Salvatore Bottaro, Emanuele Castorina, Marco Costa, Diego Redigolo, Ennio Salvioni
Cosmology offers opportunities to test dark matter independently of its interactions with the standard model. We study the imprints of long-range forces acting solely in the dark sector on the distribution of galaxies, the so-called large scale structure (LSS). We derive the strongest constraint on such forces from a combination of Planck and BOSS data. Along the way we consistently develop, for the first time, the effective field theory of LSS in the presence of new dynamics in the dark sector. We forecast that future surveys will improve the current bound by an order of magnitude...
May 17, 2024: Physical Review Letters
Tiago S Domingues, Ronald Coifman, Amir Haji-Akbari
Confinement can substantially alter the physicochemical properties of materials by breaking translational isotropy and rendering all physical properties position-dependent. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have proven instrumental in characterizing such spatial heterogeneities and probing the impact of confinement on materials' properties. For static properties, this is a straightforward task and can be achieved via simple spatial binning. Such an approach, however, cannot be readily applied to transport coefficients due to lack of natural extensions of autocorrelations used for their calculation in the bulk...
May 30, 2024: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Edward Bormashenko
The physical roots, interpretation, controversies, and precise meaning of the Landauer principle are surveyed. The Landauer principle is a physical principle defining the lower theoretical limit of energy consumption necessary for computation. It states that an irreversible change in information stored in a computer, such as merging two computational paths, dissipates a minimum amount of heat kBTln2 per a bit of information to its surroundings. The Landauer principle is discussed in the context of fundamental physical limiting principles, such as the Abbe diffraction limit, the Margolus-Levitin limit, and the Bekenstein limit...
May 15, 2024: Entropy
Anton Arnold, Gayrat Toshpulatov
This paper is concerned with a modified entropy method to establish the large-time convergence towards the (unique) steady state, for kinetic Fokker-Planck equations with non-quadratic confinement potentials in whole space. We extend previous approaches by analyzing Lyapunov functionals with non-constant weight matrices in the dissipation functional (a generalized Fisher information). We establish exponential convergence in a weighted <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msup><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-norm with rates that become sharp in the case of quadratic potentials...
2024: Journal of Statistical Physics
Ralf Eichhorn
When writing down a Langevin equation for the time evolution of a "system" in contact with a thermal bath, one typically makes the implicit (and often tacit) assumption that the thermal environment is in equilibrium at all times. Here, we take this assumption as a starting point to formulate the problem of a system evolving in contact with a thermal bath from the perspective of the bath, which, since it is in equilibrium, can be described by the microcanonical ensemble. We show that the microcanonical ensemble of the bath, together with the Hamiltonian equations of motion for all the constituents of the bath and system together, give rise to a Langevin equation for the system evolution alone...
March 22, 2024: Entropy
Alexander P Petroff, Schuyler McDonough
Thiovulum majus, which is one of the fastest known bacteria, swims using hundreds of flagella. Unlike typical pusher cells, which swim in circular paths over hard surfaces, T. majus localize near hard boundaries by turning their flagella to exert a net force normal to the surface. To probe the torques that stabilize this hydrodynamically bound state, the trajectories of several thousand collisions between a T. majus cell and a wall of a quasi-two-dimensional microfluidic chamber are analyzed. Measuring the fraction of cells escaping the wall either to the left or to the right of the point of contact-and how this probability varies with incident angle and time spent in contact with the surface-maps the scattering dynamics onto a first passage problem...
March 2024: Physical Review. E
Lei Tang, Lívia M Corrêa, Mathieu Francoeur, Chris Dames
It is well established that near-field radiative heat transfer (NFRHT) can exceed Planck's blackbody limit1 by orders of magnitude owing to the tunnelling of evanescent electromagnetic frustrated and surface modes2-4 , as has been demonstrated experimentally for NFRHT between two large parallel surfaces5-7 and between two subwavelength membranes8,9 . However, although nanostructures can also sustain a much richer variety of localized electromagnetic modes at their corners and edges10,11 , the contributions of such additional modes to further enhancing NFRHT remain unexplored...
