vulnerability of outdoor workers, the importance of outdoor activities, and the role of education in adopting preventive behaviors...
May 10, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Patrick H Kelly, Ye Tan, Qi Yan, Madiha Shafquat, Alexander Davidson, Qiaoyi Xu, Maria Major, Kate Halsby, Ana Grajales, Julie Davis, Frederick J Angulo, Jennifer C Moïsi, James H Stark
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bb) are a complex of bacteria genospecies that can cause Lyme disease (LD) in humans after the bite of an infected Ixodes spp. vector tick. In Canada, incidence of LD is increasing in part due to the rapid geographic expansion of Ixodes scapularis across the southcentral and eastern provinces. To better understand temporal and spatial (provincial) prevalence of Bb infection of I. scapularis and how tick surveillance is utilized in Canada to assess LD risk, a literature review was conducted...
May 21, 2024: Acta Tropica
Janna Wülbern, Laura Windorfer, Kozue Sato, Minoru Nakao, Sabrina Hepner, Gabriele Margos, Volker Fingerle, Hiroki Kawabata, Noémie S Becker, Peter Kraiczy, Robert E Rollins
Lyme borreliosis (LB) is the most common vector-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere caused by spirochetes belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato ( Bb sl) complex. Borrelia spirochetes circulate in obligatory transmission cycles between tick vectors and different vertebrate hosts. To successfully complete this complex transmission cycle, Bb sl encodes for an arsenal of proteins including the PFam54 protein family with known, or proposed, influences to reservoir host and/or vector adaptation. Even so, only fragmentary information is available regarding the naturally occurring level of variation in the PFam54 gene array especially in relation to Eurasian-distributed species...
May 2024: Ecology and Evolution
Robert C Bransfield, Shiva Kumar Goud Gadila, Laura J Kursawe, Andrew J Dwork, Gorazd Rosoklija, Elizabeth J Horn, Michael J Cook, Monica E Embers
BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases can contribute to substance abuse. Here, a fatal case of borreliosis and substance abuse is reported. This patient had a history of multiple tick bites and increasing multisystem symptoms, yet diagnosis and treatment were delayed. He experimented with multiple substances including phencyclidine (PCP), an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist that opposes NMDA agonism caused by Borrelia infection. During PCP withdrawal, he committed one homicide, two assaults, and suicide...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
Morten Zachariassen, Martin Munthe Thomsen, Thore Hillig, Pelle Trier-Petersen, Andreas Vestergaard Jensen, Lennart Jan Friis-Hansen, Christian Thomas Brandt
BACKGROUND: The extracellular matrix protein tenascin-C has been discovered to be an important regulator of the response to tissue injury and repair in cerebrovascular diseases. This study investigated if tenascin-C is released in response to infections in the central nervous system (CNS). METHODS: Tenascin-C concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was measured in patients, (>18 years) with and without CNS infections, admitted to a department of infectious diseases in Denmark...
May 15, 2024: Journal of Neuroimmunology
Jean-Philippe Rocheleau, Cécile Aenishaenslin, Ariane Dumas, Jérôme Pelletier, Patrick Leighton, Catherine Bouchard
Background: Tick-borne diseases are an emerging threat to public health throughout the temperate world, leading to a growing field of research aimed at developing and testing intervention strategies for reducing human-tick encounters or prevalence of infection in ticks. Various wide-spectrum chemical acaricides have proven effective for controlling tick populations, but many of these have potential deleterious side-effects on health and the environment. In addition to chemical acaricides, certain compounds such as diatomaceous earth have been shown to have physical acaricidal properties...
May 21, 2024: Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
Eric J Basile, Madeline Smoot, Megan E Hanna, Zohaib Ijaz, Ellen C Keeley
Lyme disease is a progressive infectious disease caused by the Borrelia species that affects multiple organ systems, including the brain, heart, skin, and musculoskeletal systems. The cardiac manifestations of Lyme disease typically present with atrioventricular nodal conduction abnormalities and, more rarely, myocarditis. We report a case of an immunocompromised 57-year-old woman who presented with acute onset shortness of breath, hypervolemia, injective conjunctiva, and global vision loss of the left eye in the setting of a recent tick bite...
April 2024: Curēus
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