In-Beom Kim, Kyeung Min Joo, Chang Ho Song, Im Joo Rhyu
Anatomy is a foundational subject in medicine and serves as its language. Hippocrates highlighted its importance, while Herophilus pioneered human dissection, earning him the title of the founder of anatomy. Vesalius later established modern anatomy, which has since evolved historically. In Korea, formal anatomy education for medical training began with the introduction of Western medicine during the late Joseon Dynasty. Before and after the Japanese occupation, anatomy education was conducted in the German style, and after liberation, it was maintained and developed by a small number of domestic anatomists...
May 27, 2024: Journal of Korean Medical Science
Jeremy C Ganz
The authors of the texts described in this chapter will have had access to the anatomy of Vesalius; a marked step forward. However, there was no equivalent advance in physiology. Harvey's book on the circulation of the blood was published in 1628 but it took many years for its contents to be accepted as standard teaching. The century saw the development of instruments some of which look more like instruments a modern surgeon would recognize. The two major technical advances were the acceptance of a single-handed trephine and the design of crown trepans with a conical shape and blades extending up the sides...
2024: Progress in Brain Research
Yuyo Maeda, Takafumi Mitsuhara, Kazuya Saeki, Takeshi Hara, Masashi Kuwabara, Kondo Hiroshi, Ishii Daizo, Masaaki Takeda, Nobutaka Horie
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of the foramen of Vesalius (FV) in the pathogenesis of skull base meningioma by analyzing data from various multi-image modalities. METHODS: For this single-center retrospective study, 39 consecutive patients with skull base meningioma who underwent tumor resection between January 2020 and March 2023 were enrolled. The anatomical and pathological characteristics of the FV were evaluated using computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional (3D)-digital subtraction angiography (DSA)...
April 26, 2024: World Neurosurgery
Beatrice Paradiso, Dainius H Pauza, Clara Limback, Giulia Ottaviani, Gaetano Thiene
This review explores the historical development of cardiology knowledge, from ancient Egyptian psychostasis to the modern comprehension of cardiac neuromodulation. In ancient Egyptian religion, psychostasis was the ceremony in which the deceased was judged before gaining access to the afterlife. This ritual was also known as the "weighing of the heart" or "weighing of the soul". The Egyptians believed that the heart, not the brain, was the seat of human wisdom, emotions, and memory. They were the first to recognize the cardiocentric nature of the body, identifying the heart as the center of the circulatory system...
April 16, 2024: Biology
Tatsuo Sakai, Fukushima Masayuki
The oldest extant anatomy textbooks compiled in ancient Rome were by Galen who described in writing most of the various parts and organs of the body. History tells us that ever since the time of Galen, anatomical terminology would be a necessary and beneficial feature, but it also brought unexpected and annoying consequences into the field. The benefits are readily apparent in the case of muscle terminology. Galen identified more than 150 different kinds of skeletal muscles, most of which were unnamed, hence difficult to identify without professional knowledge of anatomy...
April 7, 2024: Anatomical Science International
Mugurel Constantin Rusu
BACKGROUND: In human anatomy, there are well-known the foramina of the greater sphenoidal wing, the foramen rotundum, the foramen ovale, the foramen spinosum, as well as the inconstant sphenoidal emissary foramen of Vesalius and the foramen of Arnold. Different canals are found in several species of rodents, such as the alisphenoid and sphenopterygoid (SPC) canals. METHOD: It was re-explored an archived computed tomography angiogram of a 60 y.o. female case. RESULTS: Bilateral superior recesses of the pterygoid fossae (SRPF) and a right SPC were found...
April 2, 2024: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy: SRA
Erin A Bohula, Nicholas A Marston, Andrea Ruzza, Sabina A Murphy, Gaetano M De Ferrari, Rafael Diaz, Lawrence A Leiter, Mary Elliott-Davey, Huei Wang, Ajay K Bhatia, Robert P Giugliano, Marc S Sabatine
BACKGROUND: The reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) with evolocumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody inhibitor of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9i), reduces the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) with a prior MI, prior stroke, or symptomatic peripheral artery disease, with no offsetting safety concerns. The effect of evolocumab on CV outcomes in lower risk patients without a history of MI or stroke has not been explored...
March 2024: American Heart Journal
Takahiro Ota
The carotid rete is a physiological network between the external and internal carotid arteries (ICA) in lower vertebrates. However, true carotid rete does not exist in humans. This review aimed to contrast the physiological function of human "rete-like collaterals" with that of lower vertebrate " rete mirabile ". An explanation for the development of rete-like collaterals in human intracranial arteries was also discussed. The rete mirabile (carotid, vertebral, spinal, and thoracic) in lower vertebrates has a specific physiological role and does not form vasculature for the same purpose in humans...
December 17, 2023: Interventional Neuroradiology
Andrea Palamenghi, Michaela Cellina, Maurizio Cè, Annalisa Cappella, Chiarella Sforza, Daniele Gibelli
The sphenoid bone presents several anatomical variations, including accessory foramina, such as the foramen meningo-orbitale, the foramen of Vesalius, the canaliculus innominatus and the palatovaginal canal, which may be involved in tumor invasion or surgery of surrounding structures. Therefore, clinicians and surgeons have to consider these variants when planning surgical interventions of the cranial base. The prevalence of each variant is reported in the published literature, but very little information is available on the possible correlation among different variants...