April 17, 2024: Nature
Dennis Höfflin, Christian Sauer, Andreas Schiffler, Jochen Manara, Jürgen Hartmann
High-temperature calibration methods in additive manufacturing involve the use of advanced techniques to accurately measure and control the temperature of the build material during the additive manufacturing process. Infrared cameras, blackbody radiation sources and non-linear optimization algorithms are used to correlate the temperature of the material with its emitted thermal radiation. This is essential for ensuring the quality and repeatability of the final product. This paper presents the calibration procedure of an imaging system for in-situ measurement of absolute temperatures and temperature gradients during powder bed fusion of metal with laser beam (PBF-LB/M) in the temperature range of 500 K-1500 K...
April 15, 2024: Heliyon
Piers Kelly, Junran Lei, Hans-Jörg Bibiko, Lorina Barker
Message sticks are wooden objects once widely used in Indigenous Australia for facilitating important long-distance communications. Within this tradition an individual wishing to send a message would carve a stick and apply conventional symbols to its surface. The stick was entrusted to a messenger who carried the object into the territory of another community together with a memorised oral statement. Between the 1880s and the 1910s, settlers and international scholars took great interest in message sticks and this was reflected in efforts to document, collect and store them in museums worldwide...
2024: PloS One
Libo Jiang, Daniel R Terno, Oscar Dahlsten
We consider how to describe Hamiltonian mechanics in generalized probabilistic theories with the states represented as quasiprobability distributions. We give general operational definitions of energy-related concepts. We define generalized energy eigenstates as the purest stationary states. Planck's constant plays two different roles in the framework: the phase space volume taken up by a pure state and a dynamical factor. The Hamiltonian is a linear combination of generalized energy eigenstates. This allows for a generalized Liouville time-evolution equation that applies to quantum and classical Hamiltonian mechanics and more...
March 22, 2024: Physical Review Letters
Arash Edrisi, Hamza Patwa, Jose A Morales Escalante
Kinetic theory provides modeling of open quantum systems subject to Markovian noise via the Wigner-Fokker-Planck equation, which is an alternate of the Lindblad master equation setting, having the advantage of great physical intuition as it is the quantum equivalent of the classical phase space description. We perform a numerical inspection of the Wehrl entropy for the benchmark problem of a harmonic potential, since the existence of a steady state and its analytical formula have been proven theoretically in this case...
March 14, 2024: Entropy
J Gerhard Müller
It is argued that all physical knowledge ultimately stems from observation and that the simplest possible observation is that an event has happened at a certain space-time location X→=x→,t. Considering historic experiments, which have been groundbreaking in the evolution of our modern ideas of matter on the atomic, nuclear, and elementary particle scales, it is shown that such experiments produce as outputs streams of macroscopically observable events which accumulate in the course of time into spatio-temporal patterns of events whose forms allow decisions to be taken concerning conceivable alternatives of explanation...
March 13, 2024: Entropy
Zizi Chen, Gary W Small
Automated detection of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere can be achieved by applying pattern recognition analysis to passive infrared (IR) multispectral remote sensing data. However, obtaining analyte-active training data through field experiments is time-consuming and expensive. To address this issue, methodology has been developed for simulating radiance profiles acquired using a multispectral IR line-scanner mounted in a downward-looking position on a fixed-wing aircraft. The simulation strategy used Planck's radiation law and a radiometric model along with the laboratory spectrum of the target compound to compute the upwelling IR background radiance with the presence of the analyte within the instrumental field-of-view...
March 25, 2024: Applied Spectroscopy
Kaifei Kang, Bowen Shen, Yichen Qiu, Yihang Zeng, Zhengchao Xia, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jie Shan, Kin Fai Mak
Quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulators are two-dimensional electronic materials that have a bulk band gap similar to an ordinary insulator but have topologically protected pairs of edge modes of opposite chiralities1-6 . So far, experimental studies have found only integer QSH insulators with counter-propagating up-spins and down-spins at each edge leading to a quantized conductance G0  = e2 /h (with e and h denoting the electron charge and Planck's constant, respectively)7-14 . Here we report transport evidence of a fractional QSH insulator in 2...
