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Archivos de Cardiología de México
José R Orozco-Moreno, Enrique A Berríos-Bárcenas, Dante Palacios-Gutiérrez, Alfonso R Aldaco-Rodríguez, Nydia Ávila-Vanzzini, Jorge E Cossío-Aranda, Claudia Cel Valle-Chávez, Mario Leyva-Balderas, José A Maza-Larrea, Francisco J Roldán-Gómez
OBJECTIVE: This article aims to assess the adherence level to second-line therapy for cardiovascular prevention in a tertiary hospital in Mexico City and identify key barriers to adequate pharmacological adherence. METHODS: A single-center prospective cross-sectional study was conducted between August 2018 and February 2020. Sociodemographic data were collected, and the Morisky medication adherence scale was performed. Directed interviews during medical consultations were also conducted to determine reasons for non-adherence...
September 3, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
María F Servin-Martínez, José A Flores-García, Mauricio Pierdant-Pérez
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 8, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Paola Ortiz, Camilo A Polania-Sandoval, Juliana Gaviria-Villegas, Claudia Gutiérrez-Villamil, Clarena Zuluaga-Arbeláez, Víctor Marin-Oyaga, María J Rodríguez-González
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to describe the characteristics of our first cohort of amyloidosis in a Latin America cardiovascular reference center in Colombia. METHODS: This is a historic cohort study and data were taken from the electronic records of the Fundación Cardioinfantil-Instituto de cardiología; adult patients with a diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis were included and a descriptive analysis was presented. RESULTS: A total of 31 patients with amyloidosis were included...
August 1, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Eliana B Yagual-Gutiérrez, Isabel M Freire-Barrezueta, Mercedes C Hernandez-Duarte, Isabel J Calero-Solis, David F Maldonado-González, Darwin E Zhune-Villagran
Supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS) is a congenital malformation associated with Williams-Beuren syndrome. It is characterized by severe stenosis of the sinotubular junction. The smooth muscle layer is thickened due to an alteration of the Elastin gene. The treatment is surgical and there are several techniques to relieve obstruction which range from the single-patch technique to the replacement of all three aortic sinuses with three patches. However, the optimal technique is still unclear. The objective of this article is to carry out a bibliographic review of surgical techniques for SVAS and the description of the application of the Doty technique for a 4-year-old infant at the Roberto Gilbert Elizalde Hospital...
July 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Guillermo A Llamas-Esperón, Enrique A Berrios-Bárcenas, Jorge E Cossío-Aranda, Sylvia Salmun-Nehmad, Rahab A Morales Flores, Maria C Escalante-Seyffert, Jorge Leal-Cavazos, Eufracino Sandoval-Rodríguez, Eduardo Pamplona-Ávila, Enrique Sánchez-Hiza, Liliana E Ramos-Villalobos, Luisa F Aguilera-Mora, Mario A Benavides-González, Carlos D Carrillo, Guillermo Llamas-Delgado, Jonathan H Zaldívar-Zurita, Norberto Matadamas-Hernández
OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to know the clinical, demographic, diagnostic, and treatments characteristics in patients with cardiomyopathies in Mexico. METHODS: The Mexican Registry of Cardiomyopathies (REMEMI) is an observational, prospective and national study of patients with cardiomyopathies, which includes: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle (ARVC)...
July 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Karla A Pupiales-Dávila, Vincenzo Arenas-Fabbri, Edgar García-Cruz, Pamela Ramirez-Rangel
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Alexis Zambrano-Zambrano, Arturo M Ruiz-Beltrán, Alejandro I Rojas-Arriaga, Pamela Ramírez-Rangel, Augusto Pupiales-Dávila, Marco A Ponce-Gallegos
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Celso A Mendoza-González, Neftalí E Antonio-Villa, Mireya B Contreras-Alanis, María F Fernández-Sandoval, Jimena Castillo-Macías, Daniel E Sandoval-Colin, Jacobo S Vera-Chávez, Víctor A Quiroz-Martínez, Karina Del Valle-Zamora
OBJECTIVE: SARS-CoV-2 infection induces an immune response that causes excessive inflammation damaging cardiac tissue and vascular endothelium. The objective of this study is to review a series of cases of hospitalized patients with pre-existing cardiac disease to describe the clinical behavior and highlight the low frequency of morbidity and mortality. METHOD: Retrospective study of 17 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction test or antigen test, a history of cardiovascular disease with or without comorbidities, and a history of at least one dose of the vaccine for COVID-19, during the period between December 30, 2021 and March 17, 2022 at the Ignacio Chávez National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico City...