November 9, 2023: Cancers
Dan Lipsker, Lawrence Chukwudi Nwabudike, Lawrence Charles Parish, Leonard J Hoenig
Ceratum Galeni is an old eponym honoring the name of Galen of Pergamum (129-circa 216 CE) and a cold cream he described over 1800 years ago. We traced this eponym back to the Fourteenth and Sixteenth Centuries in published medical texts by Guy de Chauliac (circa 1300-1368) and Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). We also found a fourth-century reference in a medical work by Oribasius (circa 320-403 CE) to a mixture of wax and oil of roses based on Galen's cold cream formula. We present the images of a nineteenth-century apothecary white porcelain jar from Paris, France on which appears the words Cerat Galeni, as well as a twentieth-century oil painting by the American artist Robert Thom (1915-1979), that shows Galen administering his cold cream to a woman...
September 22, 2023: Clinics in Dermatology
A I Cucu, C F Costea, A Perciaccante, S T Donell, R Bianucci
Located at the base of the skull, the pituitary gland has a long and controversial history, not only in terms of its anatomy, but especially in the functions it performs and in the attempt to approach it surgically. Considered by Galen of Pergamon to have a role in releasing waste products of the brain, a theory accepted until the 17th century, the pituitary gland became a separate entity once with the anatomical descriptions of the famous Andreas Vesalius. At the beginning of the 18th century, researches of the time began to be more and more interested in this gland, trying to identify its functions, and at the same time correcting the traditional theories that were wrong or incomplete...
September 6, 2023: World Neurosurgery
K A Pashkov
John Hunter is rightly ranks with such most famous researchers and physicians as Galen, William Harvey and Andreas Vesalius. His role as the founder of the "experimental surgery" of the New Age and the creator of the famous Hunterian Medical Museum in London is significant for the history of medicine. His contribution into development of dentistry is incontestable. His work "The Natural history of human teeth: an explanation of their structure, use, formation, growth and diseases" (1771) was translated into many languages, but it was never published in Russian...
July 2023: Problemy Sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ Gigieny, Zdravookhranenii︠a︡ i Istorii Medit︠s︡iny
Jean-Noël Fabiani-Salmon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2023: La Revue du Praticien
Se Won Hwang, Sultan K Tukeshov, Kun Hwang
The aim of this study is to elucidate the meaning of the skulls depicted in emblem books of the 17th century. Three emblem books of the 17th century were reviewed and analyzed: (1) Rollenhagen emblem: Gabrielis Rollenhagii Selectorum emblematum centuria secunda (1613), (2) Quarles' emblems; illustrations engraved by William Marshall and others (1635), and (3) Wither's emblem: A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne: quickened with metricall illustrations, both morall and divine: and disposed into lotteries (1635)...
May 26, 2023: Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
K Conroy
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 10, 2023: Journal of Laryngology and Otology
Klaus F Steinsiepe
The cell doctrine-the theory of ventricular localization of the mental faculties-includes Galen's idea of a locking or valve mechanism between the middle and the rear ventricle. The anatomical substrate was the vermiform epiphysis, known today as the vermis cerebelli . This entity played a significant role in brain physiology even though its appearance, texture, and location changed over time. This article tells the story of the "worm's" transformation from Galen to Vesalius and beyond. Until the time of Albertus Magnus (c...
January 4, 2023: Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Maria Piagkou, Michael Kostares, Fabrice Duparc, Panagiotis Papanagiotou, Constantinus Politis, George Tsakotos, Nikos Pantazis, Konstantinos Natsis
PURPOSE: To estimate the prevalence of the sphenoidal emissary foramina (SEF), and the effect of possible moderators on it. METHODS: A systematic online literature search was conducted. The pooled prevalence with 95% confidence intervals was estimated. Outlier and influential analyses were performed. The presence of small-study effect and publication bias were evaluated. Moderator analyses were executed to investigate the effect of the specimens' continent of origin, type of study (dried skull or imaging), probing for the evaluation of SEF patency (conduction and instruments used), side dominance (bilateral or unilateral), morphometric data [SEF diameter, distances SEF-Foramen ovale (FO) and SEF-Foramen spinosum (FS)], and the methodology used for the morphometric measurements (caliper, DICOM Viewer, and image analysis software) on the estimated prevalence...
January 2023: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy: SRA
Emilyn Frohn, Leah Lebowicz, Rex Twedt, Christine Young
This research study presents a methodology for creation of 3D models from confocal microscopy, specifically the retinal trilaminar capillary network, that can be used in 3D biomedical animation. Biomedical visualization professionals regularly use CT and MRI imaging data to create 3D models and other visuals. Adding confocal microscopy to this toolkit using ImageJ FIJI1 and Materialise Mimics® allows for a wider range of options to create data-driven 3D models of microscopic structures. Understanding the interactions of the neurovascular unit through visualization may be a key to advancing understanding of normal function of the retina and diabetic retinopathy pathology...
2022: Journal of Biocommunication
Jinpo Xiang, Santhana Venkatesan
The understanding of human anatomy has been an endeavour spanning thousands of years from the Egyptians and Greeks in antiquity to the present day. Scholars and scientists have overcome great barriers to discover the inner workings and complexities of the human body, from personal challenges and prejudices to obstacles placed by society. Our present understanding of anatomy has accumulated over centuries, and progressive generations of physicians have contributed to the ever-growing evidence-based knowledge...
September 29, 2022: Journal of Anatomy
Shishir Shetty, Saad Al-Bayatti, Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Natheer H Al-Rawi, Vinayak Kamath, Shoaib Rahman Tippu, Sangeetha Narasimhan, Sausan Al Kawas, Walid Elsayed, Kumuda Rao, Renita Castelino
Background: The association of the linear dimensions of the inferior turbinate hypertrophy with nasal septal deviation has been studied recently. However, the volumetric dimensions provide a more accurate status of the turbinate hypertrophy compared to linear measurements. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of inferior nasal turbinate volume with the degree of nasal septal deviation (NSD). Methods: A retrospective evaluation of the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 412 patients was carried out to obtain 150 scans which were included in the study...
2022: PeerJ
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