Francis X Shen, Susan M Wolf, Frances Lawrenz, Donnella S Comeau, Kafui Dzirasa, Barbara J Evans, Damien Fair, Martha J Farah, S Duke Han, Judy Illes, Jonathan D Jackson, Eran Klein, Karen S Rommelfanger, Matthew S Rosen, Efraín Torres, Paul Tuite, J Thomas Vaughan, Michael Garwood
Researchers are rapidly developing and deploying highly portable MRI technology to conduct field-based research. The new technology will widen access to include new investigators in remote and unconventional settings and will facilitate greater inclusion of rural, economically disadvantaged, and historically underrepresented populations. To address the ethical, legal, and societal issues raised by highly accessible and portable MRI, an interdisciplinary Working Group (WG) engaged in a multi-year structured process of analysis and consensus building, informed by empirical research on the perspectives of experts and the general public...
2024: Journal of Law and the Biosciences