Francesco Di Leone, Gonzalo Blasi, Ettore Amerio, Cristina Valles, José Nart, Alberto Monje
BACKGROUND: A study was made to evaluate peri-implant conditions in compliers and erratic compliers with peri-implant maintenance therapy (PIMT), and to assess the role of site-specific confounders. METHODS: Erratic PIMT compliers (EC) were defined as presenting attendance < 2x/year, while regular compliers (RC) attended ≥ 2x/year. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were employed to perform a multivariable multilevel analysis in which the peri-implant condition was established as dependent variable...
July 12, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Bansari Shah, Himabindu Dukka, Sara Alhachache, Margaret Hill, Guo-Liang Cheng, Michael Sekula
BACKGROUND: Evidence on the etiology behind bone loss around submerged, prosthetically nonloaded implants is still limited. The long-term stability and success of implants with early crestal bone loss (ECBL), especially when placed as two-stage implants, is uncertain. Hence, the aim of this retrospective study is to analyze the potential patient-level, tooth- and implant-related factors for ECBL around osseointegrated, submerged implants, before restoration as compared with healthy implants with no bone loss...
July 12, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Melis Yilmaz, Ekin Yay, Nur Balci, Hilal Toygar, Basak Bolluk Kılıc, Ali Zirh, Carla Alvarez Rivas, Alpdogan Kantarci
BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PA) affects 1% of the global population above 60 years. PA pathogenesis involves severe neuroinflammation that impacts systemic and local inflammatory changes. We tested the hypothesis that PA is associated with periodontal tissue inflammation promoting a greater systemic inflammatory burden. METHODS: We recruited 60 patients with Stage III, Grade B periodontitis (P) with and without PA (n = 20 for each). We also included systemically and periodontally healthy individuals as controls (n = 20)...
July 11, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Gaetano Isola, Gianluca Martino Tartaglia, Simona Santonocito, Alessandro Polizzi, Ray C Williams, Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano
BACKGROUND: N-terminal portion of the B-type natriuretic propeptide (NT-proBNP) has potentially been shown to play an important role in the development of periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study evaluated the efficacy of periodontal treatment on NT-proBNP and related CVD biomarkers and explored whether subjects harboring high NT-proBNP at baseline showed increased clinical benefits with the non-surgical periodontal treatment performed with full-mouth scaling and root planing (FM-SRP) at 6-month follow-up...
July 11, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Daniel Diehl, Anton Friedmann, Hagen S Bachmann
BACKGROUND: Prenyltrasferases (PTases) are a class of enzymes known to be responsible for promoting posttranslational modification at the carboxyl terminus of proteins containing a so-called CaaX-motif. The process is responsible for proper membrane localization and the appropriate function of several intracellular signaling proteins. Current research demonstrating the pathomechanistic importance of prenylation in inflammatory illnesses emphasizes the requirement to ascertain the differential expression of PT genes under inflammatory settings, particularly in periodontal disease...
July 11, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Farah Asa'ad, Natalia Petrenya, Birgitta Jönsson, Gro Eirin Holde, Nils Oscarson, Elin Hadler-Olsen, Alexandre R Vieira, Max Petzold, Lena Larsson
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between periodontitis and four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes involved in epigenetic regulation of DNA, and between these same SNPs and tooth loss, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. METHODS: We included participants with periodontal examination (n = 3633, aged: 40-93 years) from the Tromsø Study seventh survey (2015-2016), Norway...
June 29, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Deniz Sunnetci-Akkoyunlu, Esra Guzeldemir-Akcakanat, Begum Alkan, Busra Gurel, V Merve Balta-Uysal, Emel Akgun, Ahmet Tarik Baykal, Vakur Olgac
BACKGROUND: Our previous study explored the molecular signatures of generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP) using gingival tissues through omics-based-whole-genome transcriptomic analysis. This continuation study aimed to investigate the whole protein profiling of these gingival samples through liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy/mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) analysis and to validate the identified proteins through immunohistochemistry to provide further evidence for the quality of the results...
June 18, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Emilio Couso-Queiruga, Clemens Raabe, Urs C Belser, Daniel Buser, Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Diogo Moreira Rodrigues, Vivianne Chappuis
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of different non-invasive methods for the assessment of peri-implant mucosal thickness. METHODS: Subjects with two adjacent dental implants in the central maxillary region were included in this study. Three different methods to assess facial mucosal thickness (FMT) were compared: digital file superimposition using Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) and stereolithography (STL) files of the arch of interest (DICOM-STL), DICOM files alone, and non-ionizing ultrasound (US)...
June 18, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Rana Badewy, Elaine Cardoso, Michael Glogauer, Michael Sgro, Kristin L Connor, Jim Yuan Lai, Richard P Bazinet, Howard C Tenenbaum, Amir Azarpazhooh
BACKGROUND: Periodontal diseases can negatively impact the oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) of pregnant women. This study investigates the association between maternal oral inflammatory load (OIL), sociodemographic characteristics, and the OHRQoL in postpartum women. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, breastfeeding mothers were recruited from St. Michael's hospital, Toronto within 2-4 weeks postpartum. Mothers were categorized into "Normal/low" and "High" OIL groups based on the absolute counts of oral polymorphonuclear neutrophils (oPMNs)...
