Sofien Fekih, Mohamed Sami Zguira, Abdessalem Koubaa, Imed Ghariani, Hamdi Zguira, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Mohamed Jarraya
The objective of this study was to explore whether a training program incorporating motor imagery could have an effect on physical performance outcomes in terms of agility, speed, and reaction time in a sample of tennis athletes who fasted during the month of Ramadan. Recruited subjects were 27 young male tennis players, randomly allocated to two groups: the imaging training group ( n = 13) and a control group ( n = 14). The study was designed as a randomized, controlled experimental study. The control group was engaged in watching videos concerning the history of the Olympic Games, whereas the motor imagery group followed a motor imagery-based training program...
October 29, 2020: Nutrients
Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska, Pawel Powroznik, Edyta Lukasik
Human movement analysis is very often applied to sport, which has seen great achievements in assessing an athlete's progress, giving further training tips and in movement recognition. In tennis, there are two basic shots: forehand and backhand, which are performed during all matches and training sessions. Recognition of these movements is important in the quantitative analysis of a tennis game. In this paper, the authors propose using Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks (ST-GCN) to challenge the above task...
October 27, 2020: Sensors
Ernest Baiget, Xavier Iglesias, Ferran A Rodríguez
Baiget, E, Iglesias, X, and Rodríguez, FA. Validity of heart rate-based models for estimating oxygen uptake during tennis play. J Strength Cond Res 34(11): 3208-3216, 2020-This study aimed to assess the validity of an on-court tennis test (specific endurance tennis test [SET-Test]) and 2 heart rate (HR)-based methods for estimating oxygen uptake (V[Combining Dot Above]O2) in competitive tennis players. Thirty-five male players performed a SET-Test to relate test duration (minutes) and V[Combining Dot Above]O2...
November 2020: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Evert Verhagen, Benjamin Clarsen, Jamie Capel-Davies, Christy Collins, Wayne Derman, Don de Winter, Nicky Dunn, Todd S Ellenbecker, Raymond Forde, Brian Hainline, Jo Larkin, Machar Reid, Per Afh Renstrom, Kathleen Stroia, Sue Wolstenholme, Babette M Pluim
The IOC has proposed standard methods for recording and reporting of data for injury and illness in sport. The IOC consensus statement authors anticipated that sport-specific statements would provide further recommendations. This statement is the tennis-specific extension of the partner IOC statement. The International Tennis Federation Sport Science and Medicine Committee, in collaboration with selected external experts, met in June 2019 to consider athlete health monitoring issues specific to tennis. Once the IOC consensus statement was finalised, the tennis-specific consensus was drafted and agreed on by the members over three iterations...
January 2021: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Edward H Munson, Samuel T Orange, James W Bray, Shane Thurlow, Philip Marshall, Rebecca V Vince
This study examined the dose-response effects of ingesting different sodium concentrations on markers of hydration and tennis skill. Twelve British nationally-ranked tennis players (age: 21.5 ± 3.1 years; VO2peak : 45.5 ± 4.4 ml. kg. min-1 ) completed four identical in-door tennis training sessions in a cluster randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Twenty-minutes prior to each training session, participants consumed a 250 ml sodium-containing beverage (10, 20, 50 mmol/L) or a placebo (0 mmol/L), and continued to consume 1,000 ml of the same beverage at set periods during the 1-h training session...
2020: Frontiers in Nutrition
Nicholas Shannon, Brian Cable, Timothy Wood, John Kelly
A recent increase in epidemiology studies on injuries in elite tennis players has helped to shed light on the types of injuries these athletes sustain. This article reviews the common upper-limb injuries in elite players and includes less well known, but important, injuries. A search was conducted to identify current relevant studies involving elite tennis players. Injury frequency rates, injuries by regions, and types of injuries together with a list of commonly reported injuries in the upper limb were established...
October 2020: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Ziemowit Bańkosz, Sławomir Winiarski
Background: Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) is an innovative method based on the analysis of time series (data series) and is equivalent to statistical methods for numerical (discrete) data series. This study aimed to analyze the patterns of movement in the topspin backhand stroke in table tennis and to use SPM to compare these patterns between advanced female and male players. Methods: The research involved seven advanced male and six advanced female players. The kinematic parameters were measured using an inertial motion analysis system...
