Brianne N Richson, Hana F Zickgraf
OBJECTIVE: Research on psychiatric comorbidities associated with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) primarily compares ARFID versus anorexia nervosa (AN). Little is known about comorbidities associated with mixed ARFID/other eating disorder (ED) history or ARFID comorbidities relative to EDs beyond AN. This study assessed lifetime and current psychiatric factors in a large college sample with varying ED histories. METHOD: Participants were United States students from the 2021/2022 Healthy Minds Study who endorsed lifetime professionally diagnosed EDs (N = 4657)...
April 17, 2024: International Journal of Eating Disorders
Tori A Holthaus, Shelby A Keye, Shreya Verma, Corinne N Cannavale, Nicholas A Burd, Hannah D Holscher, Naiman A Khan
The Mediterranean-Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) dietary pattern is associated with reduced cognitive decline and dementia risk. However, the nutrient features that distinguish the MIND from other patterns are unknown. We investigated the relationship between accordance to the MIND pattern and carotenoid intake (phytonutrients hypothesized to confer neuroprotection) relative to the Mediterranean, DASH, and Healthy Eating Index (HEI-2020). We hypothesized that MIND diet accordance would be a stronger predictor of carotenoid intake relative to other diet indices...
March 21, 2024: Nutrition Research
Aliki Perdikari
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Trends in Molecular Medicine
Aliye Özenoğlu, Cahit Erkul, Nejla Anul, Büşra Özçelikçi, Burcu Merve Aksu
OBJECTIVE: In this study, we examined the relationship between university students' attitudes toward healthy nutrition with mindful eating, motivation to participate in physical activity, and academic success. METHODS: A total of 497 healthy students aged between 21 and 38 were randomly selected from among senior students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and nonhealth-related faculties. In the study, a questionnaire form consisting of questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants were used, along with the Attitude Scale for Healthy Nutrition (ASHN), Mindful Eating Questionnaire, and Motivation Scale for Participation in Physical Activity...
March 13, 2024: Nutrition
Rogie Royce Carandang, Elissa Epel, Rachel Radin, Jessica Lewis, Jeannette Ickovics, Shayna Cunningham
Background: Mindful eating is a promising strategy to address problematic eating behaviors; however, little is known about its applicability during pregnancy. No studies have examined the combined effects of mindful and practical eating skills on eating behaviors. Aim: We examined associations between mindful and practical eating skills and eating behaviors (nutritional intake and emotional eating) among pregnant women who received psychoeducation on healthy eating and pregnancies. Methods: Participants were racially-diverse pregnant women (14-42 years) from four clinical sites in Detroit, Michigan, and Nashville, Tennessee (N = 741)...
April 7, 2024: Nutrition and Health
Elizabeth A Velkoff, Laura G Rubino, Jianyi Liu, Stephanie M Manasse, Adrienne S Juarascio
OBJECTIVE: Anxiety sensitivity (AS), the trait-like fear of symptoms of anxiety, has been associated with eating disorder (ED) pathology broadly, bulimia nervosa (BN) symptoms specifically, and the anxiety disorders that are commonly comorbid with BN. AS, especially for physical symptoms specifically, maybe a risk and maintenance factor for BN and comorbid anxiety. METHOD: Adult participants with BN (n = 44) in a clinical trial comparing CBT to mindfulness and acceptance-based treatment (MABT) reported ED symptoms, trait anxiety, and AS through treatment and follow-up...
April 5, 2024: International Journal of Eating Disorders
Reena Sheth, Esha Parikh, Kunmilayo Olayeye, Kylie Pfeifer, Deepesh Khanna
Ayahuasca is an original Amazonian brew made from the vines and leaves of Psychotroa viridis and Banisteriopsis caapi. Both P. viridis and B. caapi give this brew its unique psychedelic properties which have been revered over centuries. In recent years, ayahuasca has gained attention as a potential therapeutic tool for mental health disorders, including substance abuse and depression. The uniqueness of ayahuasca's therapeutic potential is that it is an amalgamation of its biochemical makeup and the ritual guided by a shaman, along with the interpretation of the participant of their experience...
