Journals Journal of Sport and Health Sc...

Journal of Sport and Health Science
Juleen R Zierath, Aidan J Brady, Kirstin A Macgregor, Joaquin Ortiz de Zevallos, Ben Stocks
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September 4, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Jean Tu, Olivia L Bruce, W Brent Edwards
PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between peak tibial acceleration and peak ankle joint contact forces in response to stride length manipulation during level-ground running. METHODS: Twenty-seven physically active participants ran 10 trials at preferred speed in each of 5 stride length conditions: preferred, ±5%, and ±10% of preferred stride length. Motion capture, force platform, and tibial acceleration data were directly measured, and ankle joint contact forces were estimated using an inverse-dynamics-based static optimization routine...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Yijun Chen
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September 3, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Yu Song, Lauren Salsgiver, Kaden Van Valkenburg, Natalie Christofferson, Yessica Lo, Zhichen Feng, Brenna McGuinness, Boyi Dai
BACKGROUND: Deficits in quadriceps strength of the injured leg have been observed in patients following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions and may contribute to ACL re-injury risk. Single-leg forward hopping is a widely used task for assessing knee function in patients following ACL reconstructions as it has been shown not to be particularly challenging to the knee. This study aimed to quantify the effect of decreased quadriceps strength induced by a fatigue protocol on hopping performance and lower limb mechanics in single-leg forward, vertical, and backward hopping...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Alex V Rowlands, Andrew P Kingsnorth, Bjørge H Hansen, Stuart J Fairclough, Lynne M Boddy, Benjamin D Maylor, Henrik R Eckmann, Borja Del Pozo Cruz, Nathan P Dawkins, Cameron Razieh, Kamlesh Khunti, Francesco Zaccardi, Tom Yates
BACKGROUND: Higher accelerometer-assessed volume and intensity of physical activity (PA) have been associated with a longer life expectancy but can be difficult to translate into recommended doses of PA. We aimed to: (a) improve interpretability by producing UK Biobank age-referenced centiles for PA volume and intensity; (b) inform public-health messaging by examining how adding recommended quantities of moderate and vigorous PA affect PA volume and intensity. METHODS: 92,480 UK Biobank participants aged 43-80 years with wrist-worn accelerometer data were included...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Silvio Maltagliati, Layan Fessler, Qian Yu, Zhihao Zhang, Yanxia Chen, Olivier Dupuy, Ryan S Falck, Neville Owen, Liye Zou, Boris Cheval
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September 2, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Montgomery Bertschy, Victor Rodrigo-Carranza, Ethan W C Wilkie, Laura A Healey, Jeremy Noble, Wayne J Albert, Wouter Hoogkamer
BACKGROUND: Quantifying the potential benefits of advanced footwear technology (AFT) track shoes (i.e., "spikes") in middle-distance events is challenging, because repeated maximal effort trials (as in sprinting) or aerobic running economy trials (as in long-distance running) are not feasible. METHODS: We introduce a novel approach to assess the benefits of AFT spikes, consisting of a series of 200-m runs at self-perceived middle-distance race pace with 10 min recovery, and conduct 4 experiments to evaluate its validity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and utility...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Sara Faggian, Nicola Borasio, Marco Vecchiato, Hannes Gatterer, Martin Burtscher, Francesca Battista, Hannes Brunner, Giulia Quinto, Federica Duregon, Andrea Ermolao, Daniel Neunhaeuserer
BACKGROUND: Sport climbing is becoming incredibly popular both in the general population and among athletes. No consensus exists regarding evidence-based sport-specific performance evaluation; therefore, this systematic review is aimed at analyzing determinants of sport climbing performance and evaluation methods by comparing climbers of different levels. METHODS: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched up to December 20, 2022. Studies providing the self-reported climbing ability associated with different functional outcomes in groups of climbers of contiguous performance levels were eligible...
August 29, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Yannis Yan Liang, Yu He, Piao Huang, Hongliang Feng, Haiteng Li, Sizhi Ai, Jing Du, Huachen Xue, Yaping Liu, Jun Zhang, Lu Qi, Jihui Zhang
BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) is considered beneficial for lowering cardiovascular risks following type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and prediabetes, but existing evidence relies mainly on self-reported measurements. We aimed to describe the intensity-specific dose-response associations of PA and sedentary behavior (SB) with macrovascular and microvascular events among individuals with T2DM and prediabetes. METHODS: This study included 11,474 individuals with T2DM and prediabetes from the UK Biobank...