September 24, 2020: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Jaime Fernandez-Fernandez, Vicente García-Tormo, Francisco Javier Santos-Rosa, Anderson Santiago Teixeira, Fábio Yuzo Nakamura, Urs Granacher, David Sanz-Rivas
Fernandez-Fernandez, J, García-Tormo, V, Santos-Rosa, FJ, Teixeira, AS, Nakamura, FY, Granacher, U, and Sanz-Rivas, D. The effect of a neuromuscular vs. dynamic warm-up on physical performance in young tennis players. J Strength Cond Res 34(10): 2776-2784, 2020-The aim of this study was to examine performance-enhancing (i.e., training) effects of a neuromuscular warm-up (NWU) compared with a dynamic WU (DWU) in young tennis players. Twenty-eight well-trained male tennis players with a mean age of 15.09 ± 1...
October 2020: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Matthias W Hoppe, Thilo Hotfiel, Alexandra Stückradt, Casper Grim, Olaf Ueberschär, Jürgen Freiwald, Christian Baumgart
This study aimed to investigate the effects of different playing strategies on external and internal loads in female tennis players during match play. Also, the underlying effects on the technical-tactical actions and activity profiles were examined. Twelve well-trained female players (age: 25±5 years; maximum oxygen uptake: 40.9±4.3 ml/kg/min) played points against an opponent of similar ability outdoors on red-clay courts. The players played points over five playing conditions. Before each condition, the players were instructed to apply either a passive, an active, or their own playing strategy (free play) to succeed...
2020: PloS One
Néstor Vicente-Salar, Guillermo Santos-Sánchez, Enrique Roche
A nutritional ergogenic aid (NEA) can help athletes optimize performance, but an evidence-based analysis is required in order to support training outcomes or competition performance in specific events. Racquet sports players are regularly exposed to a high-intensity workload throughout the tournament season. The activity during a match is characterized by variable durations (2-4 h) of repeated high-intensity bouts interspersed with standardized rest periods. Medline/PubMed, Scopus, and EBSCO were searched from their inception until February 2020 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs)...
September 17, 2020: Nutrients
Brian Fiani, Ryan Jarrah, Amelia Wong, Adam Alamah, Juliana Runnels
Degenerative disc disease is more prevalent among athletes than the general population. Repetitive traumatic discopathy is a pattern of injury that has been described in athletes participating in sports that impart repetitive mechanical forces on the lumbar spine. Hence, tennis players may be particularly susceptible to repetitive traumatic discopathy due to the fast-paced nature of the modern tennis match. Recent biomechanical studies have identified the lumbar spine as the focal point of motion during tennis strokes, and the lumbar spine is notably the most frequent location of injury observed in tennis players...
August 16, 2020: Curēus
Brandon Giles, Machar Reid
Purpose: Movement and stroke production are coupled when playing tennis but generally decoupled in training and research. This study explored the lower limb, trunk and racquet mechanics of tennis players performing running forehands at varying movement speeds. Methods : Eleven female and seven male professional tennis players hit forehand groundstrokes while travelling at different movement speeds (Low: 1.4-2.0 <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>m</mml:mi> <mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>s</mml:mi> <mml:mrow><mml:mo>-</mml:mo> <mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> , Medium: 2...
February 2021: Journal of Sports Sciences
Kaitlyn Collins, Sydney Young, You-Jou Hung
Repetitive loading to the shoulder joint can compromise shoulder position sense, which may further contribute to injuries and performance deficits. The first goal of the study was to examine the correlation between shoulder position sense and racket positioning accuracy. The second goal of the study was to examine the impact of visual feedback, racket weight, and gender on racket positioning accuracy in tennis players. Fifty-eight tennis players participated in the study. Active shoulder position sense was examined in 3 abduction (45°, 90°, 135°) and 2 external rotation (45°, 90°) angles...
