Daniel Ronen, Yair Rokach, Suzan Abedat, Abed Qadan, Samar Daana, Offer Amir, Rabea Asleh
The gut ecosystem, termed microbiota, is composed of bacteria, archaea, viruses, protozoa, and fungi and is estimated to outnumber human cells. Microbiota can affect the host by multiple mechanisms, including the synthesis of metabolites and toxins, modulating inflammation and interaction with other organisms. Advances in understanding commensal organisms' effect on human conditions have also elucidated the importance of this community for cardiovascular disease (CVD). This effect is driven by both direct CV effects and conditions known to increase CV risk, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, and renal and liver diseases...
June 27, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Yang Xiao, Tijs Louwies, Ruben A T Mars, Purna C Kashyap
The human microbiome consists of the microorganisms associated with the body, such as bacteria, fungi, archaea, protozoa, and viruses, along with their gene content and products. These microbes are abundant in the digestive, respiratory, renal/urinary, and reproductive systems. While microbes found in other organs/tissues are often associated with diseases, some reports suggest their presence even in healthy individuals. Lack of microbial colonization does not indicate a lack of microbial influence, as their metabolites can affect distant locations through circulation...
June 27, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Xiao Zhang, Linda Tian, Anurag Majumdar, Erica L Scheller
Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) is a metabolically and clinically relevant fat depot that exists within bone. Two subtypes of BMAT, regulated and constitutive, reside in hematopoietic-rich red marrow and fatty yellow marrow, respectively, and exhibit distinct characteristics compared to peripheral fat such as white and brown adipose tissues. Bone marrow adipocytes (BMAds) are evolutionally preserved in most vertebrates, start development after birth and expand throughout life, and originate from unique progenitor populations that control bone formation and hematopoiesis...
June 27, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Venkatesh Katari, Kesha Dalal, Ravi K Adapala, Brianna D Guarino, Narendrababu Kondapalli, Sailaja Paruchuri, Charles K Thodeti
Uncontrolled angiogenesis underlies various pathological conditions such as cancer, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Hence, targeting pathological angiogenesis has become a promising strategy for the treatment of cancer and neovascular ocular diseases. However, current pharmacological treatments that target VEGF signaling have met with limited success either due to acquiring resistance against anti-VEGF therapies with serious side effects including nephrotoxicity and cardiovascular-related adverse effects in cancer patients or retinal vasculitis and intraocular inflammation after intravitreal injection in patients with AMD or PDR...
March 29, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Ossama B Kashlan, Xue-Ping Wang, Shaohu Sheng, Thomas R Kleyman
The epithelial Na + channel (ENaC) resides on the apical surfaces of specific epithelia in vertebrates and plays a critical role in extracellular fluid homeostasis. Evidence that ENaC senses the external environment emerged well before the molecular identity of the channel was reported three decades ago. This article discusses progress toward elucidating the mechanisms through which specific external factors regulate ENaC function, highlighting insights gained from structural studies of ENaC and related family members...
March 29, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Catharina B P Villaca, Teresa L Mastracci
The exocrine and endocrine are functionally distinct compartments of the pancreas that have traditionally been studied as separate entities. However, studies of embryonic development, adult physiology, and disease pathogenesis suggest there may be critical communication between exocrine and endocrine cells. In fact, the incidence of the endocrine disease diabetes secondary to exocrine disease/dysfunction ranges from 25% to 80%, depending on the type and severity of the exocrine pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate how exocrine-endocrine "crosstalk" may impact pancreatic function...
March 29, 2024: Comprehensive Physiology
Raz Leib, Ian S Howard, Matthew Millard, David W Franklin
The human sensorimotor control system has exceptional abilities to perform skillful actions. We easily switch between strenuous tasks that involve brute force, such as lifting a heavy sewing machine, and delicate movements such as threading a needle in the same machine. Using a structure with different control architectures, the motor system is capable of updating its ability to perform through our daily interaction with the fluctuating environment. However, there are issues that make this a difficult computational problem for the brain to solve...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Krisztian Stadler, Daria V Ilatovskaya
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 2 U.S. adults have hypertension, and more than 1 in 7 chronic kidney disease. In fact, hypertension is the second leading cause of kidney failure in the United States; it is a complex disease characterized by, leading to, and caused by renal dysfunction. It is well-established that hypertensive renal damage is accompanied by mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress, which are differentially regulated and manifested along the nephron due to the diverse structure and functions of renal cells...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Madeline R McLaughlin, Staci A Weaver, Farooq Syed, Carmella Evans-Molina
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) affects more than 32.3 million individuals in the United States, creating an economic burden of nearly $966 billion in 2021. T2D results from a combination of insulin resistance and inadequate insulin secretion from the pancreatic β cell. However, genetic and physiologic data indicate that defects in β cell function are the chief determinant of whether an individual with insulin resistance will progress to a diagnosis of T2D. The subcellular organelles of the insulin secretory pathway, including the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules, play a critical role in maintaining the heavy biosynthetic burden of insulin production, processing, and secretion...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
John D Tranter, Ashutosh Kumar, Vinayak K Nair, Rajan Sah
Electrical mechanosensing is a process mediated by specialized ion channels, gated directly or indirectly by mechanical forces, which allows cells to detect and subsequently respond to mechanical stimuli. The activation of mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels, intrinsically gated by mechanical forces, or mechanoresponsive (MR) ion channels, indirectly gated by mechanical forces, results in electrical signaling across lipid bilayers, such as the plasma membrane. While the functions of mechanically gated channels within a sensory context (e...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Luwei Nie, Jinxin He, Junmin Wang, Ruike Wang, Leo Huang, Lin Jia, Yun Tai Kim, Ujjal K Bhawal, Xiaochong Fan, Marietta Zille, Chao Jiang, Xuemei Chen, Jian Wang