March 2024: Curēus
Anne E Fritzson, Bonnie H C Schrag, Bernadette Park, Samantha Strife, Leah A Peña Teeters, Emma H Lischwe, Gav B M Bell, Wendy B Herron, Sona Dimidjian
Although most research has emphasized high-school and college-aged women, body dissatisfaction and eating disorder behavior are also a concern for middle-school girls. We partnered with Girls Inc., a community-based organization to explore feasibility and preliminary outcomes of the mind. body. voice. (m.b.v.) program with a middle-school-aged cohort. The program was collaboratively designed with youth, focusing on body image satisfaction, disordered eating risk factors, and mental health and well-being. The work occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering a unique opportunity to assess the promise of the program under difficult extenuating circumstances...
March 31, 2024: Eating Behaviors
Xiaobei Zhang, Soumya Ravichandran, Gilbert C Gee, Tien S Dong, Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, May C Wang, Lisa A Kilpatrick, Jennifer S Labus, Allison Vaughan, Arpana Gupta
IMPORTANCE: Perceived social isolation is associated with negative health outcomes, including increased risk for altered eating behaviors, obesity, and psychological symptoms. However, the underlying neural mechanisms of these pathways are unknown. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of perceived social isolation with brain reactivity to food cues, altered eating behaviors, obesity, and mental health symptoms. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional, single-center study recruited healthy, premenopausal female participants from the Los Angeles, California, community from September 7, 2021, through February 27, 2023...
April 1, 2024: JAMA Network Open
Emmanuelle Awad, Nadine Zalaket, Elias Rahme, Souheil Hallit, Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Sahar Obeid
A gap in the literature exists about the associations between adaptive eating patterns like mindful eating, body appreciation and psychological distress within the Lebanese population. The current culture of acceptance and increased emphasis on wellbeing elicits interest in studying body acceptance and its correlates. The aim of the current study is to assess the mediating effect of psychological distress in the association between body appreciation and mindful eating behaviors among a sample of Lebanese adults...
April 2, 2024: International Journal of Environmental Health Research
Tatiana Palotta Minari, Gerardo Maria de Araújo-Filho, Lúcia Helena Bonalume Tácito, Louise Buonalumi Tácito Yugar, Tatiane de Azevedo Rubio, Antônio Carlos Pires, José Fernando Vilela-Martin, Luciana Neves Cosenso-Martin, André Fattori, Juan Carlos Yugar-Toledo, Heitor Moreno
INTRODUCTION: Binge eating disorder (BED) is a psychiatric illness related to a high frequency of episodes of binge eating, loss of control, body image dissatisfaction, and suffering caused by overeating. It is estimated that 30% of patients with BED are affected by obesity. "Mindful eating" (ME) is a promising new eating technique that can improve self-control and good food choices, helping to increase awareness about the triggers of binge eating episodes and intuitive eating training...
March 19, 2024: Nutrients
Alyssa Torske, Benno Bremer, Britta Karen Hölzel, Alexander Maczka, Kathrin Koch
Stress-related overeating can lead to excessive weight gain, increasing the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Mindfulness meditation has been demonstrated to reduce stress and increase interoceptive awareness and could, therefore, be an effective intervention for stress-related overeating behavior. To investigate the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress-eating behavior, meditation-naïve individuals with a tendency to stress-eat (N = 66) participated in either a 31-day, web-based mindfulness meditation training or a health training condition...
March 27, 2024: Scientific Reports
Jinbo He, Ziyue Wang, Yuru Fu, Yitong Wang, Shouhe Yi, Feng Ji, Jason M Nagata
Screen use while eating has been recently identified as a highly common and potentially important specific setting of screen use in relation to eating disorder symptomatology. However, given this area of research is still in its infancy, how screen use while eating may be related to eating disorder symptomatology remains largely unexplored. To fill this gap, the present study probed the potential roles of mindfulness and intuitive eating in the association between screen use while eating and eating disorder symptomatology...
