Suad El Burai Felix, Hussain Yusuf, Matthew Ritchey, Sebastian Romano, Gonza Namulanda, Natalie Wilkins, Tegan K Boehmer
MMWR supplement presents a standard framework for evaluating large health care data and related resources, including constructs, criteria, and tools that investigators and evaluators can apply and adapt.
May 9, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Asha Z Ivey-Stephenson, Michael F Ballesteros, Eva Trinh, Deborah M Stone, Alexander E Crosby
This is the third of three reports in the MMWR supplement that updates and expands CDC's guidance for assessing, investigating, and responding to suicide clusters based on current science and public health practice. The first report, Background and Rationale - CDC Guidance for Communities Assessing, Investigating, and Responding to Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes an overview of suicide clusters, methods used to develop the supplement guidance, and intended use of the supplement reports. The second report, CDC Guidance for Community Assessment and Investigation of Suspected Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes the potential methods, data sources, and analysis that communities can use to identify and confirm suspected suicide clusters and better understand the relevant issues...
February 29, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Eva Trinh, Asha Z Ivey-Stephenson, Michael F Ballesteros, Nimi Idaikkadar, Jing Wang, Deborah M Stone
This report is the second of three reports in the MMWR supplement updating CDC's guidance for investigating and responding to suicide clusters. The first report, Background and Rationale - CDC Guidance for Assessing, Investigating, and Responding to Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes an overview of suicide clusters, methods used to develop the supplement guidance, and intended use of the supplement reports. The final report, CDC Guidance for Community Response to Suicide Clusters, United States, 2024, describes how local public health and community leaders can develop a response plan for suicide clusters...
February 29, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Michael F Ballesteros, Asha Z Ivey-Stephenson, Eva Trinh, Deborah M Stone
To assist community leaders in public health, mental health, education, and other fields with developing a community response plan for suicide clusters or for situations that might develop into suicide clusters, in 1988, CDC published Recommendations for a Community Plan for the Prevention and Containment of Suicide Clusters (MMWR Suppl 1988;37[No. Suppl 6]:1-12). Since that time, the reporting and investigation of suicide cluster events has increased, and more is known about cluster risk factors, assessment, and identification...
February 29, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Dafna Kanny, Kathryn Lee, Evelyn Olansky, Taylor Robbins, Lindsay Trujillo, Teresa Finlayson, Elana Morris, Christine Agnew-Brune, Susan Cha, Johanna Chapin-Bardales, Cyprian Wejnert
Transgender women, especially transgender women of color, are disproportionately affected by HIV. However, no surveillance system collects data on HIV risk factors among this population. To address this gap, CDC developed a surveillance system entitled National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women (NHBS-Trans) to assess behavioral and contextual data through systematic biobehavioral surveillance to monitor behavioral risk factors, prevention usage, and HIV prevalence among transgender women. NHBS-Trans used respondent-driven sampling in seven urban areas in the United States...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Patrick C Eustaquio, Evelyn Olansky, Kathryn Lee, Ruthanne Marcus, Susan Cha
Violence and harassment toward transgender women are associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and social support might moderate such association. This analysis explored the association between certain forms of violence and harassment and suicidal ideation and moderation by social support. Better understanding of these associations could guide mental health services and structural interventions appropriate to lived experiences of transgender women. This cross-sectional analysis used data from CDC's National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Ruthanne Marcus, Lindsay Trujillo, Evelyn Olansky, Susan Cha, Rebecca B Hershow, Amy R Baugher, Catlainn Sionean, Kathryn Lee
Transgender women experience high prevalence of homelessness, which can affect their likelihood of acquiring HIV infection and can lead to poor medical outcomes. CDC analyzed data from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women to identify whether personal characteristics and social factors affecting transgender women were associated with duration of homelessness during the past 12 months. Longer duration and chronic homelessness might indicate greater unmet needs, which increases their likelihood for acquiring HIV infection...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Evelyn Olansky, Kathryn Lee, Senad Handanagic, Lindsay Trujillo
