Bei Wang, Lizhong Zhang, Gengyu Liang, Lingqin Meng, Yang Xu, Han Li, Zishuo Song, Xiaonan Zhang, Zhangyan Li, Cuixia Guo, Tian Guan, Yonghong He
A label-free optical sandwich immunoassay sensor, utilizing weak value amplification and total internal reflection, was devised for real-time, high-sensitivity analysis and detection of low-concentration targets. 3D printed channels and sodium chloride solution were employed to ensure reproducibility, reliability, and stability of the measurements for calibration. The sandwich structure demonstrated enhanced responsiveness in the proposed optical biosensor through a comparative analysis of the direct assay and sandwich assay for detecting alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) at the same concentration...
May 22, 2024: Talanta
Katelyn N G Long, Xavier Symons, Tyler J VanderWeele, Tracy A Balboni, David H Rosmarin, Christina Puchalski, Teresa Cutts, Gary R Gunderson, Ellen Idler, Doug Oman, Michael J Balboni, Laura S Tuach, Howard K Koh
Reimagining public health's future should include explicitly considering spirituality as a social determinant of health that is linked to human goods and is deeply valued by people and their communities. Spirituality includes a sense of ultimate meaning, purpose, transcendence, and connectedness. With that end in mind, we assessed how recommendations recently issued by an expert panel for integrating spiritual factors into public health and medicine are being adopted in current practice in the United States...
June 2024: Health Affairs
Ryan J Petteway, Daniel López-Cevallos, Mira Mohsini, Andres Lopez, Roberta S Hunte, Tim Holbert, Kusuma Madamala
Public health surveillance and data systems in the US remain an unnamed facet of structural racism. What gets measured, which data get collected and analyzed, and how and by whom are not matters of happenstance. Rather, surveillance and data systems are productions and reproductions of political priority, epistemic privilege, and racialized state power. This has consequences for how communities of color are represented or misrepresented, viewed, and valued and for what is prioritized and viewed as legitimate cause for action...
June 2024: Health Affairs
Katharina Bolsewig, Annemartijn A J M van Unnik, Elena R Blujdea, Maria C Gonzalez, Nicholas J Ashton, Dag Aarsland, Henrik Zetterberg, Alessandro Padovani, Laura Bonanni, Brit Mollenhauer, Sebastian Schade, Rik Vandenberghe, Koen Poesen, Milica G Kramberger, Claire Paquet, Olivier Bousiges, Benjamin Cretin, Eline A J Willemse, Charlotte E Teunissen, Afina W Lemstra
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Plasma β-amyloid-1-42/1-40 (Aβ42/40), phosphorylated-tau (P-tau), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and neurofilament light (NfL) have been widely examined in Alzheimer disease (AD), but little is known about their reflection of copathologies, clinical importance, and predictive value in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). We aimed to evaluate associations of these biomarkers with CSF amyloid, cognition, and core features in DLB. METHODS: This cross-sectional multicenter cohort study with prospective component included individuals with DLB, AD, and healthy controls (HCs), recruited from 2002 to 2020 with an annual follow-up of up to 5 years, from the European-Dementia With Lewy Bodies consortium...
June 25, 2024: Neurology
Fiona Beaty, P Santiago Domínguez-Sánchez, Katharine Bear Nalven, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, Kiva L Oken, Natalie C Ban, Kerry J Nickols, Francis Juanes, Thomas A Okey, Ana K Spalding, Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna, Lekelia Danielle Jenkins, Vivitskaia Tulloch, Iain McKechnie
Research has the potential to simultaneously generate new knowledge and contribute meaningful social-ecological benefits; however, research processes and outcomes can also perpetuate extractive patterns that have manifested the climate, biodiversity, and social justice crises. One approach to enhance the societal value of research processes is to strengthen relationships with places of study and the peoples of those places. Deepening relational engagement with the social-ecological context and history of a place can lead to more accurate results and improved public trust in the scientific process and is particularly important for natural scientists who work at the interface of nature and society...
June 18, 2024: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Jeremy Watson, Gordon Burtch, Brad N Greenwood
Recent work has emphasized the disproportionate bias faced by minorities when interacting with law enforcement. However, research on the topic has been hampered by biased sampling in administrative data, namely that records of police interactions with citizens only reflect information on the civilians that police elect to investigate, and not civilians that police observe but do not investigate. In this work, we address a related bias in administrative police data which has received less empirical attention, namely reporting biases around investigations that have taken place...