March 26, 2024: Appetite
Yui Kawasaki, Sayaka Nagao-Sato, Misa Shimpo, Rie Akamatsu, Yoko Fujiwara
Gratitude for food is a concept associated with various aspects of healthy and sustainable diet and originates from Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan. Against this background, a scale specifically targeting adults is essential for boosting studies concerning gratitude for food. This study aimed to adapt the Gratitude for Food Scale (GFS), originally developed for Japanese children, to Japanese adults and to examine the reliability and validity of GFS for adults (GFS-A). This cross-sectional study used baseline and one-week follow-up data from a longitudinal survey...
March 25, 2024: Global Health Promotion
Sandra Soca Lozano, Acadia W Buro, Karen Gonzalez-Videla, Carmen Rodriguez, Diana Rancourt, Heewon L Gray, Rocio Bailey, Laura Redwine, Marilyn Stern
Partnering with promotoras to implement a healthy lifestyle intervention has proven efficacious in reaching community members whom they serve. However, there are no clearly defined guidelines for implementing promotora training, especially when it involves developing mindfulness skills in promotoras unfamiliar with this concept. This is a report about the facilitators and barriers to training promotoras to implement a mindfulness-enhanced healthy eating and physical activity intervention, ADAPT+, using the Train-the-Trainer model...
March 21, 2024: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Ana Balsa, Cecilia Noboa, Patricia Triunfo
This paper analyses the impact of a healthy food nudge intervention on purchases of 1590 customers of a supermarket chain's loyalty program in Uruguay through a randomized controlled trial. Nudges were presented in the form of messages sent through WhatsApp to customers three times a week for 8 weeks (between July and September 2020). Messages highlighted the benefits of cooking at home and eating mindfully and healthy (vegetables, fruits, healthy snacks, legumes, and fish), and included easy to implement tips...
March 21, 2024: Health Economics
Janell L Mensinger, Guy M Weissinger, Mary Ann Cantrell, Rachel Baskin, Cerena George
COVID-19 exacerbated burnout and mental health concerns among the healthcare workforce. Due to high work stress, demanding schedules made attuned eating behaviors a particularly challenging aspect of self-care for healthcare workers. This study aimed to examine the feasibility and acceptability of a heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) mobile app for improving well-being among healthcare workers reporting elevated disordered eating during COVID-19. We conducted a mixed methods pre-mid-post single-arm pilot feasibility trial (ClinicalTrials...
March 19, 2024: Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
Lynne M Z Lafave, Joyce Hayek, Alexis D Webster, Ceilidh McConnell
BACKGROUND: Early childhood educators through their daily interactions with children, play a central role in shaping young children's health behaviors. Given their influential role, early childhood educators are often targeted in interventions aiming at enhancing their nutrition and physical activity practices. METHODS: This paper presents the design of the CHEERS eHealth program to improve nutrition and physical activity practices within Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centers...
2024: Frontiers in Nutrition
Gizem Kose, Murat Bas
Intuitive eating involves following body signals to guide eating decisions and avoiding restrictive diets. Mindful eating is paying full attention to sensory experiences and fostering nonjudgmental awareness. We aimed to elucidate potential relationships between beverage intake and intuitive and mindful eating scores. This cross-sectional exploratory study (October 2021-December 2022) enrolled adult male and female participants who provided sociodemographic and health-related information and subsequently completed the Beverage Intake Questionnaire, the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ-30), and the Intuitive Eating Scale (IES-2)...
February 21, 2024: Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Fabiane Rezende, Bruno M P M Oliveira, Rui Poínhos
BACKGROUND: The role of mindful eating (ME) and intuitive eating (IE) in improving eating behavior, diet quality, and health is an area of increasing interest. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review was to identify the instruments used to assess ME and IE among higher education students and outcomes related to these dimensions. METHODS: This review was carried out according to the PRISMA statement, through systematic searches in PubMed, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Scopus...
February 29, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
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