Sumnalata Ma Dewangan, Braj Bhushan Kumar
BACKGROUND: There are numerous reports of remarkable recoveries from diseases through drugless healing systems. In an effort to enhance the understanding of naturopathic therapies, the author, a renowned BNYS doctor specializing in naturopathy, yoga, nutrition, and wellness, aims to explain the importance of drugless therapies in various disease conditions. OBJECTIVE: To provide a comprehensive overview of the relevance and efficacy of naturopathy as a therapeutic tool in modern healthcare...
May 3, 2024: Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Alison Maunder, Susan Arentz, Mike Armour, Michael F Costello, Carolyn Ee
RESEARCH QUESTION: Is conducting a randomized control trial (RCT) to assess the effectiveness of whole-system naturopathy in improving pregnancy rates among women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) feasible? DESIGN: A two-arm, parallel group, assessor-blinded feasibility RCT was conducted. Women with DOR, trying to conceive naturally or by ART, were randomly assigned to naturopathy plus usual care, or usual care alone for 16 weeks. Primary outcomes were feasibility (recruitment, adherence, retention rates), acceptability and safety...
January 22, 2024: Reproductive Biomedicine Online
Himel Mondal, Satyalakshmi Komarraju, Sathyanath D, Shrikanth Muralidharan
Arthritis affects millions of lives with its pervasive effects on physical health and quality of life. Addressing the complexities of managing symptoms such as swelling, inflammation, and pain requires prolonged treatment. Naturopathy is a treatment method that enhances the body's innate ability to restore optimal health through a holistic approach including natural products and lifestyle modifications. This systematic review addresses the intersection of naturopathy and arthritis treatment to provide current evidence about its potential benefits...
February 2024: Curēus
Ali Mobasheri, Aliyyaa Spring-Charles, Francesco Carlo Gamaleri, Joyce McSwan, Manohar Garg, Vidhu Sood Sethi
BACKGROUND: Pharmacological approaches to acute and chronic pain management, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids, are respectively associated with adverse reactions (such as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and renal effects) that might limit their use in patients with comorbidities and controversy related to inappropriate use. Naturopathic remedies might offer patients alternative and integrative treatments with minimal side effects. OBJECTIVE: To explore the regional variation in the acceptance and use of naturopathic remedies in pain management...
2024: Journal of Pain Research
Alison Maunder, Susan Arentz, Mike Armour, Michael F Costello, Carolyn Ee
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 1, 2024: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Sandra Grace, Kathryn Baltrotsky
Introduction: Recent years have seen rapid changes to traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine (TCIM) practices in Australia associated with increased interest in TCIM during the COVID-19 pandemic and reorganization of practice delivery methods. This study aimed to update the understanding of the current TCIM workforce in Australia. Methods: Representatives of six TCIM professional organizations developed a survey for e-mail distribution to members. The anonymous online Qualtrics survey was based on previous surveys to identify workforce trends over time...
December 26, 2023: J Integr Complement Med
Pradeep M K Nair, Karishma Silwal, Jyoti Keswani, Sucheta Kriplani, Vakeel Khan, Ayush Maheshwari, Mili Arpan Shah, Naga Jyoti, Vinutha Rao, Cijith Sreedhar, Kinjal Dilipsinh Bhalavat, Renjish Mohanan, Jerin Subha M, Rakesh Gupta, Hemanshu Sharma, Gulab Rai Tewani
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Front Pain Res (Lausanne)
Christian Raff, Colette Dörr-Harim, Stephanie Otto, Johanna Thiele, Andre Mihaljevic, Klaus Kramer
BACKGROUND: Patients with cancer receiving neoadjuvant treatment prior to surgery are in a very stressful situation. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy put a strain on the quality of life and the pending surgery poses a relevant burden for many patients. Preparation of these patients for the intervention in terms of prehabilitation has great potential to reduce the burden of postoperative complications and may improve the clinical outcome. A prehabilitation approach also yields the possibility to address unmet patients' needs and to help them modify their lifestyle in a maintainable way...
October 18, 2023: JMIR Research Protocols
Pradeep Mk Nair, Karishma Silwal, Dhananjay Arankale, Hemanshu Sharma, Gulab Rai Tewani
CONTEXT: One of the governing principles of naturopathic medicine is the concept of Unity of Disease and Unity of Cure (UDUC). Many naturopathic physicians and students find it challenging to provide a scientific basis for UDUC because conventionally every disease has varying etiologies. OBJECTIVE: The review intended to explore the basis of UDUC, examining the available theoretical evidence around this fundamental tenet of naturopathic medicine, to promote its effective use when consulting new patients and planning the subsequent treatment...
July 2023: Integrative Medicine
Amie Steel, Sarah Brand, Matthew Leach, Iva Lloyd, Vicky Ward
INTRODUCTION: Most knowledge translation models pay relatively little attention to patient-held knowledge and are largely based on the premise that researchers and clinicians hold all valuable knowledge, and patients are passive recipients of such knowledge. Counter to this clinician- and researcher-centred lens is a growing interest and awareness of patients as experts in their health. While naturopathic medicine is described and experienced as a patient-centred system of traditional medicine, the position of patient-held knowledge is unclear particularly when considered alongside their use of other more objective forms of knowledge such as research evidence...
