Pierluigi Ciet
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September 2024: Radiology
Jing Han, Min Lin, Qingguang Lin, Ruohan Guo, Ying Liao, Zhiming Wu, Yunlin Ye, Zhixing Guo, Kai Yao, Lingling Li, Jianhua Zhou
Background Contrast-enhanced US (CEUS) can be used preoperatively for evaluating muscle invasion in bladder cancer, which is important for determining appropriate treatment. However, diagnostic criteria for assessing this at CEUS have not been standardized. Purpose To develop and validate a CEUS Vesical Imaging Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) for evaluating muscle invasion in bladder cancer. Materials and Methods This single-center prospective study consecutively enrolled patients with suspected bladder cancer...
September 2024: Radiology
Jérémy Dana, Simon Gauvin, Maxime Ronot, Jules Grégory
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September 2024: Radiology
Zuzanna Anna Magnuska, Rijo Roy, Moritz Palmowski, Matthias Kohlen, Brigitte Sophia Winkler, Tatjana Pfeil, Peter Boor, Volkmar Schulz, Katja Krauss, Elmar Stickeler, Fabian Kiessling
Background US is clinically established for breast imaging, but its diagnostic performance depends on operator experience. Computer-assisted (real-time) image analysis may help in overcoming this limitation. Purpose To develop precise real-time-capable US-based breast tumor categorization by combining classic radiomics and autoencoder-based features from automatically localized lesions. Materials and Methods A total of 1619 B-mode US images of breast tumors were retrospectively analyzed between April 2018 and January 2024...
September 2024: Radiology
Paolo Spinnato
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September 2024: Radiology
Mishal Mendiratta-Lala, Philipp Wiggermann, Maciej Pech, Xavier Serres-Créixams, Sarah B White, Clifford Davis, Osman Ahmed, Neehar D Parikh, Mathis Planert, Maximilian Thormann, Zhen Xu, Zachary Collins, Govindarajan Narayanan, Guido Torzilli, Clifford Cho, Peter Littler, Tze Min Wah, Luigi Solbiati, Timothy J Ziemlewicz
Background Histotripsy is a nonthermal, nonionizing, noninvasive, focused US technique that relies on cavitation for mechanical tissue breakdown at the focal point. Preclinical data have shown its safety and technical success in the ablation of liver tumors. Purpose To evaluate the safety and technical success of histotripsy in destroying primary or metastatic liver tumors. Materials and Methods The parallel United States and European Union and England #HOPE4LIVER trials were prospective, multicenter, single-arm studies...
September 2024: Radiology
Refky Nicola, Linda C Chu
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September 2024: Radiology
David L Lerner
The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of 1992 is intended to ensure that mammography practice nationwide meets consistent baseline quality standards. Amendments to the MQSA implementing regulations ("Amendments") were published on March 10, 2023, and are effective on September 10, 2024. The Amendments address various aspects of the program, including mammography technology, enforcement, the retention and transfer of personnel records and medical records, the medical outcomes audit, and mammography reporting, including (but not limited to) reporting of breast tissue density...
September 2024: Radiology
Laurent Milot
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September 2024: Radiology
Toulsie Ramtohul, Victoire Lepagney, Claire Bonneau, Maxime Jin, Emmanuelle Menet, Juliette Sauge, Enora Laas, Emanuela Romano, Diana Bello-Roufai, Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, Anne Vincent Salomon, François-Clément Bidard, Adriana Langer, Caroline Malhaire, Luc Cabel, Hervé J Brisse, Anne Tardivon
Background Neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy (NACI) has significantly increased the rate of pathologic complete response (pCR) in patients with early-stage triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), although predictors of response to this regimen have not been identified. Purpose To investigate pretreatment perfusion MRI-based radiomics as a predictive marker for pCR in patients with TNBC undergoing NACI. Materials and Methods This prospective study enrolled women with early-stage TNBC who underwent NACI at two different centers from August 2021 to July 2023...
