Prakash Banjade, Ashish Subedi, Sampada Acharya, Asmita Itani, Munish Sharma, Nadeem Kassam, Shekhar Ghamande, Salim Surani
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an intricate medical issue resulting from increased pressure in the pulmonary artery (PA). The current gold standard for diagnosis involves an invasive procedure known as right heart catheterization. Nevertheless, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) offers a non-invasive and valuable alternative for evaluating the function, structure, and blood flow through the pulmonary artery (PA) in both the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV). Additionally, cMRI can be a good tool for predicting mortality by assessing various hemodynamic parameters...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Jagadamba G, Shashidhar R, Vinayakumar Ravi, Sahana Mallu, Tahani Jaser Alahmadi
BACKGROUND: Electronic health records (EHRs) are live, digital patient records that provide a thorough overview of a person's complete health data. Electronic health records (EHRs) provide better healthcare decisions and evidence-based patient treatment and track patients' clinical development. The EHR offers a new range of opportunities for analyzing and contrasting exam findings and other data, creating a proper information management mechanism to boost effectiveness, quick resolutions, and identifications...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Edy Parwanto, David Tjahyadi, Sisca Sisca, Husnun Amalia, Nany Hairunisa, Hosea Jaya Edy, Ashaolu Victoria Oladimeji, Noureddine Djebli
BACKGROUND: The components of kretek cigarettes include tobacco as the main part, clove, and sauce. Filtered kretek cigarettes are kretek cigarettes that have one end filtered. Cigarette smoke contributes to the disruption of the respiratory system, so it is necessary to know the effect of low doses of cigarette smoke on changes in the histometric of the respiratory system, and whether it affects p53 gene expression. This study aims to determine changes in the histometric of the respiratory system and p53 gene expression...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Yousif Ahmed Elfaki, Ahmed Saadeldin Ibrahim, Tarig Hakim Merghani
BACKGROUND: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a hereditary condition characterized by aberrant red blood cell morphology, leading to persistent hemolytic anemia. The consequential impact of SCD on the pulmonary vasculature can result in pulmonary hypertension (PHT), a severe complication that detrimentally affects the well-being and survival of individuals with SCD. The prevalence and risk determinants of PHT in SCD patients exhibit variations across diverse geographical regions and populations...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Danielle R Glick, Clayton H Brown, Lan Li, Patricia Gucer, Joanna M Gaitens, Melissa A McDiarmid, Stella E Hines
BACKGROUND: Impulse oscillometry (IOs) is a technique used to evaluate lung function that uses sound waves imposed over tidal breathing to characterize the airways and lung parenchyma. IOs has been particularly useful in the identification of obstructive lung defects. The present analysis seeks to explore the use of IOs in the identification of restrictive lung physiology among a group of Gulf War I veterans exposed to depleted uranium (DU). METHODS: A total of 36 out of a dynamic 85-veteran cohort attended in-person surveillance visits in 2019 and completed both IOs and PFTs...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Mia Elhidsi, Jamal Zaini, Lisnawati Rachmadi, Asmarinah Asmarinah, Aria Kekalih, Noni Soeroso, Menaldi Rasmin
BACKGROUND: The location and type of a tumor influence the prognosis of lung cancer. Primary Central Lung Tumors (PCLTs) are correlated with poor prognoses and certain histologic types. This study aimed to present a comprehensive exploration of clinical and bronchoscopic assessments for diagnosing the histopathology types of PCLTs and identified the factors associated with certain histologic types. METHODS: This was an observational cross-sectional study of PCLTs, defined as tumors in direct contact with hilar structures or located within the inner two-thirds of the hemithorax...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Munish Sharma, Sushil Joshi, Prakash Banjade, Shekhar A Ghamande, Salim Surani
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) report is an essential resource for all clinicians who strive to provide optimal care to patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). The annual report of GOLD makes few revisions and updates besides including data from the preceding year. At an interval, GOLD comes up with a significant modification in its guidelines, which is generally a major overhaul of the pre-existing guidelines. According to the latest 2023 updates, published in November 2022, there have been significant advancements made in the field of COPD...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Syeda Farheen Zaidi, Asim Shaikh, Salim Surani
In this editorial, we explore the existing utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare industry, examining both its scope and potential harms if implemented and relied upon on a broader scale. Collaboration among corporations, government bodies, policymakers, and medical experts is essential to address potential concerns, ensuring smooth AI integration into healthcare systems.
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Masouma Mowahedi, Azam Aramesh, Mozhgan Sorkhi Khouzani, Marjan Sorkhi Khouzani, Saeed Daryanoush, Mohammad Samet, Morteza Samadi
BACKGROUND: Asthma is one of the respiratory disorders caused by chronic airway inflammation. IL-4 has been identified as one of the participating interleukins in the severity of asthma. OBJECTIVE: A case-control study was conducted to determine the association of rs1805010, a single nucleotide polymorphism in the interleukin 4 receptor α chain, with asthma and immunoglobulin E and IL-17A serum levels in Iranian populations. METHODS: ELISA was used to investigate the relationship between three different varieties of SNP I50V and serum IL-17A levels, as well as total IgE levels...
