Marcelo Magalhaes Sales, Caio Victor de Sousa, Wellington Barbosa Sampaio, Carlos Ernesto, Rodrigo Alberto Vieira Browne, Jose Fernando Vila Nova de Moraes, Daisy Motta-Santos, Milton Rocha Moraes, John Eugene Lewis, Herbert Gustavo Simões, Francisco Martins da Silva
BACKGROUND: Worldwide, systemic arterial hypertension is a leading cause of death and non-communicable cardiovascular disease. A major factor contributing to this disease is a sedentary lifestyle. However, physical exercise, such as martial arts, may be an option for blood pressure (BP) control. The magnitude of post-exercise hypotension is associated with a prolonged decrease in BP in normotensive and hypertensive individuals. OBJECTIVES: The present study aimed to verify the effects of a Contact Karate (CK) session on BP responses during a post-exercise recovery period in young adults...
September 2016: Asian Journal of Sports Medicine