March 20, 2024: Nature
Yaoyue Tang, Fatemeh Gharari, Karina Arias-Calluari, Fernando Alonso-Marroquin, M N Najafi
This article reveals a specific category of solutions for the 1+1 variable order (VO) nonlinear fractional Fokker-Planck equations. These solutions are formulated using VO q-Gaussian functions, granting them significant versatility in their application to various real-world systems, such as financial economy areas spanning from conventional stock markets to cryptocurrencies. The VO q-Gaussian functions provide a more robust expression for the distribution function of price returns in real-world systems. Additionally, we analyzed the temporal evolution of the anomalous characteristic exponents derived from our study, which are associated with the long-term (power-law) memory in time series data and autocorrelation patterns...
February 2024: Physical Review. E
Manish Dwivedi, Sumitra Rudra, Sanjay Kumar
We investigate the influence of varying confinement on the dynamics of polymer translocation through a cone-shaped channel. For this, a linear polymer chain is modeled using self-avoiding walks on a square lattice. The cis side of a cone-shaped channel has a finite volume, while the trans side has a semi-infinite space. The confining environment is varied either by changing the position of the back wall while keeping the apex angle fixed or altering the apex angle while keeping the position of the back wall fixed...
February 2024: Physical Review. E
Carlijn I R Braem, Utku S Yavuz, Hermie J Hermens, Peter H Veltink
BACKGROUND: Data loss in wearable sensors is an inevitable problem that leads to misrepresentation during diabetes health monitoring. We systematically investigated missing wearable sensors data to get causal insight into the mechanisms leading to missing data. METHODS: Two-week-long data from a continuous glucose monitor and a Fitbit activity tracker recording heart rate (HR) and step count in free-living patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were used. The gap size distribution was fitted with a Planck distribution to test for missing not at random (MNAR) and a difference between distributions was tested with a Chi-squared test...
February 27, 2024: Sensors
Eviatar Bach, Tim Colonius, Isabel Scherl, Andrew Stuart
We consider the problem of filtering dynamical systems, possibly stochastic, using observations of statistics. Thus, the computational task is to estimate a time-evolving density ρ(v,t) given noisy observations of the true density ρ†; this contrasts with the standard filtering problem based on observations of the state v. The task is naturally formulated as an infinite-dimensional filtering problem in the space of densities ρ. However, for the purposes of tractability, we seek algorithms in state space; specifically, we introduce a mean-field state-space model, and using interacting particle system approximations to this model, we propose an ensemble method...
March 1, 2024: Chaos
Sabine Hildebrandt
The Vienna Protocol on How to Deal with Holocaust Era Human Remains describes what to do when possibly Jewish human remains are found. Based on Jewish medical ethics, it responds to the 2014-2017 discoveries of human remains stemming from biomedical contexts of the Nazi period. Among the finding sites were the Dahlem campus of the Free University of Berlin, the Medical University of Strasbourg, and Max Planck Institute archives. The Vienna Protocol is unique among similar recommendations on Nazi era human remains in its representation of the voices of those who suffered violence and were targeted as victims by Nazi persecution...
March 5, 2024: American journal of biological anthropology
Van-Truong Dang, Van-Sang Pham
Preconcentration of biomolecules based on ion concentration polarization (ICP) has been splendidly applied to various biomedical and chemical processes. However, in many circumstances, biomolecule preconcentration could not occur due to the lack of full studies on the preconcentration mechanism, especially on the effect of microchannel dimensions. In this work, we provide analytical studies on the critical dimensions (minimum and maximum) of microchannels for the preconcentration of biomolecules. These formulas are verified with the numerical results by fully solving the coupled governing equations: Poisson-Nernst-Planck and Navier-Stokes experiments with appropriate boundary conditions and assumptions...
March 4, 2024: Langmuir: the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
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