Shane Darke, Johan Duflou, Agata Chrzanowska, Michael Farrell, Julia Lappin, Amy Peacock
INTRODUCTION: In recent years gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) use appears to have increased. This study aimed to determine: (i) population rates of GHB-related death in Australia, 2001-2021; and (ii) whether there have been changes in the characteristics of GHB-related death in Australia over the period 2001-2023. METHODS: Retrospective study of all Australian cases in which GHB was a mechanism contributory to death retrieved from the National Coronial Information System (n = 217)...
September 5, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Emmanuel Kuntsche, Paula O'Brien, Dan Anderson-Luxford, Maree Patsouras, Benjamin C Riordan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 3, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Veronica Martin-Gall, Amanda Neil, Kate Macintyre, Sabah Rehman, Thuy Phuong Nguyen, Ben Harding, Seana Gall
ISSUES: Health policy makers worldwide have adopted evidence-based legislation, largely directed at consumers, to reduce tobacco-related harm. It is suggested that limiting supply by decreasing retail availability can also reduce cigarette smoking. To inform policy makers this systematic literature review assesses whether reducing availability is associated with smoking behaviours. APPROACH: Systematic literature searches of five databases were carried out up to January 2023...
September 3, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Zachary Lloyd, Samantha Colledge-Frisby, Nicholas Taylor, Michael Livingston, Marianne Jauncey, Amanda Roxburgh
INTRODUCTION: Supervised injecting facilities (SIF) have been shown to reduce negative outcomes experienced by people who inject drugs. They are often subject to intense public and media scrutiny. This article aimed to explore population attitudes to SIFs and how these changed over time in Australia. METHODS: Data were drawn from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, a national sample collecting data on illicit drug use and attitudes towards drug policy among Australians (2001-2019)...
September 2, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Jenna van Draanen, Addy Adwell, Courteney Wettemann, Callan Elswick Fockele, Brenda Goh, David L Perlmutter, Grover Will Williams, Nathan Holland, Tessa Frohe
INTRODUCTION: Emergency medical services (EMS) systems are piloting interventions to respond to overdoses with additional services such as leave-behind naloxone and medication for opioid use disorder, but little is known about the perspectives of people who use drugs (PWUD) on these interventions being delivered by EMS during an overdose response. METHODS: The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research guided the development of data collection tools, the analytic strategy and the organisation of results...
August 28, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Ludwig Kraus, Justin Möckl, Jakob Manthey, Pol Rovira, Sally Olderbak, Jürgen Rehm
INTRODUCTION: We aimed to assess: (i) trends in alcohol-specific - that is, fully attributable - morbidity and mortality in the German adult population aged 15-69 between 2000 and 2021; and (ii) changes in alcohol-attributable disease burden - that is, fully and partially alcohol-attributable categories - for 2006, 2012, 2018 and 2021. METHODS: Morbidity data was pulled from hospitalisation and rehabilitation statistics and mortality data was pulled from the causes of death registry...
August 28, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Siddhesh Zadey
INTRODUCTION: We retrospectively studied the societal value of lost health due to alcohol use and compared it with excise taxes on alcohol sales for India in 2019. METHODS: We estimated the overall alcohol-attributable disease burden using disability-adjusted life-years (DALY) for India and its 30 states for all causes with alcohol use as a risk factor from the GBD 2019 Study. The societal value of lost health was calculated using value of life-year (VLY) approach by multiplying region-specific factors from 'Global Health 2035', 2019-2020 GDP per capita and DALYs...
August 27, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Timothy Piatkowski, Ingrid Amalia Havnes, Emma Kill, Monica J Barratt
INTRODUCTION: Women who use drugs, particularly those using anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), encounter heightened social risks influenced by the legal status of AAS, varying regionally. In jurisdictions where AAS are legal, medical guidance and prescription are common, while in illegal regions, there are challenges associated with acquisition and safer usage. Therefore, we aimed to explore the experiences of women who use AAS in Australia, where these substances are criminalised, with a focus on the challenges they encounter in acquiring and using these drugs...
August 26, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Eleni Domzaridou, Thomas Allen, Matthew J Carr, Tim Millar, Roger T Webb, Darren M Ashcroft
INTRODUCTION: More evidence for patterns of healthcare utilisation and associated costs among people receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT) is needed. We investigated primary and secondary healthcare usage and costs among methadone and buprenorphine recipients in England. METHODS: We conducted a cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink GOLD and Aurum databases of patients who were prescribed OAT between 1 January 2007 and 31 July 2019. The cohort was linked to Hospital Episode Statistics admitted patient care, outpatient and emergency department data, neighbourhood- and practice-level Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles and mortality records...
August 23, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Thanh X Bui, Hieu K T Ngo, Giang T Vu, Qiuda Zheng, Dat M Nguyen, Tran Thi Thanh Hue, Vu Ngan Binh, Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh, Phong K Thai
INTRODUCTION: On 1 January 2020, Vietnam introduced a new law with harsher fines and penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. Reports of empty beer restaurants following this implementation suggested the new law has the potential to reduce population-level alcohol consumption. This pilot study aims to quantify short-term changes in alcohol consumption levels after the implementation of the new law and assess whether it could lead to a reduction in total alcohol consumption in the population...
