Arkaprava Banerjee, Supratik Kar, Kunal Roy, Grace Patlewicz, Nathaniel Charest, Emilio Benfenati, Mark T D Cronin
This article aims to provide a comprehensive critical, yet readable, review of general interest to the chemistry community on molecular similarity as applied to chemical informatics and predictive modeling with a special focus on read-across (RA) and read-across structure-activity relationships (RASAR). Molecular similarity-based computational tools, such as quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) and RA, are routinely used to fill the data gaps for a wide range of properties including toxicity endpoints for regulatory purposes...
September 3, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Puck Roos, Caroline Anggasta, Aldert H Piersma, Peter J K van Meer, Peter T Theunissen
Embryofetal development (EFD) studies are performed to characterize risk of drugs in pregnant women and on embryofetal development. In line with the ICH S5(R3) guideline, these studies are generally conducted in one rodent and one non-rodent species, commonly rats and rabbits. However, the added value of conducting EFD studies in two species to risk assessment is debatable. In this study, rat and rabbit EFD studies were evaluated to analyze the added value of a second species. Information on rat and rabbit EFD studies conducted for human pharmaceuticals submitted for marketing authorization to the European Medicines Agency between 2004 and 2022 was collected from the database of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board, along with EFD studies conducted for known human teratogens...
August 2, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
James E Klaunig, Samuel M Cohen
Dieldrin is an organochlorine insecticide that was widely used until 1970 when its use was banned because of its liver carcinogenicity in mice. Several long-term rodent bioassays have reported dieldrin to induce liver tumors in in several strains of mice, but not in rats. This article reviews the available information on dieldrin liver effects and performs an analysis of mode of action (MOA) and human relevance of these liver findings. Scientific evidence strongly supports a MOA based on CAR activation, leading to alterations in gene expression, which result in increased hepatocellular proliferation, clonal expansion leading to altered hepatic foci, and ultimately the formation of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas...
July 30, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Rob J Vandebriel, Betty Hakkert, Jeroen L A Pennings, Laura H Rossi, Ingo Bichlmaier, Wieneke Bil
The European Union (EU) Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability regards chemicals that affect the immune system among the most harmful ones. The Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity study (EOGRTS; Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Test Guideline (TG) 443), addresses, among others, potential effects of chemicals on development. In specific cases, the EOGRTS is performed with addition of a so-called cohort 3, that addresses potential effects on the developing immune system, by means of a central assay measuring the T-cell dependent antibody response (TDAR)...
July 23, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Sarah Park, Edward Sidney Hunter
During its temporary tenure, the placenta has extensive and specialized functions that are critical for pre- and post-natal development. The consequences of chemical exposure in utero can have profound effects on the structure and function of pregnancy-associated tissues and the life-long health of the birthing person and their offspring. However, the toxicological importance and critical functions of the placenta to embryonic and fetal development and maturation have been understudied. This narrative will review early placental development in humans and highlight some in vitro models currently in use that are or can be applied to better understand placental processes underlying developmental toxicity due to in utero environmental exposures...
July 17, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
John W Steele, Vaishnav Krishnan, Richard H Finnell
Prescriptions for antiseizure medications (ASMs) have been rapidly growing over the last several decades due, in part, to an expanding list of clinical indications for which they are now prescribed. This trend has raised concern for potential adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in ASM-exposed pregnancies. Recent large scale population studies have suggested that the use of topiramate (TOPAMAX, Janssen-Cilag), when prescribed for seizure control, migraines, and/or weight management, is associated with an increased risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in exposed offspring...
July 12, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Robyn L Prueitt, Nicholas L Drury, Ross A Shore, Denali N Boon, Julie E Goodman
The potential carcinogenicity of talc has been evaluated in many studies in humans and experimental animals published in the scientific literature over the last several decades, with a number of these studies reporting no associations between talc exposure and any type of cancer. In order to fully understand the current state of the science regarding the potential for talc to induce human cancers, we conducted a comprehensive and systematic review of the available experimental animal and mechanistic evidence (in conjunction with a systematic review of the epidemiology evidence in a companion analysis) to evaluate whether it supports talc as being carcinogenic to humans...
