Ana CarolinaVieira-Porto, Sara C Cunha, Elaine C Rosa, Juliana DePaula, Adriano G Cruz, Otniel Freitas-Silva, José O Fernandes, Adriana Farah
Acrylamide is an amide formed in the Maillard reaction, with asparagine as the primary amino acid precursor. The intake of large amounts of acrylamide has induced genotoxic and carcinogenic effects in hormone-sensitive tissues of animals. The enzime asparaginase is one of the most effective methods for lowering the formation of acrylamide in foods such as potatoes. However, the reported sensory outcomes for coffee have been unsatisfactory so far. This study aimed to produce coffees with reduced levels of acrylamide by treating them with asparaginase while retaining their original sensory and bioactive profiles...
June 2024: Food Research International
Burak Güneş, Nefise Akçelik
Biofilm structures, which are the predominant form of microbial life, are a formation that allows pathogenic microorganisms to remain alive by colonizing in different tissues and organs in the human body, as well as on inanimate surfaces. One of the important criteria in the fight against biofilm structures is the weakening of the exopolymeric matrix (EPS). Although it is known that extracellular DNA (eDNA) is one of the most abundant macromolecules in EPS in enterococcal biofilms, its function in biofilm structure is controversial...
October 2022: Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni
Esther Llop, Ana Ardá, Elsa Zacco, Roisin O'Flaherty, María-Salud García-Ayllón, Massimo Aureli, Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Celso A Reis, Ole K Greiner-Tollersrud, Inmaculada Cuchillo-Ibáñez
The Cost Action "Innovation with glycans: new frontiers from synthesis to new biological targets" (INNOGLY) hosted the Workshop "Neuroglycoproteins in health and disease", in Alicante, Spain, on March 2022. This event brought together an european group of scientists that presented novel insights into changes in glycosylation in diseases of the central nervous system and cancer, as well as new techniques to study protein glycosylation. Herein we provide the abstracts of all the presentations.
August 24, 2022: Glycoconjugate Journal
Gábor Sütő
Összefoglaló. A reumatológiai betegségek gyakoribb cardiovascularis megbetegedéssel és halálozással járnak. Ennek oka a veleszületett fogékonyság, a tradicionális cardiovascularis rizikófaktorok, a folyamatos gyulladásos háttér és a mozgásszegénység, amelyek mellett a gyógyszerszedés sem elhanyagolható tényező. A nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentő szerek egyik legismertebb mellékhatása a cardiovascularis megbetegedés és halálozás előfordulásának fokozódása, amely az egyes készítmények esetében eltérő mértékű...
January 16, 2022: Orvosi Hetilap
Nóra Garam, András Tislér, Ákos Pethő, Nóra Ledó, Ágnes Kárpáti, Ágnes Fehér, Magdolna Kardos, Judit Csomor, István Takács
Összefoglaló. Közleményünkben egy 63 éves férfi esetét ismertetjük, aki fáradékonyság, fogyás miatt végzett laboratóriumi vizsgálatokon igazolódó veseelégtelenség és hypercalcaemia miatt került felvételre Klinikánkra. A területen végzett röntgenvizsgálaton a koponyán frontalisan és a sacrumon csonteltérések (temporofrontalisan 13 mm-es, körülírtabb, mérsékelten intenzív árnyék és az S1-es rés sclerosisa) ábrázolódtak, ultrahangvizsgálat során lépmegnagyobbodás volt látható...
March 28, 2021: Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Szabó, Éva Szentkirályi, Tamás Kovács, Örs Győrffy, Balázs Sütő, István Bátai, Monika Kerényi
Összefoglaló. Gyógyszereink egy részének jelentős, az eredeti alkalmazástól eltérő hatása is van. Ezek felismerése fontos, hogy elkerüljük a nem várt mellékhatásokat, vagy kihasználjuk ezeket a kedvező adottságokat. A helyi érzéstelenítők antibakteriális hatása 1909 óta ismert, de ennek több évtizeden keresztül nem tulajdonítottak jelentőséget. Az 1960-as években figyeltek fel először az álnegatív mikrobiológiai eredmények lehetőségére, helyi érzéstelenítőket használva a mintavételhez...
January 31, 2021: Orvosi Hetilap
Melinda Erdős
Összefoglaló. A Niemann-Pick-betegség autoszomális recesszíven öröklődő lizoszomális tárolási betegség, amelynek hátterében a savi szfingomielináz enzim hiánya vagy csökkent aktivitása (A-, A/B- és B-típus), illetve a Niemann-Pick C intracelluláris koleszterintranszporter fehérje deficientiája (C- és D-típus) állhat. A defektus következtében szfingomielin és koleszterin halmozódik fel a sejtek lizoszómáiban. A betegség leggyakoribb prezentációs tünete a hepatosplenomegalia miatt elődomborodó nagy has...