Acquired brain injuries, such as ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and traumatic brain injury (TBI), can cause severe neurologic damage and even death. Unfortunately, currently, there are no effective and safe treatments to reduce the high disability and mortality rates associated with these brain injuries. However, environmental enrichment (EE) is an emerging approach to treating and rehabilitating acquired brain injuries by promoting motor, sensory, and social stimulation. Multiple preclinical studies have shown that EE benefits functional recovery, including improved motor and cognitive function and psychological benefits mediated by complex protective signaling pathways...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Sarah R McLarnon
Red blood cell (RBC) trapping describes the accumulation of RBCs in the microvasculature of the kidney outer medulla that occurs following ischemic acute kidney injury (AKI). Despite its prominence in human kidneys following AKI, as well as evidence from experimental models demonstrating that the severity of RBC trapping is directly correlated with renal recovery, to date, RBC trapping has not been a primary focus in understanding the pathogenesis of ischemic kidney injury. New evidence from rodent models suggests that RBC trapping is responsible for much of the tubular injury occurring in the initial hours after kidney reperfusion from ischemia...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Rachel Lopez-Schenk, Nicole L Collins, Noah A Schenk, Daniel A Beard
Purine nucleotides play central roles in energy metabolism in the heart. Most fundamentally, the free energy of hydrolysis of the adenine nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP) provides the thermodynamic driving force for numerous cellular processes including the actin-myosin crossbridge cycle. Perturbations to ATP supply and/or demand in the myocardium lead to changes in the homeostatic balance between purine nucleotide synthesis, degradation, and salvage, potentially affecting myocardial energetics and, consequently, myocardial mechanics...
December 29, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Vishnu P Parvathareddy, Jiao Wu, Sandhya S Thomas
Insulin regulates energy metabolism involving multiple organ systems. Insulin resistance (IR) occurs when organs exhibit reduced insulin sensitivity, leading to difficulties in maintaining glucose homeostasis. IR ensures decades prior to development of overt diabetes and can cause silent metabolic derangements. IR is typically seen very early in the course of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is evident even when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is within the normal range and IR persists at various stages of kidney disease...
September 28, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Sonja Suvakov, Andrea G Kattah, Tamara Gojkovic, Elizabeth A L Enninga, Jacob Pruett, Muthuvel Jayachandran, Ciria Sousa, Janelle Santos, Coline Abou Hassan, Maria Gonzales-Suarez, Vesna D Garovic
The incidence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy is increasing, which may be due to several factors, including an increased age at pregnancy and more comorbid health conditions during reproductive years. Preeclampsia, the most severe hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, has been associated with an increased risk of future disease, including cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Cellular senescence, the process of cell cycle arrest in response to many physiologic and maladaptive stimuli, may play an important role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and provide a mechanistic link to future disease...
September 28, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Alena Spagnolo, Sebastian Klug, Christina Schenkl, Michael Schwarzer
Exercise capacity of an individual describes the ability to perform physical activity. This exercise capacity is influenced by intrinsic factors such as genetic constitution and extrinsic factors such as exercise training. On the metabolic level exercise and metabolism are linked. As an important site of metabolism and the main source for ATP needed for muscle contraction, mitochondrial function can determine exercise capacity, and exercise inversely influences mitochondrial function. It has been suggested that exercise mediates many of its effects due to such metabolic changes...
September 28, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Nataliya Migulina, Brian Kelley, Emily Y Zhang, Christina M Pabelick, Y S Prakash, Elizabeth R Vogel
The lung is an inherently mechanosensitive organ, where cells of the airway and parenchyma experience a range of mechanical forces throughout life including shear, stretch, and compression, in both health and disease. In this regard, pediatric and adult lung diseases such as wheezing and asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis (PF) all involve macroscopic and cellular changes to the mechanical properties of the bronchial airways and/or parenchyma to varying extents...
September 28, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
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September 28, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Gopanandan Parthasarathy, Petra Hirsova, Enis Kostallari, Guneet S Sidhu, Samar H Ibrahim, Harmeet Malhi
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-bound nanoparticles released by cells and are an important means of intercellular communication in physiological and pathological states. We provide an overview of recent advances in the understanding of EV biogenesis, cargo selection, recipient cell effects, and key considerations in isolation and characterization techniques. Studies on the physiological role of EVs have relied on cell-based model systems due to technical limitations of studying endogenous nanoparticles in vivo ...
June 26, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
Christine M Cook, Vaughn D Craddock, Anil K Ram, Ashrita A Abraham, Navneet K Dhillon
Over the past two decades, with the advent and adoption of highly active anti-retroviral therapy, HIV-1 infection, a once fatal and acute illness, has transformed into a chronic disease with people living with HIV (PWH) experiencing increased rates of cardio-pulmonary vascular diseases including life-threatening pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, the chronic consequences of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use are increasingly seen in older PWH. Drug use, specifically, can have pathologic effects on the cardiovascular health of these individuals...
June 26, 2023: Comprehensive Physiology
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