2024: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Mahdi Abdennadher, Mariem Hadj Dahmane, Sarra Zair, Hazem Zribi, Amina Abdelkbir, Imen Bouassida, Mouna Mlika, Imen Sahnoun, Amani Ben Mansour, Adel Marghli
BACKGROUND: Young Patients with lung cancer represent a distinct subset of patients with this neoplasm. Young International studies show increased lung cancer rates in females, while the incidence in males continues to decline. There is evidence to suggest that this trend recurs in younger patients. We studied the effects of gender differences on the incidence of surgical stages of lung cancer in young adults and its mortality rate. METHODS: This study is a retrospective review (2010-2020) of young adults (aged under 45 years) with surgical-stage of lung cancer...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Abraham Rothman, David Mann, Jose A Nunez, Reinhardt Tarmidi, Humberto Restrepo, Valeri Sarukhanov, Roy Williams, William N Evans
BACKGROUND: Optimal pharmacological therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) remains unclear, as pathophysiological heterogeneity may affect therapeutic outcomes. A ranking methodology based on pulmonary vascular genetic expression analysis could assist in medication selection and potentially lead to improved prognosis. OBJECTIVE: To describe a bioinformatics approach for ranking currently approved pulmonary arterial antihypertensive agents based on gene expression data derived from percutaneous endoarterial biopsies in an animal model of pulmonary hypertension...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Gagandeep Dhillon, Venkata S Buddhavarapu, Harpreet Grewal, Ripudaman Munjal, Ram Kishun Verma, Salim Surani, Rahul Kashyap
BACKGROUND: Specific surgical procedures, such as upper abdominal and thoracic surgery, are connected to an increased predisposition of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). The incidence of PPCs could vary approximately between 20-90% with upper abdominal surgery, which can be minimized by using treatment procedures that increase lung capacity and encourage inspiration. This review aims to examine the effectiveness of already existing evidence-based interventions that promote lung expansion, thereby preventing PPCs...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Michael Brown, Phan Nguyen, Hubertus Jersmann, Mark Holmes, Michelle Wong
BACKGROUND: Improvements in pulmonary diagnostic imaging and the development of lung cancer screening are increasing the prevalence of Solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs). Fluoroscopically guided radial endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) with transbronchial forceps biopsy (TB-FB) has been the conventional diagnostic method. Transbronchial cryobiopsy (TB-CB) is an alternative biopsy method. We sought to compare transbronchial cryobiopsy to transbronchial forceps biopsy for the diagnosis of SPNs...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Ashish Subedi, Prakash Banjade, Sushil Joshi, Munish Sharma, Salim Surani
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Victor T Peng, Nauras Hwig, Anayansi Lasso-Pirot, Amal Isaiah, Montserrat Diaz-Abad
BACKGROUND: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is frequently prescribed for patients with residual obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) following adenotonsillectomy. OBJECTIVES: The goal was to examine the efficacy of noninvasive ventilation with average volume-assured pressure support (AVAPS) as a potential option for children with failed CPAP titration. METHODS: In a single-center retrospective study, we included children aged 1-17 years, with polysomnographically confirmed OSA who underwent AVAPS titration following failed CPAP titration...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Bonnie Wang, Vivek Nagaraja
BACKGROUND: Fibrotic interstitial lung disease is an important driver of morbidity and mortality in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTD). Due to the lack of prospective randomized trial data in this population, practice pattern variation exists in the management of patients with CTD. CASE PRESENTATION: This case series describes three patients, each with a different background of autoimmunity complicated by fibrotic interstitial lung disease (ILD). We review their initial presentations, follow their disease trajectories on currently available treatments, and reference forthcoming clinical trials...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Mia Elhidsi, Dicky Soehardiman, Wahju Aniwidyaningsih, Mochamad Fahmi Alatas, Ginanjar Arum Desianti, Prasenohadi Pradono
INTRODUCTION: Flexible bronchoscopy is a less invasive procedure for extracting foreign bodies from the airways. However, studies on the extraction of headscarf pins are still very limited to determine the efficacy and safety of headscarf pin extraction using flexible bronchoscopy with biopsy forceps. METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, on patients who had been treated in this hospital for headscarf pin extraction between January 2013 and February 2023...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Abraham Rothman, Humberto Restrepo, William N Evans, Valeri Sarukhanov, David Mann
BACKGROUND: Despite the approval of several medications for pulmonary hypertension, morbidity and mortality are unacceptably high. Systemic hypotension may limit the use of pulmonary hypertension medications. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess whether the homing peptide CAR (CARSKNKDC) improves the vasodilatory selectivity of fasudil in the pulmonary circulation or systemic circulation in a porcine pulmonary hypertension model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pulmonary hypertension (to approximately 2/3-3/4 systemic pressure levels) was induced by chronic and acute administration of microspheres in 3 micro Yucatan pigs (mean weight 19...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Douglas Clark Johnson, Bradford Gardner Johnson
INTRODUCTION: Spirometry is an essential component of pulmonary function testing, with interpretation dependent upon comparing results to normal. Reference equations for mean and lower limit of normal (LLN) are available for usual parameters, including forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second of an FVC maneuver (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC. However, standard parameters do not fully characterize the flow-volume loop and equations are unavailable for the upper limit of normal (ULN)...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
Doan Le Minh Hanh, Phan Thai Hao, Do Thi Tuong Oanh, Nguyen Van Tho
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may result in a severe acute respiratory syndrome that leads to a worldwide pandemic. Despite the increasing understanding of COVID-19 disease, the mortality rate of hospitalized COVID-19 patients remains high. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk factors related to the mortality of admitted COVID-19 patients during the peak of the epidemic from August 2021 to October 2021 in Vietnam. METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study performed at the Hospital for Rehabilitation-Professional diseases...
2023: Open Respiratory Medicine Journal
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