July 26, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Ruth Y Ramos-Gutiérrez, Nancy Acuña-Chávez, Daniel López-Aguilera, Juan C Lona-Reyes
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 26, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Sriram Veeraraghavan, Bharath R Kidambi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 26, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Martín Negreira-Caamaño, Laura Acero-García de la Santa, Daniel Salvo-Chabuel, María Arántzazu-González-Marín
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 18, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Aníbal V Díaz-Lazo, Mely Ruiz-Aquino, Hugo Arroyo-Hernández
OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors associated with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) in adults residing in a region of the Andes in Peru. METHOD: A case-control study was conducted on adults living at an altitude of more than 3000 meters in Peru. Cases consisted of patients diagnosed with LVDD through echocardiography, whereas controls were adults without LVDD, as confirmed by echocardiography. RESULTS: A total of 50 cases and 100 controls were included in the study...
July 9, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Carlos Alcántara-Noguez, Desireé Leines-Castelán, Aarón E Buenabad-Hernández, Alejandra Contreras-Ramos, Sergio Ruiz-González, Patricia Romero-Cardenas, Alejandro Bolio-Cerdan
The lusoria artery has a prevalence of 0.5-2% in the general population. The abnormal development of the aortic arch forms vascular rings around the trachea and esophagus, causing pressure on them and leading to characteristic symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, and/or swallowing. Conventionally, only the subclavian artery was severed to release the esophagus, as done in neonates. However, this can lead to long-term hypotrophy of the thoracic limb. The surgical intervention remains controversial, with limitations, and it is only to be performed when the patient presents with symptoms...
July 9, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Pedro D Díaz-Sarasa, Herón G Méndez-Sánchez, Guering Eid-Lidt
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 9, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Paola S García-Vargas, José L Colín-Ortiz, Jorge A Silva-Estrada, Brenda M Gutiérrez-Anguiano, Andrea Nava-Celis
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 17, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
José R González-Juanatey, Alberto Cordero, Luis Masana, Regina Dalmau
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the incidence and risk of recurrent major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), level of risk factor control, treatment persistence and cost of the CNIC polypill version containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) 100 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg (A20), and ramipril 2.5, 5.0 or 10 mg in secondary cardiovascular prevention patients. METHOD: Subanalysis of the observational, retrospective, multicentre, NEPTUNO study in patients treated for two years with the CNIC polypill A20, the same monocomponents as single drugs, equipotent drugs, and other therapies...
June 6, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Arcenio A Lendo-López, José E Galván-García, Anival Trujillo-García, Luis F Aguilar-Aguilar, Jorge A Garay-Hansen, Omar Ramírez-Lastra, Óscar Zapana-Céspedes, Bernardo Meléndez-Mendoza, Ramiro J Fajardo-Losada, Salvador I Sandoval-Hernández, Alan A León-Bojorquez, Luis A González-Serrato, Kevin A Zurroza-Luna, Juan M Palacios-Rodríguez
OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence of in-hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) with the use of mechanic thromboaspiration plus IIb/IIIa glycoprotein inhibitors versus only use of IIb/IIIa glycoprotein inhibitors on patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction. METHOD: Retrospective, observational, cohort analytic study, on patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction that had angiography thrombus TIMI 5 grade, treated between October 2021 and December 2022...
May 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Juan A Vega-Rosales, Huitzilihuitl Saucedo-Orozco, Ricardo Márquez-Velasco, Randall Cruz-Soto, Daniel F Zazueta-Salido, Solange G Koretzky, Gustavo Salinas-Arteaga, Verónica Guarner-Lans, Linaloe Pech-Manzano, Israel Pérez-Torres, Claudia Tavera-Alonso, Ma Elena Soto
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the levels of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and osteopontin (OPN), alongside osteoprotegerin/RANKL ratio (ORR), and assess their association with the SYNTAX score and ascertain the potential of these molecules as predictive markers for risk, aiding in risk stratification. Eventually, they could potentially be employed even before angiography to gauge the severity of coronary lesions. METHODS: Prospective study with 147 participants, 101 (69%) were men, with an average age of 60...
May 29, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Mercy J Granda-Jiménez, Itzel E Rios-Olivares, Carlos González-Rebeles-Guerrero, Martha P Marquez-Aguirre, José A Gutiérrez-Hernández, Laura Camacho-Reyes, Jesús De Rubens-Figueroa, Carlos A Corona-Villalobos
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to expose the cardiovascular alterations in patients diagnosed with pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS) associated with COVID-19 during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, in order to understand the disease, its evolution, and optimal management upon diagnosis. METHOD: Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional analytical study of patients diagnosed with PIMS according to the criteria of the World Health Organization at the National Institute of Pediatrics, from March 2020 to December 2021...
May 16, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
Rocío Bautista-Pérez, Óscar Pérez-Méndez, Martha Franco
Hypertension is a major risk of morbidity and mortality in patients when it is uncontrolled. In spite of improved therapies currently available for blood pressure control, their complications are far away from being accomplished. Therefore, chronic renal failure is frequently observed in hypertensive patients. Thus, insights on mechanisms that may contribute to arterial pressure control should be studied to prevent life-threatening cardiovascular disorders. Purinergic receptors have been recognized in the physiopathology of hypertension; this review summarizes their participation in the renal abnormalities of the kidney in hypertension...
May 9, 2024: Archivos de Cardiología de México
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