2020: International Journal of Exercise Science
Tamara Kramer, João Valente-Dos-Santos, Chris Visscher, Manuel Coelho-E-Silva, Barbara C H Huijgen, Marije T Elferink-Gemser
Sprint performance over short distances is a central component in young tennis players' development. This study aimed to examine the longitudinal development of sprint performance in young female tennis players, and to investigate differences between performance levels. Also potentially explanatory variables were investigated. Female tennis players aged 10-15 ( N = 167) participated in a, mixed-longitudinal study ( n = 48 elite; n = 119 sub-elite). Players were measured annually on the 5 m sprint as well as for possible explaining variables for 5 m sprint performance development (age, height, body mass, maturity status, lower limb explosive strength)...
February 2021: Journal of Sports Sciences
Victor Moreno-Pérez, Jaime Prieto, Juan Del Coso, José Ezequiel Lidó-Micó, Miguel Fragoso, Francisco José Penalva, Machar Reid, Babette M Pluim
This study examined the association and predictive ability of several markers of internal workload on risk of injury in high-performance junior tennis players. Fifteen young, high-level tennis players (9 males, 6 females; age: 17.2 ± 1.1 years; height: 178.5 ± 8.7 cm; mass: 68.1 ± 4.8 kg) participated in this investigation. Data on injury epidemiology and internal workload during training were obtained for one competitive season. The session-rating of perceived exertion (s-RPE) was used to calculate internal workload markers in absolute (acute workload and chronic workload for 2-weeks, 3-weeks and 4-weeks) and relative terms (acute:chronic workload ratios [ACWR] for 2-weeks, 3-weeks and 4-weeks)...
August 2021: European Journal of Sport Science
José María Giménez-Egido, Raquel Hernández-García, Damián Escribano, Silvia Martínez-Subiela, Gema Torres-Luque, Enrique Ortega-Toro, José Joaquín Cerón
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the changes caused by a one-day tennis tournament in biomarkers of oxidative stress and α-amylase in saliva in children. The sample was 20 male active children with the following characteristics: (a) age of players = 9.46 ± 0.66 years; (b) weight = 34.8 ± 6.5 kg; (c) height = 136.0 ± 7.9 cm; (d) mean weekly training tennis = 2.9 ± 1.0 h. The tennis competition ran for one day, with four matches for each player. Data were taken from the average duration per match and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE)...
August 28, 2020: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Matthew G Davey, Martin S Davey, Eoghan T Hurley, Muhamed Gaafar, Leo Pauzenberger, Hannan Mullett
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to systematically review the evidence in the literature to ascertain the rate and timing of return to sport following reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA). METHODS: A systematic literature search based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, using the Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library Databases. Eligible for inclusion were clinical studies reporting on return to sport following RSA...
January 2021: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Gabriella Acquaye, Jonathan Quartey, Samuel Kwakye
Background: Tennis is a popular global sport characterised by repeated, explosive motions and the involvement of several muscle groups during different strokes, which fluctuates randomly from brief periods of maximal or near maximal work to longer periods of moderate and low intensity activity. Objectives: To determine the pattern of injuries amongst tennis players in Accra. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted, involving 142 male and female participants selected from tennis clubs in Accra and the Accra sports stadium...
2020: South African Journal of Physiotherapy
Rami G Alrabaa, Mario H Lobao, William N Levine
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review presents epidemiology, etiology, management, and surgical outcomes of rotator cuff injuries in tennis players. RECENT FINDINGS: Rotator cuff injuries in tennis players are usually progressive overuse injuries ranging from partial-thickness articular- or bursal-sided tears to full-thickness tears. Most injuries are partial-thickness articular-sided tears, while full-thickness tears tend to occur in older-aged players. The serve is the most energy-demanding motion in the sport, and it accounts for 45 to 60% of all strokes performed in a tennis match, putting the shoulder at increased risk of overuse injury and rotator cuff tears...
December 2020: Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine
Kristin Kalo, Lutz Vogt, Johanna Sieland, Winfried Banzer, Daniel Niederer
A glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) of the shoulder, is associated with an increased risk of shoulder injuries in tennis athletes. The aim of the present study was to reveal the impact of 1) age, sex, specific training data (i.e. training volume, years of tennis practice, years of competitive play) and 2) upper extremity injuries on GIRD in youth competitive tennis athletes.A cross-sectional retrospective study design was adopted. Youth tennis players (n = 27, 12.6 ± 1.80 yrs., 18 male) belonging to an elite tennis squad were included...
August 15, 2020: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
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