January 10, 2021: Orvosi Hetilap
Sándor Sipka, Attila Tóth, Sándor Sipka
Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Egy új, számítógép által segített betegminta-asszociációs analízis eredménye szerint a COVID-19 tüneteinek kialakításában kiemelt tényezőként jelenik meg a bradikinin. Eszerint a bradikinin lebontása lelassul az angiotenzinkonvertáló enzim aktivitásának csökkenése miatt, ami jelentősen megemelkedő bradikininszinthez vezet a tüdőben. Nem merült fel azonban a véralvadási faktorok lehetséges szerepe a "bradikininviharban", annak ellenére, hogy az idősebb cardiovascularis betegekben aktiválódó XII-es faktor és a C1-észteráz-inhibitor (C1INH) alacsony szintje nagy mennyiségű bradikinin képződéséhez vezethet...
December 13, 2020: Orvosi Hetilap
András Zeke, László Dobson, Levente István Szekeres, Tamás Langó, Gábor E Tusnády
Most cells in multicellular organisms are somehow asymmetric, polarized: maintaining separate membrane domains. Typical examples are the epithelial cells (apical-basal polarization), neurons (dendritic-axonal domains), or migratory cells (with a leading and a trailing edge). Here we present the most comprehensive database containing experimentally verified mammalian proteins that display polarized sorting or secretion, focusing at epithelial polarity. In addition to the source cells or tissues, homology-based inferences and transmembrane topology (if applicable) are all provided...
November 10, 2020: Journal of Molecular Biology
Luciana P Silva, Rafael R Debiage, JoÃo L Bronzel-JÚnior, Regildo M G DA Silva, Erika C T Mello -Peixoto
Tanniferous plants have been used for ruminants verminosis control and represent a possibility to minimize the pharmacological resistance against conventional antiparasitics. This study aimed to evaluate the antihelminthic activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of stem bark of guava tree (PgHA). It was performed the hatchability and larval migration inhibition assays to evaluate PgHA at the following concentrations 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 mg mL-1 and the control treatments. The total polyphenol, flavonoid and tannin contents were determined by phytochemical analysis, high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry...
2020: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Inés Valencia, Concepción Peiró, Óscar Lorenzo, Carlos F Sánchez-Ferrer, Jürgen Eckel, Tania Romacho
COVID-19 outbreak, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2 coronavirus has become an urgent health and economic challenge. Diabetes is a risk factor for severity and mortality of COVID-19. Recent studies support that COVID-19 has effects beyond the respiratory tract, with vascular complications arising as relevant factors worsening its prognosis, then making patients with previous vascular disease more prone to severity or fatal outcome. Angiotensin-II converting enzime-2 (ACE2) has been proposed as preferred receptor for SARS-CoV-2 host infection, yet specific proteins participating in the virus entry are not fully known...
2020: Frontiers in Pharmacology
Maria Jesus Lisbona-González, Candela Reyes-Botella, Esther Muñoz-Soto, Marta Vallecillo-Rivas, Jorge Moreno Fernandez, Javier Díaz Castro
Introduction: the use of natural nutritional supplements can be used as a coadjuvant therapy since they have several phytochemicals with potential antioxidant effects that could influence lipid and glycemic metabolism. Objectives: to determine the effect of natural propolis supplementation on lipid metabolism and liver antioxidant activity. Material and methods: 20 male Wistar albino rats (8 weeks) were divided into two groups of 10 animals each. Subsequently, they were fed two different types of diet for 90 days: a standard diet for the control group (diet C) and a standard diet + 2 % propolis (diet P)...
August 27, 2020: Nutrición Hospitalaria: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
Y Juárez-Vicuña, J Pérez-Ramos, L Adalid-Peralta, F Sánchez, R Springall, J Villaseñor-Jasso, M S Sixtos-Alonso, M A Ballinas-Verdugo, R Márquez-Velasco, R Bojalil, L M Amezcua-Guerra, F Sánchez-Muñoz
OBJECTIVE: To explore whether the IFNL3/4 rs12979860 genotype may influence serum levels or production of interferon-inducible protein-10 (IP-10) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS: Sixty-six patients with SLE and 22 healthy blood donors (controls) were included. The IFNL3/4 rs12979860 polymorphism was genotyped by real-time polymerase chain reaction. IP-10 levels in sera supernatants of IFNα stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were measured by enzime-linked immunosorbent assay...