July 9, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Michael Hellwig, Patrick Diel, Gerhard Eisenbrand, Tilman Grune, Sabine Guth, Thomas Henle, Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Hans-Georg Joost, Doris Marko, Jana Raupbach, Angelika Roth, Stefan Vieths, Angela Mally
The term "glycation compounds" comprises a wide range of structurally diverse compounds that are formed endogenously and in food via the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids. Glycation compounds produced endogenously are considered to contribute to a range of diseases. This has led to the hypothesis that glycation compounds present in food may also cause adverse effects and thus pose a nutritional risk to human health. In this work, the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) summarized data on formation, occurrence, exposure and toxicity of glycation compounds (Part A) and systematically assessed potential associations between dietary intake of defined glycation compounds and disease, including allergy, diabetes, cardiovascular and renal disease, gut/gastrotoxicity, brain/cognitive impairment and cancer (Part B)...
September 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Alison M Pecquet, Katy Bridgwood, David Cowie, Angela Hofstra, Yaoxing Wu, Sarah Whalley, Steven D Webb
In the risk assessment of agrochemicals, there has been a historical paucity of using data to refine the default adjustment factors, even though large datasets are available to support this. The current state of the science for addressing uncertainty regarding animal to human extrapolation (AFA ) is to develop a "data-derived" adjustment factor (DDEF) to quantify such differences, if data are available. Toxicokinetic (TK) and toxicodynamic (TD) differences between species can be utilized for the DDEF, with human datasets being ideal yet rare...
June 13, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Denali Boon, Julie E Goodman, Kyle J Colonna, Leon M Espira, Robyn L Prueitt
Over the past several decades, there have been many epidemiology studies on talc and cancer published in the scientific literature, and several reviews and meta-analyses of talc and respiratory, female reproductive, and stomach cancers, specifically. To help provide a resource for the evaluation of talc as a potential human carcinogen, we applied a consistent set of examination methods and criteria for all epidemiology studies that examined the association between talc exposure (by various routes) and cancers (of various types)...
June 13, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Gabriella Pacheco, André Luis Fernandes Lopes, Ana Patrícia de Oliveira, Wendson de Ribamar Machado Corrêa, Lucas Daniel Batista Lima, Marcellus Henrique Loiola Ponte de Souza, Ariel Soares Teles, Lucas Antonio Duarte Nicolau, Jand Venes Rolim Medeiros
During the COVID-19 pandemic, several drugs were repositioned and combined to quickly find a way to mitigate the effects of the infection. However, the adverse effects of these combinations on the gastrointestinal tract are unknown. We aimed investigate whether Hydroxychloroquine (HD), Azithromycin (AZ), and Ivermectin (IV) used in combination for the treatment of COVID-19, can lead to the development of gastrointestinal disorders. This is a systematic review and network meta-analysis conducted using Stata and Revman software, respectively...
June 11, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Samantha Hughes, Ellen V S Hessel
Despite the growing epidemiological evidence of an association between toxin exposure and developmental neurotoxicity (DNT), systematic testing of DNT is not mandatory in international regulations for admission of pharmaceuticals or industrial chemicals. However, to date around 200 compounds, ranging from pesticides, pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals, have been tested for DNT in the current OECD test guidelines (TG-443 or TG-426). There are calls for the development of new approach methodologies (NAMs) for DNT, which has resulted in a DNT testing battery using in vitro human cell-based assays...
June 4, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Sandra I Sulsky, Tracy Greene, P Robinan Gentry
To accurately characterize human health hazards, human, animal, and mechanistic data must be integrated and the relevance to the research question of all three lines of evidence must be considered. Mechanistic data are often critical to the full integration of animal and human data and to characterizing relevance and uncertainty. This novel evidence integration framework (EIF) provides a method for synthesizing data from comprehensive, systematic, quality-based assessments of the epidemiological and toxicological literature, including in vivo and in vitro mechanistic studies...