June 11, 2024: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Damien A Fordham, Stuart C Brown, Elisabetta Canteri, Jeremy J Austin, Mark V Lomolino, Sean Haythorne, Edward Armstrong, Hervé Bocherens, Andrea Manica, Alba Rey-Iglesia, Carsten Rahbek, David Nogués-Bravo, Eline D Lorenzen
The extinction of the woolly rhinoceros ( Coelodonta antiquitatis ) at the onset of the Holocene remains an enigma, with conflicting evidence regarding its cause and spatiotemporal dynamics. This partly reflects challenges in determining demographic responses of late Quaternary megafauna to climatic and anthropogenic causal drivers with available genetic and paleontological techniques. Here, we show that elucidating mechanisms of ancient extinctions can benefit from a detailed understanding of fine-scale metapopulation dynamics, operating over many millennia...
June 11, 2024: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Adele K Stanley, Keville Frederickson, Pallav Pokhrel
INTRODUCTION: Electronic cigarette use is the most prevalent form of tobacco among young college adults between 18 and 25 years old. In addition, during the young adult years, mental health issues surface, such as anxiety. As a result of these factors, it is imperative to describe the experience of electronic cigarettes among college students to better understand the cycle of addiction among electronic cigarette users. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore and describe the experience of electronic cigarette use among college students who report feelings of anxiety...
April 2024: Journal of Addictions Nursing
T S Panevin, R V Rozhivanov, E G Zotkin, A S Avdeeva, S I Glukhova
AIM: To study the frequency of hypogonadism (HG) in men with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and to evaluate the impact of HG on the course of RA and and concomitant diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-stage continuous study included 170 men with RA, 57 men with AS and 85 men with PsA, who were hospitalized at the Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology. Patients were assessed for total testosterone (ТS) levels and subsequently divided into subgroups with normal (>12 nmol/l) and reduced levels...
June 3, 2024: Terapevticheskiĭ Arkhiv
Harrison Stratton, Grace Lee, Mahdi Dolatyari, Andre Ghetti, Tamara Cotta, Stefanie Mitchell, Xu Yue, Mohab Ibrahim, Nicolas Dumaire, Lyuba Salih, Aubin Moutal, Liberty François-Moutal, Laurent Martin, Edita Navratilova, Frank Porreca
The prevalence of many pain conditions often differs between sexes. In addition to such quantitative distinctions, sexual dimorphism may also be qualitative reflecting differences in mechanisms that promote pain in men and women. A major factor that influences the likelihood of pain perception is the threshold for activation of nociceptors. Peripheral nociceptor sensitization has been demonstrated to be clinically relevant in many pain conditions. Whether peripheral nociceptor sensitization can occur in a sexually dimorphic fashion, however, has not been extensively studied...
June 3, 2024: Brain
Julien Joseph
It is commonly thought that the long-term advantage of meiotic recombination is to dissipate genetic linkage, allowing natural selection to act independently on different loci. It is thus theoretically expected that genes with higher recombination rates evolve under more effective selection. On the other hand, recombination is often associated with GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC), which theoretically interferes with selection by promoting the fixation of deleterious GC alleles. To test these predictions, several studies assessed whether selection was more effective in highly recombining genes (due to dissipation of genetic link age) or less effective (due to gBGC), assuming a fixed distribution of fitness effects (DFE) for all genes...
June 3, 2024: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Ranin Khayr, Riyad Khnifes, Talma Shpak, Karen Banai
OBJECTIVES: Speech recognition in cochlear implant (CI) recipients is quite variable, particularly in challenging listening conditions. Demographic, audiological, and cognitive factors explain some, but not all, of this variance. The literature suggests that rapid auditory perceptual learning explains unique variance in speech recognition in listeners with normal hearing and those with hearing loss. The present study focuses on the early adaptation phase of task-specific rapid auditory perceptual learning...
May 29, 2024: Ear and Hearing
Andrew J Webb
In an effort to expedite the publication of articles, AJHP is posting manuscripts online as soon as possible after acceptance. Accepted manuscripts have been peer-reviewed and copyedited, but are posted online before technical formatting and author proofing. These manuscripts are not the final version of record and will be replaced with the final article (formatted per AJHP style and proofed by the authors) at a later time.