July 18, 2023: BMC complementary medicine and therapies
Matthew J Leach, Yasamin Veziari
UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Evidence implementation refers to the application of appropriate enabling strategies to improve clinician engagement with the best available evidence. To date, little attention has been paid to evidence implementation in disciplines such as naturopathy. This study addresses this knowledge gap by examining the determinants of evidence implementation in Australian naturopathic practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was open to all Australian naturopaths who had internet access and were fluent in the English language...
August 2023: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Margaret D Whitley, Ian D Coulter, Raheleh Khorsan, Patricia M Herman
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this project was to explore barriers to the involvement of complementary and integrative health (CIH) providers in the public health response to COVID-19 and potential solutions for future involvement in public health crises. METHODS: An expert panel of 10 people, which included doctors of chiropractic, naturopathic doctors, public health practitioners, and researchers from the United States, was convened for a day-long online panel discussion...
June 9, 2023: Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Kim D Graham, Amie Steel, Jon Wardle
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The clinical encounter is inherently complex and uncertain. Naturopathic clinical practice is shaped by a traditional philosophy and practice guiding principles, with a therapeutic framework that incorporates a complex inter-systems approach. It is possible that this foundation may orient naturopathic practitioners to manage clinical complexity and uncertainty in a distinct manner. The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of experienced naturopathic practitioners to the management of clinical complexity within naturopathic care...
May 24, 2023: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Andrea Langhorst, Jost Langhorst
Fibromyalgia syndrome is classified as a functional somatic syndrome. There are typical but not clearly defined symptom clusters, such as chronic widespread pain, non-restorative sleep, and a tendency to physical and/or mental exhaustion. The core principle of treatment in the S3 guidelines is a multimodal treatment, especially for severe forms of the disease. Complementary, naturopathic and integrative forms of treatment have an established place in the guidelines. Strong treatment recommendations with a high consensus exist for endurance, weight and functional training...
October 2023: Der Schmerz
Benjamin Malo, Fabienne Labbé, Samantha B Meyer, Eric Filice, Janice E Graham, Noni E MacDonald, Julie A Bettinger, Devon Greyson, Shannon E MacDonald, S Michelle Driedger, Gregory Kawchuk, Eve Dubé
Health care providers' recommendations can play an important role in individuals' vaccination decisions. Despite being one of the most popular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), naturopathy is understudied in relation to vaccination decisions. We sought to address this gap through this study of vaccination perspectives of naturopathy practitioners in the province of Quebec, Canada. We conducted in-depth interviews with 30 naturopaths. Thematic analysis was conducted. Main themes were developed deductively (i...
May 18, 2023: Vaccine
Sandra Grace, Joanne Bradbury, Cathy Avila, Liza Twohill, Samantha Morgan-Basnett
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate whether a combination of nutrients designed to promote gut and brain health also lowers psychological distress. The hypothesis is that a probiotic with fish oil, and glutamine supplement will reduce psychological distress. Design: A multiple baseline design was used to collect data from seven naturopathic patients in private naturopathic clinics in Australia. Patients were between 18 and 65 years of age, and had a Kessler-10 (K10) score between 16 and 30 and symptoms associated with mild gastrointestinal discomfort experienced several times most weeks for 3 months...
April 28, 2023: J Integr Complement Med
Monique Aucoin, Genevieve Newton, Matthew Leach, Kieran Cooley
Objectives: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a clinical decision-making process combining the best available scientific evidence with clinician expertise and patient preference. While EBP has been associated with a range of benefits, it is recognized that EBP is used suboptimally by a range of health professionals, including naturopathic doctors (NDs). Canadian NDs have expressed a high level of interest in opportunities to improve their EBP skills; however, barriers exist, including those that apply broadly to health professionals, and those that are unique to the naturopathic profession...
April 21, 2023: J Integr Complement Med
Jill Dunn, Iva Lloyd, Amie Steel, Jon Adams, Jon Wardle
Introduction: The World Health Organization identified health to be the most important social goal and the 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata placed primary health care central to its attainment and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the template. The Astana Declaration called on a change of focus in primary care, from treatment of specific diseases to the prevention and inclusion of both scientific and traditional knowledge. Such objectives require public-private partnerships in providing health care, including traditional and complementary medicine systems such as naturopathy that align...
March 21, 2023: J Integr Complement Med
Leslie Solomonian, Jamine Blesoff, Luciano Garofalo, Sandra Lucas, Andrea Picardo, Anna Garber, Mariah Wilson, Matthew Leach
Objective: Both the United Nations and the World Health Organization have identified antimicrobial resistance as a significant threat to global health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified five pediatric respiratory conditions as requiring particular scrutiny in terms of antibiotic stewardship. This study sought to identify strategies used by experienced naturopathic practitioners to treat acute respiratory infections in children. The authors theorize that naturopathic strategies safely fill the gap between watchful waiting and antibiotic prescription, thus reducing the use of antibiotics...
February 24, 2023: J Integr Complement Med
Amie Steel, Helene Diezel, Matthew Leach, Andrea Bugarcic
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Naturopathy is a traditional medicine system originating from Europe and naturopathic practitioners provide care to 6.2% of Australians in a 12-month period. Australian naturopathic programs have undertaken a slow transition over the last 20 years from Advanced diploma to Bachelor degree as the minimum level of qualification for entry into the profession. This study aimed to understand and describe the experience of naturopathic graduates completing Bachelor degree and transitioning to provide naturopathic care in the community...
February 15, 2023: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
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