Certain transgender women who seek gender-affirming hormone treatment (GAHT) face economic and social barriers that limit or prevent access to medically supervised GAHT. Transgender women facing such barriers might acquire GAHT without prescription, potentially without proper dosage, administration, and health monitoring in the absence of medical supervision. For this report, survey data were analyzed from 1,165 transgender women in seven urban areas in the United States to examine associations between self-reported use of nonprescription GAHT and known correlates of nonprescription GAHT, including cost, insurance coverage for GAHT, homelessness, receiving money or drugs in exchange for sex during the past 12 months (exchange sex), lack of comfort discussing gender with provider, and lack of health care use...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Rebecca B Hershow, Lindsay Trujillo, Evelyn Olansky, Kathryn Lee, Christine Agnew-Brune, Cyprian Wejnert, Monica Adams
Psychosocial and structural syndemic conditions, including polydrug use and experiencing homelessness, frequently co-occur and might jointly increase HIV risk. Limited studies have assessed racial and ethnic differences in exposure to syndemic conditions and behaviors associated with HIV transmission among transgender women. This report examines the relation between syndemic conditions and condomless anal intercourse (CAI) among transgender women in seven urban areas in the United States to develop HIV prevention interventions for transgender women...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Amy R Baugher, Evelyn Olansky, Larshie Sutter, Susan Cha, Rashunda Lewis, Elana Morris, Christine Agnew-Brune, Lindsay Trujillo, Ebony Respress, Kathryn Lee
Transgender women experience discrimination in many settings, including in employment. Because employment and health insurance are intertwined in the United States, employment discrimination might be related to lower health insurance coverage and health care use, including gender-affirming care. This analysis used data from transgender women (N = 1,608) in seven urban areas in the United States collected during 2019-2020 to present the prevalence of six discrimination types (employment, housing, bathroom, businesses, health care, and abuse) and to measure the association between employment discrimination (defined as trouble getting a job or fired due to being transgender) and sociodemographic characteristics, health care access, and health care use...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Elana Morris, Anna Teplinskaya, Evelyn Olansky, Jeffrey Kemp Rinderle, Johanna Chapin-Bardales
CDC recommends pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for transgender women who have sex with men and who report sexual behaviors that place them at substantial ongoing risk for HIV exposure, including those who engage in nonsterile syringe sharing. Providing transgender women with access to PrEP is a critical strategy for reducing HIV acquisition and ending the HIV epidemic. Survey results from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Among Transgender Women were used to assess characteristics associated with past-year discussions of PrEP with a health care provider and PrEP use...
January 25, 2024: MMWR Supplements
Briana E Oliver, Sherry Everett Jones, Emily Devora Hops, Carmen L Ashley, Richard Miech, Jonetta J Mpofu
Commercial tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. Despite declines in overall tobacco product use among youths, disparities persist. This report uses biennial data from the 2015-2021 cycles of the nationally representative Youth Risk Behavior Survey to assess prevalence and trends in electronic vapor product (EVP) use among high school students, including ever use, current use (past 30 days), and daily use. Data from 2021 also included usual source of EVPs among students who currently used EVPs...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Brooke E Hoots, Jingjing Li, Marci Feldman Hertz, Marissa B Esser, Adriana Rico, Evelyn Y Zavala, Christopher M Jones
Adolescence is a critical phase of development and is frequently a period of initiating and engaging in risky behaviors, including alcohol and other substance use. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated stressors might have affected adolescent involvement in these behaviors. To examine substance use patterns and understand how substance use among high school students changed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC analyzed data from the nationally representative Youth Risk Behavior Survey. This report presents estimated prevalences among high school students of current (i...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Elizabeth M Gaylor, Kathleen H Krause, Laura E Welder, Adina C Cooper, Carmen Ashley, Karin A Mack, Alexander E Crosby, Eva Trinh, Asha Z Ivey-Stephenson, Lisa Whittle