June 3, 2024: American Journal of Health-system Pharmacy: AJHP
Shuzhan Hu, Yiping Duan, Xiaoming Tao, Geoffrey Ye Li, Jianhua Lu, Guangyi Liu, Zhimin Zheng, Chengkang Pan
Human-oriented image communication should take the quality of experience (QoE) as an optimization goal, which requires effective image perceptual quality metrics. However, traditional user-based assessment metrics are limited by the deviation caused by human high-level cognitive activities. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we construct a brain response-based image perceptual quality metric and develop a brain-inspired network to assess the image perceptual quality based on it. Our method aims to establish the relationship between image quality changes and underlying brain responses in image compression scenarios using the electroencephalography (EEG) approach...
June 3, 2024: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Lisa Barrett, Karen Coopman
Cell encapsulation into spherical microparticles is a promising bioengineering tool in many fields, including 3D cancer modelling and pre-clinical drug discovery. Cancer microencapsulation models can more accurately reflect the complex solid tumour microenvironment than 2D cell culture and therefore would improve drug discovery efforts. However, these microcapsules, typically in the range of 1 - 5000 µm in diameter, must be carefully designed and amenable to high-throughput production. This review therefore aims to outline important considerations in the design of cancer cell microencapsulation models for drug discovery applications and examine current techniques to produce these...
December 2024: Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology
Alexander W D McArthur, Veronica Whitford, Marc F Joanisse
How does language background influence the neural correlates of visual word recognition in children? To address this question, we used an ERP lexical decision task to examine first-language (L1) and second-language (L2) visual word processing in monolingual and bilingual school-aged children and young adults (n = 123). In particular, we focused on the effects of word frequency (an index of lexical accessibility) on RTs and the N400 ERP component. Behaviorally, we found larger L1 versus L2 word frequency effects among bilingual children, driven by faster and more accurate responses to higher-frequency words (no other language or age group differences were observed)...
May 31, 2024: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Kirsty Budds, Lucy Eldred, Clare Murphy
OBJECTIVE: Women's preconception health is increasingly viewed as playing a critical role in pregnancy and birth outcomes and is becoming an increasing focus of public health messages within the UK and internationally. However, little is known about how women respond to and are impacted by preconception health messages as they try to conceive a baby. METHODS: Reflexive Thematic Analysis was used to analyse 193 responses from women in the UK to a qualitative survey on experiences of trying to conceive...
June 3, 2024: Psychology & Health
Fabrice B R Parmentier, Michael English, Murray T Maybery
Research findings indicate that when a task-irrelevant stimulus feature deviates from an otherwise predictable pattern, participants performing a categorization task exhibit slower responses (deviance distraction). This deviance distraction effect reflects the violation of the sensory predictions generated by the cognitive system. In this study, we sought to examine for the first time whether these predictions can be incidentally modulated by the auditory environment. Participants categorized the duration (short vs long) of a colored shape (red square or blue circle) while instructed to disregard the stimulus' visual features and the sound played in the background (two distinct chords played by different instruments)...
June 3, 2024: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Matthew A Hamilton-Cave, Ragheed Al-Dulaimi, Jennifer S McDonald, Michael D Ringler, Christin A Tiegs-Heiden
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in the utilization of MRA of the hip and shoulder at a large tertiary care academic medical center during a period of significant technological advancements over the last 20 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective cross-sectional analysis identified MRA of the hip and shoulder performed at our institution over a 20-year period (2/2003-2/2023) in relation to the total number of MR hip and shoulder examinations during the same period...
June 3, 2024: Skeletal Radiology
Manjunatha, A S Bennal, Ramesha Hanumanthappa, S S Kulkarni, K S Devaraju, U R Hallikeri, N M Badiger, P B Gai
The prevalence of diabetes has reached alarming levels in India, making it essential to understand the concentration of nutritional-trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr. and Se) in blood samples from diabetic adults. In this study, 208 whole blood samples from diabetic (n = 104) and non-diabetic (n = 104) adults across various age groups were analyzed using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy with a sample dilution method. Statistical analysis was performed to assess descriptive statistics and determine a significant correlation between elemental concentrations in the blood samples of diabetic and non-diabetic adults...
June 3, 2024: Biological Trace Element Research
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