September 2024: Radiology
Francis Deng
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September 2024: Radiology
Gaiane M Rauch
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September 2024: Radiology
Nolan Hayden, Spencer Gilbert, Laila M Poisson, Brent Griffith, Chad Klochko
Background Recent advancements, including image processing capabilities, present new potential applications of large language models such as ChatGPT (OpenAI), a generative pretrained transformer, in radiology. However, baseline performance of ChatGPT in radiology-related tasks is understudied. Purpose To evaluate the performance of GPT-4 with vision (GPT-4V) on radiology in-training examination questions, including those with images, to gauge the model's baseline knowledge in radiology. Materials and Methods In this prospective study, conducted between September 2023 and March 2024, the September 2023 release of GPT-4V was assessed using 386 retired questions (189 image-based and 197 text-only questions) from the American College of Radiology Diagnostic Radiology In-Training Examinations...
September 2024: Radiology
Nariman Nezami, Christos Georgiades
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September 2024: Radiology
Hannah Williams, Dana M Omer, Hannah M Thompson, Sabrina T Lin, Floris S Verheij, Joao Miranda, Jonathan B Yuval, James Buckley, Michael R Marco, Li-Xuan Qin, David A Dombroski, Rajendra Kedar, Aytekin Oto, Elena Korngold, Joseph C Veniero, Sunil Gandhi, Arun Krishnaraj, Minal Jagtiani, Kirk Ohanian, Dan Vu, Thomas A Hope, Sonia Lee, Ashish P Wasnik, Nikhil Madhuripan, Marc J Gollub, Julio Garcia-Aguilar
Background MRI plays a crucial role in restaging locally advanced rectal cancer treated with total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT); however, prospective studies have not evaluated its ability to accurately select patients for nonoperative management. Purpose To evaluate the ability of restaging MRI to predict oncologic outcomes and identify imaging features associated with residual disease (RD) after TNT. Materials and Methods This was a secondary analysis of the Organ Preservation in Rectal Adenocarcinoma (OPRA) trial, which randomized participants from April 2014 to March 2020 with stages II or III rectal adenocarcinoma to undergo either induction or consolidation TNT...
September 2024: Radiology
Marianna Zagurovskaya
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September 2024: Radiology
Mark Wang, Thuy Le, David A Leswick
Background Podcasts have become an increasingly popular method of communicating information in medicine, including in radiology. However, the effect of podcasts on the reach of journal articles remains unclear. Purpose To evaluate the influence of Radiology podcasts on the performance metrics, including downloads, citations, and Altmetric Attention Score (AAS), of Radiology articles. Materials and Methods This was a retrospective study. All articles published in the print version of Radiology from January 2021 to December 2022 were reviewed; editorials and case reports were excluded...
September 2024: Radiology
Akinori Hata, Kota Aoyagi, Takuya Hino, Masami Kawagishi, Noriaki Wada, Jiyeon Song, Xinan Wang, Vladimir I Valtchinov, Mizuki Nishino, Yohei Muraguchi, Minoru Nakatsugawa, Akihiro Koga, Naoki Sugihara, Masahiro Ozaki, Gary M Hunninghake, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Yi Li, David C Christiani, Hiroto Hatabu
Background It is increasingly recognized that interstitial lung abnormalities (ILAs) detected at CT have potential clinical implications, but automated identification of ILAs has not yet been fully established. Purpose To develop and test automated ILA probability prediction models using machine learning techniques on CT images. Materials and Methods This secondary analysis of a retrospective study included CT scans from patients in the Boston Lung Cancer Study collected between February 2004 and June 2017...
September 2024: Radiology
Thomas H Helbich, Panagiotis Kapetas
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Radiology
Cristina Agostinis, Elide Lupi
A 45-year-old female patient with diffuse osteoarticular pain, particularly low back pain, was referred by a rheumatologist for an updated radiologic evaluation. The patient had experienced these symptoms for many years and was diagnosed with human leukocyte antigen B27-negative spondyloarthritis approximately 11 years prior, based on findings of bilateral erosive sacroiliitis at pelvic radiography and bone scintigraphy with technetium 99m (99m Tc) methylene diphosphonate. After 3 years of treatment with a tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor (adalimumab), which was effective for pain, the patient was lost to follow-up...
August 2024: Radiology
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