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among high school-aged youths aged 14-18 years. The 2021 suicide rate for this age group was 9.0 per 100,000 population. Updating a previous analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey during 2009-2019, this report uses 2019 and 2021 data to examine high school students' reports of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Prevalence estimates are reported by grade, race and ethnicity, sexual identity, and sex of sexual contacts. Unadjusted logistic regression models were used to calculate prevalence differences comparing 2019 to 2021 and prevalence ratios comparing suicidal behavior between subgroups across demographic characteristics to a referent group...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Leigh E Szucs, Sanjana Pampati, Jingjing Li, Casey E Copen, Emily Young, Sandra Leonard, Michelle N Carman-McClanahan
Disproportionate rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and unintended pregnancy among adolescents persist and might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses 2019 and 2021 data from the nationally representative Youth Risk Behavior Surveys to characterize changes in sexual behaviors and receipt of sexual and reproductive health services among U.S. high school students before and during the pandemic. Outcomes included HIV testing (lifetime), STD testing (past 12 months), condom use (last sexual intercourse), and primary contraceptive method used to prevent pregnancy (last sexual intercourse)...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Shannon L Michael, Sherry Everett Jones, Caitlin L Merlo, Sarah A Sliwa, Sarah M Lee, Kelly Cornett, Nancy D Brener, Tiffany J Chen, Carmen L Ashley, Sohyun Park
The fall of 2021 was the first school semester to begin with widespread in-person learning since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Understanding dietary and physical activity behaviors of adolescents during this time can provide insight into potential health equity gaps and programmatic needs in schools and communities. This report uses data from the 2021 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted among a nationally representative sample of U.S. public and private school students in grades 9-12 to update estimates of dietary and physical activity behaviors among U...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Heather B Clayton, Greta Kilmer, Sarah DeGue, Lianne F Estefan, Vi D Le, Nicolas A Suarez, Bridget H Lyons, Jemekia E Thornton
Experiences of teen dating violence (TDV), sexual violence, and bullying during adolescence are all forms of interpersonal violence victimization (IVV) and are associated with health and behavioral issues during adulthood. Data from the nationally representative 2011-2021 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were used to estimate the 2021 prevalence of IVV reported by U.S. high school students. IVV included past-year sexual TDV, physical TDV, sexual violence by anyone, electronic bullying, being bullied on school property, and lifetime forced sex and was analyzed by demographic characteristics and sex of sexual contacts...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Patricia J Dittus, Jingjing Li, Jorge V Verlenden, Natalie J Wilkins, Michelle N Carman-McClanahan, Yolanda Cavalier, Melissa C Mercado, Laura E Welder, Douglas R Roehler, Kathleen A Ethier
Parents have an important role in the promotion of healthy adolescent behaviors that can influence positive developmental trajectories and health outcomes. Parental monitoring is a central component of the parent-child relationship with the potential to reduce adolescent risk behaviors. Data from CDC's 2021 nationally representative Youth Risk Behavior Survey were used to describe the prevalence of parental monitoring reported by U.S. high school students and examine associations between parental monitoring and adolescent behaviors and experiences...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Izraelle I McKinnon, Kathleen H Krause, Leah Robin, Adriane King, Michelle Leon-Nguyen, Evelyn Zavala, Nicolas A Suarez, Connie Lim, Jennifer Smith-Grant, J Michael Underwood
Youths experiencing unstable housing face higher risks for poor physical, mental, and sexual health outcomes and increased risk for suicide compared with their peers experiencing stable housing. In addition, youths of color and sexual minority youths are disproportionately more likely to experience homelessness. For the first time, in 2021, the nationally representative Youth Risk Behavior Survey included an item assessing housing stability, or nighttime residence among students in grades 9-12 in the United States...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
Christopher R Harper, Jingjing Li, Kameron Sheats, Marci F Hertz, Molly Merrill-Francis, Norah W Friar, Carmen L Ashley, Shari Shanklin, Colleen Barbero, Elizabeth M Gaylor, Brooke E Hoots
Community violence, including homicides involving firearms, is a significant public health concern. From 2019 to 2020, firearm-related homicides increased by 39% for youths and young adults aged 10-24 years, and rates of suicide by firearm increased by approximately 15% among the same age group. Findings from the nationally representative 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey were used to analyze disparities and correlates of witnessing community violence and gun carrying among a nationally representative sample of high school students...
April 28, 2023: MMWR Supplements
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