August 28, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Anne Timm, Aurelie van Hoye, Paul Sharp, Tue Helms Andersen, Louise Hansen, Jane Nautrup Oestergaard, Peter Krustrup, Kenneth Cortsen, Peter Bindslev Iversen, Morten Hulvej Rod, Charlotte Demant Klinker
BACKGROUND: Health promotion (HP) interventions delivered through sports clubs have demonstrated promising outcomes among men, but less is known about which aspects of the interventions work, for whom, and under what circumstances. This rapid realist review aims to understand the contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes of HP interventions for men delivered through sports clubs. METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted in February 2023 for studies published after 2013 in MEDLINE, Embase, and SPORTDiscus databases...
August 27, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Mingwei Guo, Fei Shen, Xiaozhen Guo, Jun Zhang, Ying Ma, Xia Wu, Hui Zuo, Jing Yao, Yepeng Hu, Dongmei Wang, Yu Li, Jin Li, Jin Qiu, Jian Yu, Meiyao Meng, Ying Zheng, Xin Chen, Mingkai Gong, Kailin Liu, Ling Jin, Xiangyu Ren, Qiang Zhang, Yu Zhao, Xuejiang Gu, Feixia Shen, Dali Li, Liangcai Gao, Chang Liu, Fei Zhou, Mian Li, Jiqiu Wang, Shuzhe Ding, Xinran Ma, Jian Lu, Cen Xie, Junjie Xiao, Lingyan Xu
BACKGROUND: Resistance exercise leads to improved muscle function and metabolic homeostasis. Yet how circadian rhythm impacts exercise outcomes and its molecular transduction remains elusive. METHODS: Human volunteers were subjected to 4 weeks of resistance training protocols at different times of day to assess training outcomes and their associations with myokine irisin. Based on rhythmicity of Fibronectin type III domain containing 5 (FNDC5/irisin), we trained wild type and FNDC5 knockout mice at late active phase (high FNDC5/irisin level) or late rest phase (low FNDC5/irisin level) to analyze exercise benefits on muscle function and metabolic homeostasis...
August 24, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Francesco Zaccardi, Alex V Rowlands, Paddy C Dempsey, Cameron Razieh, Joe Henson, Jonathan Goldney, Benjamin D Maylor, Atanu Bhattacharjee, Yogini Chudasama, Charlotte Edwardson, Jari A Laukkanen, Ulf Ekelund, Melanie J Davies, Kamlesh Khunti, Thomas Yates
BACKGROUND: There is a lack of research examining the interplay between objectively measured physical activity volume and intensity with life expectancy. METHODS: Individuals from UK Biobank with wrist-worn accelerometer data were included. The average acceleration and intensity gradient were extracted to describe the physical activity volume and intensity profile. Mortality data were obtained from national registries. Adjusted life expectancies were estimated using parametric flexible survival models...
August 22, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Fiona C Bull, Paul J Simpson
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June 19, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Walter Herzog
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November 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Ding Ding, Ulf Ekelund
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June 6, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Stephen D Herrmann, Scott A Conger, Erik A Willis, Barbara E Ainsworth
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May 31, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Carl J Lavie, Salvatore Carbone, Leandro Slipczuk
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May 29, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
Ding Ding, Joe Van Buskirk, Stephanie Partridge, Philip Clare, Edward Giovannucci, Adrian Bauman, Nicole Freene, Robyn Gallagher, Binh Nguyen
BACKGROUND: A quality diet and an active lifestyle are both important cornerstones of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. However, despite their interlinked effects on metabolic health, the 2 behaviors are rarely considered jointly, particularly within the context of CVD prevention. We examined the independent, interactive, and joint associations of diet and physical activity with CVD hospitalization, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality. METHODS: CVD-free Australian participants aged 45-74 years (n = 85,545) reported physical activity, diet, and sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics at baseline (2006-2009) and follow-up (2012-2015), and data were linked to hospitalization and death registries (03/31/2019 for CVD hospitalization and all-cause mortality and 12/08/2017 for CVD mortality)...
May 28, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
George P Nassis, Grégoire P Millet
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 24, 2024: Journal of Sport and Health Science
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