June 16, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Serife Buket Bozkurt, Sema Sezgin Hakki, Alpdogan Kantarci
BACKGROUND: Resolvins are endogenous mediators of the resolution of inflammation. They are derived from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid precursors. Resolvin D1 (RvD1) and Resolvin E1 (RvE1) are the best-characterized members for actively promoting periodontal regeneration in experimental animal models. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of RvD1 and RvE1 on cementoblasts, the key cells involved in dental cementum regeneration and the attachment of the tooth to the alveolar bone. METHODS: Immortalized mouse cementoblasts (OCCM-30) were treated with different concentrations (0...
June 15, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Lorenzo Marini, Cristiano Tomasi, Rodolfo Gianserra, Filippo Graziani, Luca Landi, Mauro Merli, Luigi Nibali, Mario Roccuzzo, Nicola M Sforza, Maurizio S Tonetti, Federico Deli, Piero Papi, Bianca Di Murro, Mariana A Rojas, Andrea Pilloni
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and accuracy in the assignment of the case definitions of peri-implant health and diseases according to the 2018 Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions. METHODS: Ten undergraduate students, 10 general dentists, and 10 experts in implant dentistry participated in this study. All examiners were provided with clinical and radiographic documentation of 25 dental implants...
June 15, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Isaac Suzart Gomes-Filho, Taciane Oliveira Bet Freitas, Simone Seixas da Cruz, Soraya Castro Trindade, Ana Claudia Morais Godoy Figueiredo, Paulo Henrique Couto Souza, Eneida de Moraes Marcílio Cerqueira, Alexandre Marcelo Hintz, Daline Oliveira Carneiro, Juliana Andrade de Lacerda, Gregory John Seymour, Frank Andrew Scannapieco, Peter Michael Loomer, Johelle de Santana Passos-Soares
BACKGROUND: Dyslipidemia, a silent multifactorial condition, is characterized by changes in blood lipid levels, affecting all socioeconomic strata, increasing the risk for atherosclerotic diseases. This study investigated whether there is an association between dyslipidemia and the combined exposure of periodontitis plus the number of remaining teeth, gingival bleeding, or caries. METHODS: A two-center cross-sectional study was conducted involving 1270 individuals, with a minimum age of 18 years...
June 13, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Kara A Dunegan, David E Deas, Charles A Powell, Nikita B Ruparel, Georgios A Kotsakis, Brian L Mealey
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this randomized, controlled split-mouth study was to evaluate a videoscope as a visual adjunct to scaling and root planing when utilized in combination with minimally invasive surgery (MIS). METHODS: Twenty-five pairs (89 interproximal surfaces) of periodontally hopeless teeth planned for extraction were scaled and root planed with minimal surgical access using surgical loupes (control) or adjunctive use of a videoscope (test). Teeth were extracted with minimal trauma, stained with methylene blue, and photographed with a digital microscope for analysis...
June 8, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Yu-Rin Kim, Minkook Son, Seoul-Hee Nam
BACKGROUND: Bacteria involved in chronic periodontal disease induce inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines can enter the brain through systemic circulation and cause depression. In this study, we investigated the association between depressed mood and chronic periodontitis in older adults in Korea. METHODS: This study used data from the Life-changing Period Health Checkup (2007-2008), performed only at 66 years of age, which is available from the National Health Insurance Service-Senior Cohort Database...
June 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Zoheir Alayash, Sebastian-Edgar Baumeister, Stefan Lars Reckelkamm, Birte Holtfreter, Thomas Kocher, Hansjörg Baurecht, Benjamin Ehmke, Michael Nolde
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to examine the association between total body bone mineral density (BMD) and periodontitis using Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We used 81 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with BMD at a p-value of < 5 × 10-8 from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 66,628 individuals of European descent. The GWAS for periodontitis was derived from a meta-analysis of seven cohort studies that included 17,353 cases and 28,210 controls of European ancestry...
June 2023: Journal of Periodontology
Yann Gager, Jonas Koppe, Ina Vogl, Jörg Gabert, Holger Jentsch
UNLABELLED: Antibiotic resistance genes are widespread in periodontal pockets and are likely to affect negatively the success of antibiotic therapy. BACKGROUND: Antibiotic resistance is emerging as a global public threat. However, it remains poorly investigated in the context of periodontal therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate the complete diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in a German population. METHODS: Thirty-nine volunteers with periodontitis contributed to the present study with one to four periodontal pockets for a total of 124 subgingival samples...
May 31, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
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May 23, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
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May 23, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
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May 23, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
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May 23, 2023: Journal of Periodontology
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