April 2020: Lupus
Karla Montelongo-Rodríguez, Rafael Almendra-Pegueros, Liliana Valencia-Sánchez, Edgar De Leon-Diaz de Leon, Alejandro García-Díaz, David Esmer-Sánchez, Carlos Adrián Jiménez-González, Úrsula Medina, Antonio Gordillo-Moscoso
Background: Up to 30% of the population has sleep disturbances, generating a negative health impact, a situation that is often not known and no medical attention is sought. It has been observed that after a total deprivation of sleep, the levels of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) tend to increase. The aim of this study was to compare serum levels of DPP-4 in healthy subjects, with adequate and poor-quality sleep needing medical/pharmacological treatment. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study of subjects scheduled for elective surgery with low cardiometabolic risk...
July 29, 2019: Metabolic Syndrome and related Disorders
R Morchón, E Carretón, R García, T Zueva, V Kartashev, F Simón
Human subcutaneous dirofilariosis has several clinical presentations. Many cases present as subcutaneous nodules, as a consequence of a local inflammatory reaction that encapsulates and destroys the worms. In addition, there are cases in which migrating worms located in the ocular area remain unencapsulated. In the present work, the levels of two pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) are analysed by commercial Enzime-Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in serum samples from 43 individuals, 28 diagnosed as having subcutaneous dirofilariasis presenting a subcutaneous nodule, five diagnosed as having dirofilariasis, in which the worms remained unencapsulated in the periphery of the eye, and ten healthy individuals living in a non-endemic area, used as controls...
July 24, 2019: Journal of Helminthology
Julia K Varga, Gábor E Tusnády
MOTIVATION: Due to their special properties, the structures of transmembrane proteins are extremely hard to determine. Several methods exist to predict the propensity of successful completion of the structure determination process. However, available predictors incorporate data of any kind of proteins, hence they can hardly differentiate between crystallizable and non-crystallizable membrane proteins. RESULTS: We implemented a web server to simplify running TMCrys prediction method that was developed specifically to separate crystallizable and non-crystallizable membrane proteins...
February 21, 2019: Bioinformatics
Geovana Dotta, Jaqueline Inês Alves de Andrade, Patrícia Garcia, Gabriel Fernandes Alves Jesus, José Luiz Pedreira Mouriño, Jacó Joaquim Mattos, Afonso Celso Dias Bainy, Maurício Laterça Martins
This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with the extrats of propolis and Aloe barbadensis (aloe) on the antioxydant enzime activity, hematology and histology of the spleen of Nile tilapia challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. Seventy two juvenile Nile tilapia were divided in four treatments and three replicates and fed extract mixture for 15 days: fish fed supplemented diet with 1% of the mixture of extracts of propolis and aloe (1:1) injected with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS); fish fed suplemented diet with 1% of the mixture of extracts of propolis and aloe (1:1) injected with the A...
August 2018: Fish & Shellfish Immunology
Eva Schad, Erzsébet Fichó, Rita Pancsa, István Simon, Zsuzsanna Dosztányi, Bálint Mészáros
Motivation: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) mediate crucial protein-protein interactions, most notably in signaling and regulation. As their importance is increasingly recognized, the detailed analyses of specific IDP interactions opened up new opportunities for therapeutic targeting. Yet, large scale information about IDP-mediated interactions in structural and functional details are lacking, hindering the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this distinct binding mode...
February 1, 2018: Bioinformatics
Zsuzsanna Dosztányi
Many proteins contain intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), functional polypeptide segments that in isolation adopt a highly flexible conformational ensemble instead of a single, well-defined structure. Disorder prediction methods, which can discriminate ordered and disordered regions from the amino acid sequence, have contributed significantly to our current understanding of the distinct properties of intrinsically disordered proteins by enabling the characterization of individual examples as well as large-scale analyses of these protein regions...
January 2018: Protein Science
Erzsébet Fichó, István Reményi, István Simon, Bálint Mészáros
Motivation: It is commonplace that intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are involved in crucial interactions in the living cell. However, the study of protein complexes formed exclusively by IDPs is hindered by the lack of data and such analyses remain sporadic. Systematic studies benefited other types of protein-protein interactions paving a way from basic science to therapeutics; yet these efforts require reliable datasets that are currently lacking for synergistically folding complexes of IDPs...
November 15, 2017: Bioinformatics
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