August 23, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Parvati R Perman-Howe, John Holmes, Jamie Brown, Inge Kersbergen
INTRODUCTION: The impact of alcohol-free and low-alcohol (no/lo) drinks on public health and health inequalities depends on who consumes them and how they are consumed. This study aimed to estimate: (i) the proportions of adults in Great Britain who consume no/lo drinks at different frequencies and in different settings; and (ii) the associations between no/lo drink consumption and individual characteristics. METHOD: Pooled data (N = 7691) from four waves of a repeat cross-sectional survey on alcohol use completed in 2022-2023 by adults (16+) resident in Great Britain were analysed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression models...
August 21, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Claudia Zaugg, Mishka Terplan, Kieran Mailman, Sarah C M Roberts
INTRODUCTION: Little is known about reasons pregnant people self-treat health conditions and pregnancy-related symptoms with cannabis. METHODS: We administered a cross-sectional survey to 3571 pregnant and recently pregnant people from US population-based panels. Participants who used cannabis at some point during pregnancy were asked which health conditions or symptoms they used cannabis to treat and reasons they used cannabis for self-treatment. We explored differences in reasons for self-treatment by sociodemographics...
August 21, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Tazman Davies, Paula O'Brien, Jacqueline Bowden, Mark Petticrew, Simone Pettigrew
INTRODUCTION: We examined the prevalence of price promotions (i.e., proportion of products on price promotion) and the magnitude of price promotions (i.e., size of the price discount compared to the regular price) among online alcohol retailers. METHODS: In August 2023, we web-scraped product information for all alcoholic beverages available for sale in the online stores of two leading alcohol retailers in Sydney, Australia. Products were classified into five primary alcohol categories: wine, spirits, beer, cider and premix drinks...
August 21, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Jakob Manthey, Moritz Rosenkranz, Benjamin Jonas, Larissa Schwarzkopf
INTRODUCTION: The use of high-potency cannabis products is associated with an increased risk of mental disorders. This study investigates whether the rising THC concentration in Germany is associated with an increase in cannabis-related diagnoses. METHODS: The number of insured persons with at least one cannabis-related ICD-10 F12 diagnosis (e.g., harmful use, dependence) in outpatient care was provided by statutory health insurance funds between 2009 and 2021. The dependent variable is the ratio of (a) the number of insured persons with at least one F12 diagnosis to (b) all insured persons who have used cannabis in the last year...
August 20, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Rebekka Syrjanen, Martin Dutch, Shaun L Greene, Tom Lyons, Ginny McKinnon, Dimitri Gerostamoulos, Jennifer L Schumann
INTRODUCTION: Harm reduction strategies at music festivals seek to create a safer environment for patrons. The Emerging Drugs Network of Australia-Victoria (EDNAV) project is a state-wide toxicosurveillance network that derives drug intelligence from a sample of patients presenting to hospital with illicit drug-related toxicity. This publication describes the preliminary outcomes of conducting toxicosurveillance for critically unwell festival patrons within on-site medical facilities...
August 19, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Gabrielle Campbell, Nina Pocuca, Grace Newland, Rhiannon Ellem, Sophia Glasgow, Julie Dignan, Holly Stokes, Leanne Hides
INTRODUCTION: To examine and compare age groups on socio-demographic, substance use, mental health, social and risk behaviour profiles of people entering alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment in a large non-government organisation (NGO) in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. METHODS: Design-Cross-sectional study; analysis of baseline routine outcome measures (ROM) and AOD minimum datasets for drug and alcohol treatment services. Setting and participants-People enrolling in Lives Lived Well, a large NGO AOD service between November 2020 and October 2022...
August 19, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Nathalie Kools, Andrea D Rozema, Jeroen K Vermunt, Rob H L M Bovens, Dike van de Mheen, Jolanda J P Mathijssen
INTRODUCTION: Identifying subgroups of Temporary (alcohol) Abstinence Challenge (TAC) participants may offer opportunities to enhance intervention effectiveness. However, knowledge about such subgroups is missing. This study aimed to (i) describe a TAC population; (ii) identify subgroups of participants based on determinants of changes in drinking behaviour; and (iii) characterise subgroups in terms of sociodemographic and other characteristics. METHODS: Data from 3803 Dutch TAC participants were analysed to identify subgroups using three-step Latent Class Analysis...
August 18, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Matthew W R Stevens, Megan Cooper, Lynette Cusack, Robert L Ali, Chris Holmwood, Annette L Briley
INTRODUCTION: Screening for substance use during pregnancy is critical for enhancing maternal health and perinatal outcomes. However, disparities persist in screening and intervention rates within maternity services. This retrospective case note review explored contemporaneous practices around screening and interventions for substance use among pregnant women during routine antenatal care. METHODS: A random sample of 100 sets of maternity records were reviewed. Eligible cases included any woman attending initial pregnancy assessments at one of two South Australian metropolitan Hospital-based antenatal clinics, from July 2019-September 2020...
August 13, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Susan Evans, Barbara R Lucas, Lauren Ann Monds, Mark Montebello
INTRODUCTION: Developmental outcomes for children and young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are optimised if their needs are identified early. Yet, health workers miss vital opportunities to identify and respond to FASD due to a lack of support, knowledge and skills. METHODS: Through surveys and interviews, our study investigated what child and family health workers in an Australian metropolitan local health district understand, already do and want to learn about FASD...
August 13, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
Abdul Mannan Khan Minhas, Salim S Virani, Dmitry Abramov
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 12, 2024: Drug and Alcohol Review
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