May 29, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Louis A Cox, William J Thompson, Kenneth A Mundt
INTRODUCTION: Causal epidemiology for regulatory risk analysis seeks to evaluate how removing or reducing exposures would change disease occurrence rates. We define interventional probability of causation (IPoC) as the change in probability of a disease (or other harm) occurring over a lifetime or other specified time interval that would be caused by a specified change in exposure, as predicted by a fully specified causal model. We define the closely related concept of causal assigned share (CAS) as the predicted fraction of disease risk that would be removed or prevented by a specified reduction in exposure, holding other variables fixed...
May 16, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Annick D van den Brand, Ellen V S Hessel, Rinus Rijk, Bianca van de Ven, Niels M Leijten, Emiel Rorije, Shalenie P den Braver-Sewradj
The use of bisphenol A (BPA), a substance of very high concern, is proposed to be banned in food contact materials (FCMs) in the European Union. To prevent regrettable substitution of BPA by alternatives with similar or unknown hazardous properties, it is of importance to gain the relevant toxicological information on potential BPA alternative substances and monitor them adequately. We created an inventory of over 300 substances mentioned as potential BPA alternatives in regulatory reports and scientific literature...
May 10, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Neva Jacobs, Daniel G Kougias, Fian Louie, Benjamin Roberts
Consumers are confronted with conflicting information regarding the safety of specific foods. For example, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes an annual consumer guide in which they rank the pesticide contamination of 46 popular fruits and vegetables, which includes designating the 12 with the greatest pesticide contamination as the "Dirty Dozen," to help consumers reduce exposures to toxic pesticides. However, consumer guides like EWG's only incorporate some hazard assessment principles and do not reflect a dietary risk assessment...
April 16, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Amal S A F Hafez, Fatma M Elgazzar, Zahraa K Sobh, Ahmad A El-Ebiary
Some studies suggested that gastrointestinal (GIT) decontamination with oil may improve the prognosis of patients who ingested aluminum phosphide (AlP). The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of gastric lavage with oil-based solutions to any method of gastric decontamination not using oils in patients presenting with acute AlP poisoning. The literature was searched for English-published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from inception to 16 September 2023. The searched electronic databases included MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Egyptian Knowledge Bank, Scopus, and Google Scholar...
April 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Robinan Gentry, Tracy Greene, Holly Bartow, Cynthia Van Landingham, Joseph Rodricks, Harvey Clewell
The Ramazzini Institute (RI) has been conducting animal carcinogenicity studies for decades, many of which have been considered by authoritative bodies to determine potential carcinogenicity in humans. Unlike other laboratories, such as the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), the RI does not provide a report or record of historical control data. Transparently documenting historical control data is critical in the interpretation of individual study results within the same laboratory. Historical control data allow an assessment of significant trends, either increasing or decreasing, resulting from changes in laboratory methods or genetic drift...
March 12, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Imen Benchikh, Kaddour Ziani, Antonio Gonzalez Mateos, Boumediène Méghit Khaled
Neonicotinoid pesticides are utilized against an extensive range of insects. A growing body of evidence supports that these neuro-active insecticides are classified as toxicants in invertebrates. However, there is limited published data regarding their toxicity in vertebrates and mammals. the current systematic review is focused on the up-to-date knowledge available for several neonicotinoid pesticides and their non-acute toxicity on rodents and human physiology. Oral lethal dose 50 (LD50 ) of seven neonicotinoids (i...
March 12, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
Evan A Frank, M E Bette Meek
Risk assessment of human health hazards has traditionally relied on experiments that use animal models. Although exposure studies in rats and mice are a major basis for determining risk in many cases, observations made in animals do not always reflect health hazards in humans due to differences in biology. In this critical review, we use the mode-of-action (MOA) human relevance framework to assess the likelihood that bronchiolar lung tumors observed in mice chronically exposed to styrene represent a plausible tumor risk in humans...
March 5, 2024: Critical Reviews in Toxicology
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