Jigar Patel, Rajesh Thosani, Jignesh Kothari, Pankaj Garg, Himani Pandya
BACKGROUND: The current era of fast-track extubation and faster recovery after cardiac surgery requires agents that provide perioperative sedation, suppress sympathetic response, reduce opioid requirement, and maintain hemodynamic stability. METHODS: In a prospective randomized double-blind study, 75 off-pump coronary artery bypass patients were divided into 3 groups of 25 each: group A had clonidine 1 µg·kg(-1), group B had clonidine 1 µg·kg(-1) and ketamine 1 mg·kg(-1), and group C had a saline placebo...
September 2016: Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals
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