Nicholas M Studer, Jason R Pickett, C J Winckler, William R Smith, Andrew P Cap, Cord W Cunningham
The use of whole blood in the prehospital setting is increasing. Currently available intraosseous and peripheral venous catheters limit the flow of blood products and fluid during resuscitation. Central venous catheters can be effectively placed in the prehospital environment. Rapid, high-volume infusion of blood products can be lifesaving.
August 30, 2024: Transfusion
Luke J Matzek, Andrew C Hanson, Phillip J Schulte, Kimberly D Cureton, Daryl J Kor, Matthew A Warner
BACKGROUND: Evaluations of critical bleeding and massive transfusion have focused on traumatic hemorrhage. However, most critical bleeding in hospitalized patients occurs outside trauma. The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth description examining the critical administration threshold (CAT; ≥3 units red blood cells (RBCs) in a 1-h period) occurrences in nontraumatic hemorrhage. This will assist in establishing the framework for future investigations in nontraumatic hemorrhage...
August 29, 2024: Transfusion
Yvette C Tanhehco
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 27, 2024: Transfusion
Yasmin Mowat, Bridget Haire, Barbara Masser, Veronica Hoad, Anita Heywood, Rachel Thorpe, Hamish McManus, John Kaldor, Skye McGregor
BACKGROUND: Currently in Australia, men are deferred from donating blood if they have had sex with another man within the past 3  months. However, a proposed gender-neutral assessment (GNA) process will ask all donors questions about sex with new or multiple recent partners, with deferral based on responses to a question about anal sex. Understanding the acceptability of such questions among existing and potential blood donors is paramount for successful implementation of GNA...
August 27, 2024: Transfusion
Elizabeth S Allen, Laura D Stephens, Nesinee Weber, Aleah L Brubaker, Ken Hudson, Victor Pretorius, Gabriel Schnickel, Patricia M Kopko
BACKGROUND: Normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) and normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) are organ procurement and transport techniques that can improve organ quality, facilitate longer transport, and reduce postoperative complications, increasing organ availability and improving outcomes. NRP and NMP often require allogeneic red blood cells (RBCs). Our academic transfusion service began providing RBCs to support NRP and NMP for adult heart transplant (HT), orthotopic liver transplant (OLT), and multiorgan transplant (MOT) in August 2020...
August 24, 2024: Transfusion
Vanessa C Marsano, Dirk Hasenclever, Reinhard Henschler
BACKGROUND: The management of blood supply depends, among other factors, on the effective remobilization of first-time donors (FTDs). This study investigates the efficacy of telephone calls to increase second donation rates. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted on 418 first-time blood donors. In the telephone group (TG, n = 206), men were contacted 9-10 and women 13-14 weeks after their first donation. They were asked about satisfaction and intention to return, and offered an appointment...
August 20, 2024: Transfusion
Lindsey K Durowoju, Rida A Hasan, John R Hess, Daniel E Sabath, Andrew Bryan, Monica B Pagano, Hamilton C Tsang
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August 19, 2024: Transfusion
Sıdıka Gülkan Özkan, Ali Kimiaei, Seyedehtina Safaei, Tarık Ercan, Meral Sönmezoğlu, Gülderen Yanıkkaya Demirel, Sema Aktaş, Sinem Özdemir, Helin Serda Özalp, Hasan Atilla Özkan
BACKGROUND: Peripheral blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are widely used for various adult stem cell transplants. To obtain sufficient HSCs from healthy volunteer donors during the apheresis process and ensure that the donors are exposed to fewer apheresis-related side effects, calculation methods have been developed for the prediction of processed blood volume or CD34+ count. However, there is no consensus on a formula to predict the volume of blood to be processed or the number of stem cells to be obtained...
August 17, 2024: Transfusion
(no author information available yet)
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August 17, 2024: Transfusion
(no author information available yet)
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August 16, 2024: Transfusion
Yongkui Kong, Ming Shao, Huifang Jin, Qiankun Yang, Xianping Lyu
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August 16, 2024: Transfusion
Frederik Banch Clausen, Alberte Aspaas Lundquist, Emil Urhammer, Leif Kofoed Nielsen, Klaus Rieneck
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August 15, 2024: Transfusion
Bobbie Pelham-Webb, Yin Guo, Alejandra Ramirez, Evan Waldron, Valentina Emmanuele, Wendy Vargas, Justine Kahn, Elizabeth F Stone
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a rare and understudied transfusion reaction most commonly seen in adult females after correction of chronic, severe anemia. Transfusion-associated RCVS (TA-RCVS) typically presents with thunderclap headaches and one or more systemic (hypertension, nausea/vomiting) or neurologic (seizure, stroke, visual changes) symptoms within a week after red blood cell transfusion. Treatment of RCVS is based on blood pressure control; a recent study suggested that early use of nimodipine could shorten the disease course...
August 14, 2024: Transfusion
J Karregat, A Meulenbeld, J Abubakar, F A Quee, K van den Hurk
INTRODUCTION: Whole blood donors are at increased risk for iron deficiency (ID). ID anemia is associated with several symptoms, such as fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, pica, and restless leg syndrome (RLS). However, it is unclear if these symptoms also occur when a donor has developed ID without anemia. This study aims to determine whether non-anemic ID (NAID) is associated with the occurrence of ID-related symptoms. STUDY DESIGNS AND METHODS: We combined data from three studies in whole blood donors (i...
August 14, 2024: Transfusion
Cyril Jacquot, Tahirah Jones, Burak Bahar, Julia Cabacar, Jennifer Webb, Yunchuan Delores Mo, Antoine Tavares da Souza, Meghan Delaney
BACKGROUND: Balanced plasma/red blood cell transfusions have shown survival benefit in emergency scenarios. To improve plasma availability, we implemented 5-day group A thawed plasma at our pediatric hospital in February 2021. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We maintain thawed group A plasma units (5-day shelf-life) ready for immediate issue in the blood bank (since February 2021) and trauma code room (since August 2022). Group A plasma (un-titered) is issued for patients with unknown blood type during emergencies...
August 13, 2024: Transfusion
Eric A Gehrie, Pampee P Young, Sridhar V Basavaraju, Arthur W Bracey, Andrew P Cap, Liz Culler, Nancy M Dunbar, Mary Homer, Iris Isufi, Rob Macedo, Tanya Petraszko, Glenn Ramsey, Christopher A Tormey, Richard M Kaufman, Edward L Snyder
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August 12, 2024: Transfusion
Marie-Pier Domingue, Sheila F O'Brien, Yves Grégoire, Marion C Lanteri, Susan L Stramer, Félix Camirand Lemyre, Antoine Lewin
BACKGROUND: Combining pathogen reduction technology (PRT) with blood screening may alleviate concerns over the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI) and support changes in blood donor selection to potentially increase blood availability. This study aimed to estimate the residual risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) transfusion-transmission in Canada after implementing PRT, while eliminating deferrals for sexual risk behaviors...
August 10, 2024: Transfusion
Frédérique Dufour-Gaume, Vénétia Cardona, Audrey Bordone, Florent Montespan, Philippe Vest, Anne-Margaux Legland, Nadira Frescaline, Nicolas Prat
BACKGROUND: Hemorrhagic shock is well documented as a leading cause of preventable fatalities among military casualties. During military operations plasma can be transfused while waiting for whole blood. This study was conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of two new freeze-dried plasma formulations in a porcine model of traumatic hemorrhagic shock. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In the face of species-specific transfusion, transfusible blood products were derived from porcine sources...
August 9, 2024: Transfusion
(no author information available yet)
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August 8, 2024: Transfusion
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