Katsunori Kuratsune, Taeko Ueda, Ryosuke Tajiri, Atsushi Tohyama, Kaori Hoshino, Hiroshi Harada, Tomoko Kurita, Chisachi Kubo, Kazuki Komatsu, Eisuke Shiba, Yusuke Matsuura, Kiyoshi Yoshino
Adenocarcinoma, HPV-independent, mesonephric type (hereafter referred to as "mesonephric carcinoma") arising from the cervix is rare, its treatment has not been established, and its sensitivity to chemotherapy has not been fully investigated. Here we report on a 30-year-old female patient who presented at our hospital with a chief complaint of abnormal genital bleeding. We suspected cervical cancer. Based on examination, biopsy, and imaging, she was diagnosed with stage IIA2 adenocarcinoma of the cervix and was scheduled for surgery...
2024: Journal of UOEH